Wednesday, January 21, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: Some of our friends who traverse Central Boulevard on a daily basis were  wondering why the banner signs displayed across the street tend to remain up so long after the event has c0ome and gone. Just today we go these two banners announcing the "Green Christmas" event scheduled for December 13, 2014 at the Resaca State Park just west of the city toward San Pedro. For some reason or other, signs like these are forgotten after they are strung across the street, much to the amusement of our friends from up north or McAllen.
It may seem like an oversight, but really, it's par for the course. The photo of the banners announcing the Charro Days was taken about a month after the event last year and remained hanging on the old federal courthouse (now City Hall) for days and weeks after it happened. Other an than perhaps they liked the banners, perhaps the reason may be that it was simply overlooked like the plywood boards that were put on Market Square in preparation for a tropical storm and left there until the spring when the boards were already decaying. There is, we sure, some logic to the madness that some city bureaucrat could explain. To us it looks like someone just plain forgot to take them down or knew they were up but lacked the initiative to do their job.)     


Anonymous said...

ita like the campaign signs that are forgotten. supposedly there is a city ordinance but no one enforces it. all the candidate has to say is "I didnt put it up or i didnt know it was there"

Anonymous said...

Looks like pics from La Havana. Ooops, from Bro. Tx. !
