He labored mightily but at the end he succeeded.

Rodriguez and Peña had been fuming since the last meeting when a majority of the board (including Peña) voted to extend the contract of current BISD superintendent Carl Montoya by a 4-2 vote.
Those trustees voting to extend the sup's contract for six more months to June 2016 were Otis Powers, Catalina Presas-Garcia, Peña and Carlos Elizondo.
Those voting against were Jose Hector Chirinos and Joe Rodriguez. Cesar Lopez was absent from the meeting.
Nearing the deadline to submit agenda items Wednesday noon, Rodriguez had gotten a "nay" from Catalina Presas-Garcia and Caros Elizondo to give Joe Rod the third signature and Chirinos jumped on the bandwagon.
Apparently, after Peña found out that Rodriguez was of another mind as was Chirinos and Lopez, she sought to bring back the item to reconsider the extension.
When the disaffected members found out that Powers and the superintendent had signed the contract extension instead of bringing the item back on the agenda, they decided – with the blessing of board counsel and eighth board member Baltazar Salazar – to do the next best thing; replace Powers and elect new board members.
What other plans they have (maybe reconsider the extension?) is yet to be determined. But once the new officers are seated, get ready for the ride.
Sources say that Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Bertha Peña, Employee Benefits/Risk Mgmt. Judy Cuellar, Assistant Superintendent Support Services Sylvia Atkinson, and Rosie Peña, in purchasing, are in the insurgents' sights.
This bunch is moving pretty fast to take control of jobs, insurance contracts, purchasing and staff assignments. In fact, they may be moving a bit too fast for some.
These trustees might just want to consider that the disruption of the district that will ensue as a result of this upheaval might come back home to roost on election time, or raise the curiosity of some watchful law enforcement eyes.

Additionally, Chirinos oversaw the department which accrued over $2 million in unjustified overtime, making him the darling of the bus drivers' union.
Those two will be joined by Cesar Lopez, the former purchasing agent for the Mercedes ISD who is now a member of the Texas Buy Board, which chooses which vendors the district buys supplies and other services from.
And, of course, Miss Popularity Peña – guileless and challenged – is in hog heaven when sycophants make over her whispering flattering sweet nothings in her ear while the burglars are running out the back of the house laden with loot.
Like we said, if you thought the coup d'etat in Yemen was ugly, hold on to your wallet.
Cesar was absent again? Does he attend any meetings? it seems he only attends when some of his cronies will benefit from him being there. All those that voted for him, your vote is silent...
Césa is on the take. He has large gorilla greasy palms. Se hace pendejo en no asistir a los Board Meetings.
Not surprising that child molester supporter of Minerva Pena in bed with five finger theif, Joe Rodriguez? Crooks can always smell other crooks!
CC watcher? Is that you Hammerman? You remember you tried to tamper with witnesses on a case with he said she said evidence? One day you will answer for your unethical,illegal manner of handling your cases.
The CC Watcher has now joined with Naco Power. He has seen the light and has been over the Mountain.
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