A majority of the board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District has elected trustee Minerva Peña as its new president at Tuesday night's meeting, ousting Otis Powers from that position.

BISD observers predicted this would happen after Rodriguez and Peña were able to get Chirinos to give the the third vote to include an item reorganizing the board.
Rodriguez and Peña had been fuming since the last meeting when a majority of the board (including Peña) voted to extend the contract of current BISD superintendent Carl Montoya by a 4-2 vote.
Those trustees voting to extend the sup's contract for six more months to June 2016 were Otis Powers, Catalina Presas-Garcia, Peña and Carlos Elizondo.
Those voting against were Jose Hector Chirinos and Joe Rodriguez. Cesar Lopez was absent from the meeting.
Nearing the deadline to submit agenda items Wednesday noon, Rodriguez had gotten a "nay" from Catalina Presas-Garcia and Carlos Elizondo to give Joe Rod the third signature and Chirinos jumped on the bandwagon.
Apparently, after Peña found out that Rodriguez was of another mind as was Chirinos and Lopez, she sought to bring back the item to reconsider the extension.
When the disaffected members found out that Powers and the superintendent had signed the contract extension instead of bringing the item back on the agenda, they decided – with the blessing of board counsel and eighth board member Baltazar Salazar – to do the next best thing; replace Powers and elect new board members.

Sources say that Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Bertha Peña, Employee Benefits/Risk Mgmt. Judy Cuellar, Assistant Superintendent Support Services Sylvia Atkinson, and Rosie Peña, in purchasing, are in the insurgents' sights.
This bunch is moving pretty fast to take control of jobs, insurance contracts, purchasing and staff assignments. In fact, they may be moving a bit too fast for some.
These trustees might just want to consider that the disruption of the district that will ensue as a result of this upheaval might come back home to roost on election time, or raise the curiosity of some watchful law enforcement eyes.
It's noteworthy to note that Rodriguez has been on the BISD vendor list for years selling sports equipment. It is not far-fetched to think that with the pliant Minnie Peña as board president he will get the full run of the store. As for Chirinos, well, internal audits and the forensic audit found that he had been the vendors' sugar daddy when he was the director of the BISD Transportation Dept. The audits found that thousands of dollars in materials and supplies were missing, that he had purchased so many tires and other bus supplies and had them in storage so long that they deteriorated in the warehouse and had to be thrown away because they were unsafe to use on the buses. The district ate those losses.

Those two were rejoined in the voting to oust Powers – who supported him against Lucy Longoria in the last election – and who is also a member of the Texas Buy Board, which chooses which vendors the district buys supplies and other services from.
So much for political loyalty.
And, of course, Miss Popularity Peña – guileless and challenged – is in hog heaven when sycophants make over her whispering flattering sweet nothings in her ear while the burglars are running out the back of the house laden with loot. The inmates are now in charge of the asylum.
The fix was in. Hold on for the ride.
Big fucking deal, small, piss ant, border town, pocho infighting for the only spoils in town, can't make this shit up. More to be pitied than laughed at. The only way to correct the idiocy is not allow anyone born in Brownsville to serve in a public capacity, period. Until then, Clooney the Clown is back. Nepotism and cronyism are the grease that allow the feeble machine to spit out jobs for which none of these people are qualified. Another possibility is to just have Austin run the place.
And they are all about children?
Ratas de dos patas!
The double digit IQ is in charge. What a shame.
Are they going to hire Johnny Pineda as superintendent?
Way to go Minerva!! Keep them in line!
Did you all see how the ugliest woman in BISD cannot contend her anger, and name calling?
Karma is a bitch.....
what a mess that this happened. thought mr. lopez was a friend of mr. powers. well karma will bite those 4 now. everybody will be watching for now on. the board was fine and they should have not reorganized last night. yes it will be an interesting one from here on out. 2016 around the corner. hope a lot of ppl will file to run against chirinos and pena.
Saw part of the meeting on channel 17 last night. It is just shameful how these people conduct themselves in public. The new "president" acts as she knows everything while she probably knows nothing, the former president acts like I know nothing of this mess so the public is not going to blame me but blame you for it, I am just another victim (NOT). My question to TEA, they have gone to other districts in the valley and discovered their wishy washy dirt, WHY ARE THE TAKING SO LONG to investigate BISD?
Voters in BISD are now regretting their selection! What did the voter expect when you vote for a corrupted ex-DPS officer who has power hungry issues. You have a money grubbing thief in Joe Rodriguez siding with that fugly pig in Pena. Crooks recognize crooks!
Wow!! Wow!
No comments here????
Yes there are over 15 comments, but since they are all good and pro Minerva, you don't post them. HA HA HA!!!!
Did you all see how the ugliest woman in BISD (now with black hair extensions) can't hardly contained herself? My my I think she can benefit from some anger management classes. Karma is a bitch!!!! Isn't it???
Nacolandia at its Best !
This is a big deal. BISD has control of millions of tax dollars and is supposed to educate our children. Too many "Trustees" seek election to line their pockets with tax dollars; and pay little attention to the education of our kids. Too often the board takes care of teachers (who can vote) and fail to address the academic needs of out students (who cannot vote). The BISD Board of Trustees has historically been a corrupt bunch of idiots....can we even hope Minerva is a change?????
Do you have that pearl neckless in a triple-chin?
No wonder you recognize them.....
Yes. She's honest and will work for the betterment of the children, not like THE ONES WHO SUED TO GET THE CHILDREN'ST $$$$$
Line their "bolsillos" with coins? As LaPalin would say, "goodness gracious" bless the T-Party.
Cesar es un borracho
nunca va a las juntas
y cuando va la riega
Wow!! Caty, you recognized them!! Means you must be one of them......
Mr. Montoya, do you have any OTHER picture of that lady? (the new so called BISD board president). She looks so "fake" and the other one where she is talking to some guy outside the courthouse it looks as if both pics where taken on the same day. I dont know any of these people but they just give this negative vibe.
Folks BISD is a half a billion dollar $$$$$$ plus operation so lets not kid ourselves that this is chicken feed because its not. Hope that the trustees do their job well so it can benefit the children of the school district and not their own trustee's pockets. Half a billion is a lot of macaroni. cca
Césa will be extending his long chimpanzee arm when the group insurance goes out for bids. You are talking about a $50,000,000 bid.
Petunia for mayor !
Minerva, wow!! que J Lo que nada!!! I've seen her, WOW!!!
You've seen her in the Porky Pigg cartoons. She looks terrific.. WOW !
Porky Pigg Cartons, nope, not at all. Dude, I am not joking, i am being seriuos. Just see her from the back, wow!! now those are curves.
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