Push will come to shove this coming April 10 when the cases of Liliana Cantu, Maria Silguero and Vanessa Weaver (Mercado) come to trial before 103rd District Judge Janet Leal.
All three cases deal with bribery and all three case are alleged to have happened in Pct.2, Place 2 Justice of the Peace Erin Garcia Hernandez's court.

The charge does not indicate in which of the two then-existing Brownsville JP courts the sentence for community service originated.
Those offenses are also alleged to have taken place in Garcia-Hernandez's court.
But by far, the most serious charges against Cantu, Silguero and Weaver (Mercado) have to do with them alleging to have agreed to have made or accepted payments in return for a favorable decision in a judicial proceeding by Garcia Hernandez.
In the case of Cantu, Garcia-Hernandez's former court clerk, the charge reads that she "intentionally or knowingly accept or agree to accept a benefit, other than a political contribution...to wit: a cash payment, from Vanessa Mercado, as consideration for a favorable decision in a judicial proceeding to wit: pending civil court case(s)..."
The bribery charge against Silguero charges she made a "cash payment to Liliana Cantu for Justice of the Peace Erin Garcia as a public servant...for a favorable disposition of a pending court case.
The bribery charge against Weaver is identical to Mercado's and states she made a ""cash payment to Liliana Cantu for Justice of the Peace Erin Garcia as a public servant...concerning favorable outcome of a pending court case."
When the news of the charges against her were first announced, Cantu's friends wrote this blog that she wasn't going to go down alone.
They said that she was ready to tell all if the DA's office tries to prosecute her on the charges and is not afraid where the chips may fall.
"You all should get your facts straight," Cantu wrote this blog. "I never ever touched money. I never stole anything, but now that investigators are on everyone's case I will clean my name and heads will roll from several offices," she wrote.
"I am not hiding, everyone better well remember my name from Constables office, to JP 2-1 and JP2-2. I was accused not of stealing but of a non-approved community service...Hold up ladies and gentleman, there will be a grand finale and the real rats will be exposed.
I NEVER ROBBED! But I know who is been doing it and now that I have nothing to loose I will fight to clear my name...No, people, Mrs. Garcia didn't report 'the wrong doing' I know who did and why."
Will justice be served or have deals already been made? I hope the judge does throw the book at them and not make any deals, strip them of their retirement and throw them in jail and not a slap on the wrist. I will be watching this to see how these judge handles these cases.
I'm not surprised lily did this. She's a thief. ..anybody who knows her...knows that.
Liliana cantu es una rata buen echa.
Hey Juan, I am going to start getting a jail cell ready for Erin. Do you know what size of clothes she wears so I can order her outfits? I think "M" but not for medium, "M" for marrana.
Remember this people....The plaintiffs paid lily cantu. ..The judge ruled for the defendant in the case. This was all Lily's scheme and it blew up in her fat as a face.
The only one going to jail here is Lily Cantu....order her as triple xxx jumpers
Juan..let me tell you...The botch up to her eyeballs in all this shit is griselda....Linda Salazar old court coordinator. Now that botch works for princess Mary ester...pinche bola De ratas
F U G L Y !!!!!!!!
You know something Jmon, Erin should start charging you a cut from all the writings you do on her. .....just saying!
What happen Erin? She was your best friend. You would eat out of the same plate next time listen to smart people.
All.... the.... comments.... that.... look.... like.... this.... are.... written.... by.... Erin....
She has poor grammar skills and her family sends her stuff so she can proofread because she is the smart one in the family. Como estaran los otros pendejos? ....
All.... the.... comments.... that.... look.... like.... this.... are.... written.... by.... Erin....
She has poor grammar skills and her family sends her stuff so she can proofread because she is the smart one in the family. Como estaran los otros pendejos? ....
LOL!! BTW is their other bestie Joey still in jail for voter fraud?
I seriously doubt Erin would share a plate with anyone. If anything, she might eat two or three. Last time I said "hi" to her while she was eating and she growled at me like I was going to take her food away.
I know these posting are back in March of 2015! But I don’t care! This woman aka “Liliana Cantu is not only a thief, she is also scandalous! She is out doing whatever with whomever and let alone messing around with my boyfriend. (But I forgive her) I know I can’t just blame her. I know it take two to tangle. But when she found out he was engage, she didn’t care, she kept trying to contact him. So anyhow, I came across her profile and wanted to know who my boyfriend was cheating on me with. And my best friend informed me of who, what a low blow by my boyfriend, but he is now in my past, this was the best decision I could have made. Anyhow, when I left the bastard he begged me to come back. I was like heck no are you crazy!? Anyways, he wanted me back because he found out that she was cheating behind his back with some other guy. Using both of them for money to help her provide for her two kids. UGH! So in other words, who know where this she has been, and how many boyfriend, brother, cousin, husband, father or even grandfather she slept with. I’m surprise she hasn’t been removed from her own family, perhaps she has be removed once or twice and maybe removed 5X before, all because she can’t keep her legs close and her hands to herself. I say this woman is not only a criminal, and a crook, but a strumpet and everything that goes beneath scum.
IDK where her case ended up. & frankly I don’t care either! What I do know is she really needs to stop playing games or games are going to play with her. Also she seriously need to find peace within herself.
Oh and if she ever read this, I just want to say thank you for opening my eyes on a loser boyfriend.
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