On the eve of Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos taking the oath to become the new Texas Secretary of State March 7, he is formally handing in his resignation at Thursday's meeting of the commissioners court.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at 9 a.m. at the Dancy Building at 1100 E. Monroe Street in Brownsville.
Immediately following the acceptance of the Cascos resignation, an item on the agenda is included to consider and possibly appoint a new county judge to replace him.

If the four commissioners (all Democrats) choose to consider naming his replacement. Cascos would have the ability to vote for his replacement because he would be able to serve as a "holdover" until he takes the oath to his new office.
Under Texas law, a person cannot hold two public offices but can serve out and even draw pay from the position he resigned until he takes the oath of his new office.
The appointment of his replacement has caused a flurry of political activity in county circles, with candidates like Democratic challenger Joe Rivera, who lost to Cascos, and others such s former commissioner John Wood, Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez, and even new Pct. 2 commissioner Alex Dominguez, the county judge Pro Tem mentioned as possibilities.
Others included former city mayor Eddie TreviƱo and even current Texas Democratic chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, a former county judge who was defeated by Cascos in 2006.
Another name that frequently pops out in the discussion is that of county administrator Pete Sepulveda. However, Sepulveda is currently earning more than $200,000 a year in his position and it would be difficult to imagine him giving up that salary to earn the $70,000 Cascos earns.
There have been rumors that Dominguez would move to county judge and that City of Brownsville commissioner John Villarreal would be appointed to his precinct. But that remains what it is, a rumor that no one is willing to confirm.
On the other hand, the new judge would have to get a majority of the commissioners court, and they could table the item and wait until Cascos take his oath of office and he would not be bale to cast a vote on his replacement.
When Cascos resigns, he turns Cameron County back to the Dumbokrats and their culture of corruption. Regardless of his recommendation, the Dumbokrats will appoint someone "anointed" by the Dumbokratic majority....in consulation with Gilberto Hinojosa for sure. Will it be the beheamoth Sanchez....who reflects the "Dumbo" in Dumbokratic Party...or the airhead Sofia. Whoever is chosen, the Dumbokrats will be back in the driver's seat in the county. Corruption R US.
who was elected as the second Republican Cameron County Judge since Reconstruction in 2006...
Goddamn, Juan. Your grammar needs Reconstruction.
As long as their last names aren't Hernandez we should be okay.
.......and the $64 question, who will be the Next Naco?
Learn to spell fool.
Ya se va el negrero hojala que elijen a alguen que si sepa apprecial a los empleados y ya basta con tanta corrupcion
How can Meskins vote Republican when they don't like your asses. Good riddance Charles Coscos.
Let me see now...four corrupt Nacos will appoint another corrupt Naco to be County Judge. I think I have that right.
You got it right my fellow Naco.
I would like to see Alex Dominguez as county judge he will do an excellent job. He smart honest and liked by his community and pierce.
Amen! Ernie esta que se lo lleva la chingada! LOL I'm happy for Alex and so happy Ernie tucked away in his kitchen making sausage for the rest of his life to pay all his delinquent taxes. Pinche loser
it will be joe el piggly wiglly or gilberto hooters hinojosa the wieners here, one of these two clowns will definitely get it but my money is on joe rivera cuz the one that will make the motion to appoint him will be county commissioner sofie m. benavides aka sofie c. mata, she used to work in joe rivera office many years ago like in the early 1980's.
Cool arrow you are wrong AGAIN , Sofie and her family have other plans . Sofie wants Alex Dominguez to be County Judge so he can appoint John Villarreal to be his replacement for pct 2 . John Villarreal is in a serious relationship with Sofie's niece Lynette Benavidez . Lynette was Mary Esther's campaign manager this past election . Lynette will be running for office soon , maybe to continue the family tradition in pct 1 . This is a power move for the Benavidez family and my money will be on Alex Dominguez as County Judge .
well i guess we were all wrong with pistol pete sepulveda being appointed county judge, now will he be able to collect that nice huge salary of over $200k plus and the county atty says its ok? i see a conflict of interest in these gray areas but then thats me. cca
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