With the departure of former Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos for the post of Texas Secretary of State, the mantle of political leadership was bestowed upon the shoulders of county administrator Pete Sepulveda.
Sepulveda, who earns $220,000 as the executive director of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority, is said to have accepted the position without taking the $70,000 salary from the county that Cascos earned.
Instead, county legal counsel says that he will continue to serve as county judge drawing the pay from the CCRMA.

We've already inquired whether the CCRMA has not given him a commensurate $70,000 hike to offset the loss. We are awaiting their response.
Sepulveda is now earning more than the four commissioners on the court combined and is not dependent on them for his salary or benefits. Now, we know that the CCRMA budget is funded upon a $10 surcharge on vehicle registrations in the county and from there on they can issue debt or levy tax on property values that rise as a result of the projects they sponsor.
So, in a very technical way, Sepulveda is still being paid by the county taxpayer, but in an indirect way. Still, the money does not come from the general fund.
On the other hand, his assistant David Garcia gained the title of interim county administrator and was hiked up the additional $70,000 paid Cascos to raise his $115,000 salary to $185,000.
That is not bad for the former protege of Lencho Rendon, deposed U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz's chief of staff, who former county judge Gilbert Hinojosa placed on the county payroll to remain on the congressman's good side.
He was one of those Hinojosa political appointees who has managed to survive the Cascos Republican administration and was also paid a $75,000 annual stipend by the CCRMA until the county commissioners couldn't take the political heat over the extra cash and had to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the CCRMA. The CCRMA then agreed for the county to be reimbursed for his services which was already paying him the $115,000 in addition to the stipend.
Well, with Garcia being named interim county administrator, the $70,000 came back to him and his benefactor commissioner David Garza couldn't be happier.
Goof things, the saying goes, come to those who wait. In this case, Garcia waited while playing his political cards and remains thick in the gravy.
Now, with Garcia earning about the combine salary of his four bosses on the commissioners court, who will take over the assistant county administrator's position he left vacant? And will the new guy get the $115,000 that was paid to Garcia?
GArcia is a Putz, working as the protege of Commissioner Garza, another Putz. Two Putzs in a pod!
Well, at least that we know that Pete Sepulveda is all about the money and not being the public official that the county needs? And this guy makes money on the side with his business that deals with his old position? Looks like the political favoritism is still alive in the land of corruption in Cameron County?
This is just the beginning of the spending that will take place with Cascos gone.
That's our corrupt County Government at it again. None of these guys could make anything close to that in the private sector. They don't have any talents other than kissing the right ass or blowing the right guy. KARMA will catch up with them. It always does.
Corruption, It will catch up with them.
We have no one to blame but our county comissioners to include our new Texas secretary. Of state Carlos Cascos for voting on pete to become the new county judge. Its greed among all of them. Pete will be a puppet for the majority in the commisioners court because he wants his position back in two years
Cascos has gone up North and joined the Party of NO. Good riddance and adios.
Pinche Valadez . ....you really stirred things up! Soon it will be your turn on the fire.....going to school while on the clock, tying up county workers time to get you documents to pass along , coming to work at whatever time you wanted, being on the blogs with your vulgar rants on taxpayers dime , trying to get employees fired that you and Cascos didn't like . ...etc total piece of scum ! How much does the county pay you? Miserable dirt bag !
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