(Ed.'s Note: We occasionally receive missives from our three readers and we received this one just today. It was in Spanish and we took the liberty of translating it into English. Doubtless, some of the issues addressed by the writer (who wishes anonymity) have been addressed before. But the tone of the letter suggests that there exists a deep mistrust and apprehension in the common citizen of the policies implemented under City of Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez's administration. Apparently, the writer did not pay $50 to hear Martinez's state of the city presentation at the Brownsville Events Center.)
Mr. Martinez,
We, the residents of the Brownsville community demand that you give us detailed information on the following points because we think we deserve it since we pay taxes and we refuse to continue to be deceived.

*As residents of this city, we want to get a full listing of all the real estate purchases made by the city during your administration: who the owners were, what appraised value they had, and how much the city ended up paying for them.
*We want to see the actual maintenance contract for the rolling stock of the Brownsville Urban System (BUS) and how it benefits the city and the user.
*Give us an apples-to-apples and oranges-to-oranges comparison and explanation of the rates charged by the Brownsville Public Utility Board vis-a-vis CON AEP, REA, CPL and San Antonio. Since PUB is not a tax-paying entity, the rates should reflect that.
*We have learned that PUB ratepayers will see their electric rates increase by 36 percent by the end of 2016. Tell us why this rate hike was necessary, who approved it, and how specifically the millions in dollars generated will be spent.
*Release a copy of the contract you signed on behalf of the city with Tenaska. Since the city is said to require only 200 MWs into the future, how will the city profit from the additional 600 MWs that wil be produced by that plant?
*What doe the PUB plan to do with the current power provider (Oklaunion) and how many MWS is it producing?
*Who were the owners of the property where Tenaska will be built and how much did it cost us?
* In a meeting you held Feb. 17, 2015 at the Jacob Brown Civic Center, you quoted a total $1 billion price tag for the plant. Please specify in detail how and where that money will be spent.
*We also demand that the city make available information (through a website or publication) the salaries of all city administrators and staff as well as the salaries of all PUB administrators and employees and where they all live.

*And finally, what really happened to the failed city move to keep the Aeromexico airline here? Why did they leave, forcing Brownsville residents who want to travel to Mexico City to go to McAllen? What happened to the promises made by you and Airport Director Larry Brown?
These questions have never been fully answered by you or the city administration. We demand that you answer them, fully, clearly and specifically so there is no doubt left. We further ask that you do this publicly.
Goood luck. We all be better off not reelecting him back along with every present commissioner up for reelection.
No matter how much money this Mayor spends, Tony Martinez is out. The people are tired of his frivolous tactics. The elitist in Brownsville, better repent. The people will take over.Elitist, if you consider yourself one, it's best to hide.
This is probably the first time in a mayoral election where a people's revolution will decide it's outcome. Unfortunately, we have been deceived by our Mayor. I don't feel sorry for him, he made his bed. I don't know who is going to win but, anybody but Tony. Good Luck guys, unite and take Tony down. Work hard we are with you.
To began with : Tony Martinez is not going to respond to your request. There were huge kickbacks on Tenaska. Space X should be in a more open-space; not 22 miles from downtown Brville. PUB rates will be increased. why? The don't pay taxes. The logic behind paying 2.3 million dollars for a bldg worth about 600000 dollars. Incidentally, it is heavy on mold and asbestos. ...etc. Some of their meetings are secret. The mayor is tight with a Fed judge so he be "protected". That's why he should be voted out of office .
How dare a citizen ask questions?
These are all legitimate questions to be asking, but these folks are a bit naive to believe that they will ever get a straight answer.
This poor city is and has been for generations under the thumb of the same old types of politicos, either the established gentry, out to continue feathering their already heavily feathered nests, or those on the make seeking to use the apparatus of the County Democratic Party to grab as much of taxpayer money as possible.
Despite voting in south Texas for decades, I have seen next to nothing that would come close to remedying this deplorable situation. The only viable protest is for those registered to vote to boycott the polls in great numbers. The Mayor Tony Martinezes of this world really do not consider themselves accountable.
Gaius Gracchus
As Tony Martinez begins his bid for re-election, he is trying to dismiss and ignore the failures of his administration and his failure as a leader, and; based on his "state of the city" address (to those who paid to hear it)
he wants us to elect him based on things for which he had no part. SpaceX is coming because of geography (our location which was considered by NASA years ago). The LNG expansion at the port is because of expanded gas production on Mexico; not based on anything Tony Martinez or "United Brownsville" has done. Tony Martinez is a puppet of United Brownsville and those who seek just to benefit themselves and their families. We need a new Mayor!!!!
It's funny how this piece comes out after you seemed to play cover for Tony, have to play the part it seems, JT, Captain Crazy and Tony Tranzas, at least it's a step in the right direction' voting Tony out.
(The elitist in Brownsville, better repent. The people will take)
Thing is, they're very educated.
These are great questions! Hopefully they can be asked on other blogs, and, in other mayoral debates!
Is this what we consider elite in Brownsville?
I love reading translated stuff!
I urge all registered brownsville voters to exercise their constitutional right and vote come election time. We as citizens and taxpayers deserve a municipal government leadership who will take charge and turn this city around for the better. We need to replace our current leaders who are up for reelection, they had their chance to proved themselves but they failed big time. No more of this authoritarian styled leadership, period.
who has a mullet hair do at his age?? He has side stepped zoning laws to buy or "convert" a large number of properties into his ownership. hard to believe but Pat Ahumada stole less than he has !
A Brownville revolution is in the make. Tony, Juliet, Fred! We have had enough. We the people, you regard as inferior,are also educated and professionals. I have a Doctorate from Yale University and I have never felt represented by our current Mayor. I was born in the "Barrio" was not suppose to make it,because of people with your mentality. You kept us down, not anymore. There is a very strong underground network of people, professional people to dismantle this elitist attitude. We will prevail. Enough!!!!!
The word "Elitist" mystifies and at the same time horrifies me, in an intellectual level. My friends at the Universities, where we all have endowment chairs, proceeded to acquaint me with Brownsville's Mayoral election. We were all born in Brownsville, Las Prietas, La Parra, El Southmost, El Ramireno, La 13,. We all got educated, by the grace of god. However, we feel that your current Mayor is not the individual to lead your city. We don't know the other candidates but,we hope there's somebody out there with a Heart for the community, a selfless person, a godly person. We have family back home and friends and we'll make calls, not for Tony.
Aww Jeeze, the people are going to throw out the elite and take over the city? What would change?
Now we have educated affluent Mexican crooks running things and that would change to having ignorant poor Mexican crooks running things.
Nuestro Alcalde es un pocho con mucho dinero.
Probably nothing! Just the hope that the new elected officials may serve themselves a little less.
WOW!!!!! Elitist in Brownsville!!!
For real??????? The ego is a powerful liar. Keep dreaming mensos!!!!!!
Bola de rateros muertos de hambre!
Da mayor sits on his Derrièrre and lets the money do the talking and street walking. This is what Money does .
Too bad that the city elected officials forgot who they represent. Oh no they dont they only serve their pockets. I have been losing sleep over who i am voting for mayor. Yea right, i dont know yet but i am quite sure it wont be for the current mayor , asta la vista baby.
The recent letter to the Bro. Herald this Sunday explains it all about the city. Our infrastructure is coming apart. No need to go into details; just read the letter. Excellent job Mr. García . You hit it right on the nail! Congrats !!!
The Mayor will not be present at the Bro. public Library. It was conviently set up by the Republican Party where he would be out of town. This was scheduled to "protect" their boy from further damage . He has no accomplishments on record .....err, the Rayon Bldg. ???
Would Mr. Martinez give an answer /respond why he (taxpayers' money) paid 2.3 millions for the rotting Infamous Nylon Bldg when it' s only worth 600 thousand dollars as per appraisal value. !!!!
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