That was way back in 2011 and so far, we haven't caught nary a whiff of that fabled code.
Meanwhile, we've seen a former Brownsville Police Department commander sending nude selfies to his paramour on a city-owned telephone, a city commissioner getting arrested for family violence on multiple occasions, Da mayor getting involved in questionable real-estate deal involving cronies, and an increasingly growing frustration among city residents over the actions of their elected officials.

It came in open court in a divorce proceeding of a BPD staff member who admitted she was having an affair with the brother of Chief Orlando Rodriguez, and that the chief had known about it for months and had done nothing.

Further, she said in her testimony that she had discussed the matter with Chief Rodriguez, his brother, and that that he had not taken any steps to address the potential legal or ethical issues that might have risen from the illicit relationship.
"When I told him (Chief Rodriguez) about this he just said he considered it a personal matter," said the woman's husband. "He said there wasn't anything he could do about it."
A visiting judge on Tuesday granted the couple their divorce and the husband later met with City Manager Charlie Cabler, a former BPD detective. Sources say that the visit from the wronged husband has led to a formal investigation on the matter.
Now, on its face, perhaps the fact that a member of the BPD is having an affair is no one's business but the couple's. But this leads to questions on whether the woman got favorable treatment because of her "peculiar" relationship with the chief and his brother.

Apparently, the investigation now under way will determine whether any city assets were used in the furtherance of the illicit relationship.
There was at least one instance mentioned in court where the woman was said to have taken time off from work when Adolfo was in town from California. The investigation is now focused on whether she was getting paid during that time.
Human Resource specialists we interviewed tell us that an employee having an affair with someone outside the department was not in itself illegal. However, if the woman's superiors granted her any special treatment or showed favoritism toward her because they knew of her ongoing illicit relationship with the chief's brother, that changes matters, they said.
"If she got a promotion ahead of others who were more qualified, or was paid for time she didn't work due to that relationship, legal issues can arise," said one. "In this type of case, the supervisor should move quickly to remove any appearance of impropriety."
In the case of the records department staffer at BPD, she entered the department as an alarm-permit clerk and has now been promoted to a supervisory role in that department.
If we had a city ethics code where everyone knew the behavior expected of them, it certainly might make these nebulous relationships much clearer. As it is, city employees can only guess whether it is their merits or the special relationships between their boss and their fellow employees that matter.
AAH, love is in the air! Naco love at its finest.
I support Chief Rodriguez!
This is NOT news in brownsville, Juan.
Unfotunately, this is business as usual in the BPD and Brownsville. Tony Martinez abandoned his interest in
having an ethics code early in his tenure as mayor. When Tony took office he soon found out that any attempt to clean up city corruption would cause the city to fall apart from the inside. So Tony took the low road and ignored city corruption and became a pimp for Juliet Garcia and her village idiots who make up United Brownsville. Tony has proven to be a follower, not a leader.
Because of you low expectations that is one reason Brownsville is in the shit hole.
Ahhhh yes, the power of pussy. The ladies do know how to use that power.
Juan good job ready set go
What about Brownsville ISD, a Payton place where everybody sleeps with everybody?
Just ask withamore and Capistrano from food service and Carl the super knew!
Juan......you would be one to preach ethics! I'm sure you are a great example for all to follow.
Big freaking deal! They are all adults. Shit happens everywhere....school district, city....even within the churches. Chief Rodriguez has been a good man and has run a good department. Now get over it and move on.
No different than the Sheriff's Dept.
To comment April 8 5:18 pm
LMAO!! funny and true!!! lol
Wow that cop has a big badge!
I guess news is slow on your blog...it's wrong but it's not the city's fault the woman has no morals. Dumb husband just wants to blame someone he can possibly extort money from!
Unfotunately, this is business as usual in the BPD and Brownsville
1)In the Brownsville PD, in Brownsville PUB, Cameron County court house, Brownsville ISD, TSC, UTB. It would be intresting to know about in the health area such as the hospitals.
2) Business as usual only in Brownsville?
3)The few people that care in Brownsville feel that fighting the powerful machine is fighting a lost cause and many just stopped fighting. That gives the opportunists a chance to get in the system and keep of hitting those that are down.
4) The picture in the article shows a naked MALE and a woman showing cleavage. Does that mean that the female is intelligent enough not to "show it all" while the male is idiot enough to show it? We tell young people to be careful with social media and yet, adults do the same idiotic things not out of love,more out of lust. The picture itself is enough proof for termination of employment. Remember the teacher that was fired because she had "sexy" pictures on her social media page? (National news, not local). She wasn't naked in any of the pictures. Remember the congressman from New York who had to resign because of the same? Maybe these pictures should go to the national media.
Ruben Reyna me la pela.
So did Tanya right ?
Tanya Chio you bad girl
Those fuckers pass around their female staff like reusable condoms. Then they beat on them and everything gets swept under the carpet like it never happened.
The pot calling the kettle black! You know dawn well what I'm talking about Tanya Chio! FN whore!
The blog author could have simply written this: "Most of this is nobody's business, except for the part where MAYBE a BPD employee COULD have received preferential treatment BUT the author of this blog doesn't actually know whether this is true or why she got promoted because he didn't bother to interview Chief Rodriguez or anyone at BPD."
But why cover all sides of a story and get all the facts? It's so much more self-gratifying to just sensationalize and post unanswered hypothetical accusatory questions along with pictures of peoples' families. Throwing stones at successful people like Chief Rodriguez is a great instant self-esteem booster for do-nothing losers.
This blogger being a proponent of ethics codes is like ISIS being a proponent of humanitarian aid workers.
That's my aunt :)
as an ex teacher
ill tell you sex in the classroom between consenting adults is very common
aaahhhh good times.
Is this the same douche who works while on disability and gets paid in cash so he doesn't have to report to the IRS?
Brownsville hearld and all local TV Stations need to report on this Issue.
Court records have been requested by a local TV Station.
MONTOYA... como decia mi abuela..'NO LE ESCARBES A LA FAMILIA PORQUE SALE EL PUTERIO'.asi esta en todos los dept's de la cuidad,condado,estado,federal.y a proposito estan muy JODIDAS las chiches de esta ruca.
I was going to post some thoughts about what happens at the city and county but many of you already hit the nail on the head with your comments problem is those in charge alwyas just sweep it under the rug and thats that. And the band just keeps marching on. Good day
she might be a whore but he is like every other men.. so, it is not only the female employees fault. it is also his.
let them be
birds of a feather flock together
dont hate. Procreate.
etc etc etc...
I bet nothing happens like always. Just another day in Cameron County.
If we the people of Brownsville Don't speak out this shit will keep happening.
This should be on TV
Juan are you going to follow up on this story?
REPLY ON COMMENT 12.23PM A JUAN UN PAR DE CHICHES LO MOTIVA A SEGUIER ESCRIBIENDO. y al comentario 7.43am yo creo con un poquito de cirugia si jalan las chiches de esta vieja
JUAN follow up get it done
Whatever asshole,or bitch....Ruben Reyna is a good man. Not enough good men out there. But woman keep your men closer ,you don't know what can happen out there with these tramp that is out there.
Ruben Reyna a good man..
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