They met in a busy courthouse corridor to discuss fixing a $9,000 small claims case.
One, former Justice of the Peace 2-2 Erin Garcia Hernandez. The other, case fixer go-between Mari Elvia Silguero, sister of the JP's clerk Liliana Cantu.
Silguero told Garcia that she had a family couple – Vanessa and Jaime Mercado – who wanted to file a $10,000 claim against family member Griselda Mercado in her court and wanted to know what it would take to fix if for a favorable ruling.
Standing in the hallway, Silguero said that Garcia said that her court had jurisdiction below $10,000 and that the couple should lower it to $9,000. And since it involved Silguero's family, Garcia would leave it up to her to come up with the price.
These and other revelations are contained in rambling 117-page transcript of a tape recording made by Silguero to District Attorney's Office investigator Victor Cortez and DA Asst. Prosecutor Zack Rhinehart and filed in the 103rd April 21, 2015. The tape is 46 minutes and three seconds long, an affidavit accompanying the translation states.
"She was very discreet," Silguero told the investigators.
After the initial agreement was made between Silguero and JP Garcia, a comedy of errors ensues. Payments made to JP Garcia get mixed up with a BBQ fundraiser for her reelection, with money owed to Silguero by Vanessa Mercado for "merchandise," and the reluctance of Mercado to pay the rest of the $800 after Garcia rules in favor of Griselda Mercado.
Garcia had issued a default ruling in the couple's favor before leaning to Griselda Mercado after they failed to appear for a hearing. That coincided with the appearance of former DA Armando Villalobos who was hired by Griselda Mercado to represent her in Garcia's court following Garcia's adverse ruling in her relative's favor.
In her interview with the law enforcement investigators, Silguero recalls getting payments from Mercado in a taco shop on International, a ballet school behind a gas station near the corner of Central Blvd. and Los Ebanos, and in her home.
Silguero remembers getting between three or four payments from Mercado but isn't sure whether the total amount got to Garcia because she was mixing the money Mercado owed her, the fundraiser tickets, or the payments to fix the case.
She also recalls counting out $600 at the JP office window in partial payment for the fixing of the case and paying for BBQ fundraiser being held for JP Garcia's reelection. She said she put the mney in a plain unmarked envelope and handed it to her sister Cantu at the court.
CORTEZ: And how much did you count?
SILGUERO: Six hundred dollars.
CORTEZ: Where did you say you gave the six hundred dollars at?
SILGUERO: At the court, at the window.

SILGUERO: No. I threw them away...
CORTEZ: And why?
SILGUERO: I had a lot of problems with my sixteen-year-old...and I had no time to sell them. By the time I realized it, it was going to be the following day.
SILGUERO (Toward the end of the interview): I do not want to affect the judge. I don't want to say anything against her. I did not want to say anything about this. I did not want to jeopardize anybody.
RHINEHART: Why is that?
CORTEZ (translating): I didn't want to hurt anybody.
CORTEZ: But do you understand she is doing...what she is doing is something wrong, and that does not...does is not good in the United States. That's why there are laws and she took a...
SILGUERO: But all the judges do it...They all do it.
CORTEZ: We cannot get all of them. We need to start and set an example. So then they have...they have made an oath...
SILGUERO: And why did they just fire Lili? Well, if Sylvia Rodriguez also fixes tickets."
The main contact for the Mercados is Genaro Mercado uncle of Jaime Mercado. Genaro is the owner of Mercado Construction which does remodeling work at the courthouse and the county Genaro is married to Cristina Mercado which used to work for the county until she had a "work" related accident and sued the county for a undisclosed amount.
Wow!! This Genaro used or claimed to work for the county as a "special Agent".
Bragging to be "untouchable "
Puro pinche mireda vato and she's Erasmo Castro's supporter and friend and probably his lawyer to. Bola de pendejos
Its time to begin investigating Calvin Walker for being the go to person for city of Brownsville construction. He has a very good relationship with the ratas of Brownsville.
A courthouse full of crooked Mexicans. So what else is new?
This Is all bullshit. The Mercado are all fucking crooks and criminals.
Know wonder Sylvia Rodriguez quit!!! She's just as bad as Erin! Watch out Linda
Theives working for Linda Salazar also!!! Cynthia, Angie and the biggest one left Sylvia Rodriguez!!! Jajajaja
What comes around goes around Sylvia
So now what? The Feds will come after the drunk ass of Sylvia Rodriguez and her staff!!! Watch out girls!!! She will bring all of you down also! Well I heard Ana Sanchez likes to steal time also, that is why she was let go from Walmart after 20 some years! Linda will never learn!
The only difference between Erin Hernandez and Hillary Clinton is the amount of money they take to sell out. Hernandez is a nickle and dime crook and Clinton sells her office for millions of dollars.
Other than this difference, they are sisters in sleaze.
Years ago it was a Courthouse full of Gringos. So what's new !!!
Sylvia and her 2 brothers Bobby bollas LA rata Rodriguez, and Ernie finger pussy Rodriguez, would take peoples money and tell them that Sylvia is Linda Salazar's right hand she take care of it, and the money would go straight into sylvia and kinda Salazar's pockets.
This is true. The fucking rat of the bunch is Linda.
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