It seems like just yesterday that local blogger Robert Wightman (the one at right in graphic) had sworn off any association with the likes of City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa.
In a vicious post on his blog, Rotund Wightman called her and three other women out for not having the ovarios to duke it out in defense of their pristine reputations.
Well, those of us who have witnessed his dramatic assertions about this and the other knew the mercurial (as if Freddy) Wightman would in time have a change of heart and come back to the cyberfold. How many times has he closed his blog only to reappear by popular acclaim?
Tetreau is facing a credible challenge from Sergio Zarate for the city's District 2 seat. She gained that seat after local voters roundly rejected former officeholder Charlie Atkinson's reelection bid.
With the support of the Lucio clan behind him for good or ill, the challenger could well unseat the incumbent in this race.
Tetreau has never said one way or the other how she fills about the insults heaped upon her and her female colleagues in public positions, but apparently, they patched up their differences just in time to have his support for her reelection bid this May. Early voting starts Monday and the election day is May 9.

It just so happens that Zarate is also a member in good standing at the Knights and it was probably a bit awkward for some of the members to see the opponent of one their members running against him in his own turf, so to speak.
Politics, the saying goes, makes strange bedfellows, and this Colon Caballero and the Feisty Commish have apparently kissed and made up and let bygones be bygones.
Goodness she is a homely woman!
Goodness she is a homely woman!
The blimp looks like he is on his third trimester. Eduardo is the to!
I heard the knights of Columbus took a chair away from her because the zarate's complained she wasn't a member and didn't have the right to use a chair! Now this? Tisk tisk
It is time for Jessica to return to the car wash. She, like former Commission Melissa Zamora, has added very little
to our community. Both used the position to promote themselves, not the city.
Juanito, now I've seen everything from you. Jessica Tetreau is pregnant. You know exactly what and who the zarate's are. I have always known you to speak ill of both, and then I see this. Selling yourself for a story to cause turmoil for a lady and an unborn child really shows me what you really are.
How can Jessica Tetreau still associate with the blimp after he threw her melissa and Erin under a bus? He basically called them PENDEJAS for not doing as he said and sue Mchale. The blimp is righ I guess, they are PENDEJAS.
So is Roman Perez.
Jessica is a dumb blond with fake hair extensions.. She is so ugly. That explains why art had an affair with maria Luisa.
Who cars if art had an affair? So did she. what is good for the good, is good for the gander.
What?? Art had an affair with Maria Luisa? ??
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