Earlier this year, on Feb. 12, the swashbuckling morally-righteous law enforcement hordes operating under the auspices of the Cameron County District Attorney's Operation Bishop anti-8-liner crusade raided an illegal operation and arrested its manager.
A 32-year-old woman was charged with gambling promotion.

Then comes the press release that goes like this:
"According to federal law enforcement, it was estimated that the eight-liner/sweepstakes industry generated at least $300 million annually.
“The illegal and non-regulated 8-liner industry was bleeding our local economy,” District Attorney Luis V. Saenz said.
“With the more than 95 percent of 8-liner establishments shut down by Operation Bishop, the money spent illegally is now going back into the local economy. Cities are seeing a boost in sales tax revenue which means those cities can provide more resources to its residents.”
According to state law and the Attorney General, eight-liner and sweepstakes businesses that give cash prizes or gifts valued at $5 or more, even if some or all proceeds benefit a non-profit/charity, are deemed an illegal-gambling operation.
Operation Bishop began in April 2013.
In the past, the law enforcement entities claim that the Mexican cartels were suing the illegal 8-liner operations to launder their ill-gotten profits from the drug and human smuggling rackets.

Would you believe that the very next day (Feb. 13), an interviewer for the Cameron County Pre-Trial Release program went to the woman's cell at Rucker-Carrizales and signed her up with a low-cost 3 percent bond so that her sister came up with $77 and she was set free to await her trial?
Critics claim that low-bond program was implemented to assist the indigent who can't afford to post the usual 10 commercial percent bond (in this case about $250) to gain their freedom. But if we're talking about a criminal activity that makes millions, as the DA claims, why should this service meant for the indigent be used in a case involving illegal 8-liners?
Is that Mellissa Zamora famous blue dress on the floor next to the pulpit? I wonder if Jessica is going to set up Mellissa like Monica Lewinsky got set up. Women can't keep a secret.
Grow up Silva.....your routine is old and annoying . You seem to have mommy issues with all the hate you spew out towards women...you have kids pendejo !
By the way of your response Mellissa Zamora its obvious it might have been your dress if it's a dress at all. Remember how the portrait of President Bill Clinton had a shadow painted and people wondered what it meant and the painter said its the famous blue dress of Monica Lewenski. The reporter asked the painter why did you paint it on the portrait and he said " Because she was a huge legacy of President Clinton and you can't just erase that part of his presidency". Guess what Mellissa you are the same legacy to the District Attorney. Do you really think because you used your position at the DA'S office to bully people that you have actually silenced everyone? People know what you have done and will NOT FORGET. MR Saenz can't afford you as an employee. Doesn't your husband work for the BISD? I wonder if he got a pay increase along with a promotion at Faulk Middle School while Dr Carl Montoya was there? A PIO on his pay salary and promotions while you are at the DA'S office will clear that up real quick and answer a lot of questions. Women can't stand you Mellissa and men are scared of you.You have children pendeja babosa and a New sucker of a husband. You stalked Mark for years and made me break up with him. Now I'm happily married but you can't stay away from my men. I wonder if people know that Texts and pictures can be exposed real easy.
The 6:02 comment was written by Eduardo PAZ Martinez.
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