Thursday, April 30, 2015


By Juan Montoya
If you are one of the dwindling few who actually leaf through what's left of the the eight-page Brownsville Herald, you probably came across a quarter-page ad endorsement for Da City of Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez.
Endorsements, on their own, are not really noteworthy during election time. Almost every media savvy candidate will include one geared to influence voters during early voting or toward the final election day. In this case, however, the endorsers are more identifiable with Cameron County politics than with Brownsville.
The endorsers were none other than Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio and former County Clerk Joe Rivera. Lucio has been promising to retire for the last decade and has not done so, much to the chagrin of some of his top lieutenants who would dearly love to take over the reins of that office.
Rivera was forcibly retired from county politics after Democrat-killer Carlos Cascos beat him in the 2014 general election for county judge.
Lucio was first elected to a four year term in January of 1997. He lost one election to Conrado Cantu and then won again in 2004 to begin his term on January 01, 2005. In the past, he has bristled at claims from some former challengers that he suffers from dementia. He is pushing 80.
"It looks like they used Lucio's high school picture on the endorsement," quipped a wag at the courthouse coffee shop.
Rivera, on the other hand, was hurt in the last race when he took on Cascos and the likes of Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz was strangely silent on endorsing him to be appointed as county judge when Cascos left for greener pastures as Texas Secretary of State. Insult was added to injury when his Cascos asked Saenz to swear him in and administer the oath of office as county judge before he left of Austin.
Further, one of Saenz's top aides – Victor Cortez – resigned recently to run for county sheriff against what we can only surmise if Saenz's former ally Sheriff Lucio.
Adding salt to the Rivera wound was the fact that Cameron County Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides seconded Cascos' motion to appoint county administrator Pete Sepulveda as county judge even though Rivera had been the banner carrier for the Democrats.
How much will the Lucio-Rivera endorsement help or hurt Martinez. Well, it can't hurt, but how much it will help is anyone's guess.


Anonymous said...

So now the Gilberto Hinojosa Dumbocrats, known for their acceptance and practice of political corruption are supporting Tony Martinez, we can assume they like Tony's arrogant autocratic style. We should all be fearful of this connection to our mayor. Both Omar Lucio and Joe Rivera are dinosaurs and men who have long ignored corruption; and both may be guilty of corruption and misuse of their positions. This makes my vote against Tony more certain.

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez fits very well with Omar Lucio and Joe Rivera. All three live in the past and have a need to manipulate the political process so that policies benefit them and their friends. Omar Lucio is an arrogant asshole, just like Tony Martinez. All three lack the ability to lead, so they surround themselves with "Yes Men" who will do the dirty work. Just Say NO to Tony Martinez and let's get a new mayor.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera carries NO more political CLOUT , Mayor should NOT count on any votes based on Riveras approval , he has NO stronghold hold over any staff Now .. its OVER .... it will hurt him to be associating with the likes of Rivera and LUCIO ....

Anonymous said...

Great JOB Luis Saenz , divorce yourself from those has BEENS ... MY vote is for anyone but Mayor Martinez and Anyone But LUCIO

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio, lives in Harlingen, who even takes that serious.

Anonymous said...

So Martinez has Lucio, Rivera, Cesar de Leon, Carlos Elizondo, Rosebaum and the Southmost Committee supporting him interesting? Politics makes strange bedfellows, that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Sylvia Perez is with Tony Tranzas also. Mayor is speaking at adult day cares, he must be desperate.

Anonymous said...

Voters take note: 1 dinosaur (joe Rivera)down , two more to go. (Lucio and martinez).

Anonymous said...

Yea. Da Cherif lives in Republican Harlingen. What's he doing messing with the crooked Tony Tormenta. It's unheard off. Darwin was correct about the dinosaurs. Some are still here.

Anonymous said...

Add the DA to list too .
