(Ed.'s Note: It took a while, but we've been informed that the City of Brownsville administration and its Traffic Dep. finally got around to changing the misspelled sign directing visitors to the Gladys Porter Zoo. At one time, signs around town were like the one at left that indicated directions to the "Glady's" Porter Zoo. That, of course, is a possessive and not Gladys, a proper name. We are also told by one of our three readers who sent us the shots with the correction, that the signs near the Mitte Cultural District and others around town have also been corrected. The person who first pointed this out to us now lives in Austin, and hopefully, he will be able to see that his attention to the matter brought forth the change.)
Can't expect better without supervision and checking before handing sign to crew who are told to put it in the ground. We can't expect the laborers to correct their bosses failure.
That sign belongs to TxDOT, not the city
The acronym TxDOT looks a lot like the word IdIOT.
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