Well, that was just the weigh-in before the first round, we now understand.
The first round came about a few days later at Carlos Torre's Palo Alto Steakhouse on Elizabeth Street.
The patrons at the new swanky eatery styled after the Drive Inn in Matamoros were treated to a feisty exchange between Ahumada (who by the way was a real shrimp boat captain) and Sanchez, who has seen the fruits of the sea at his family's cold storage business and bummed around the world's oceans.
This time (as we hear it), Bob and his missus entered the Palo Alto and were taking their seat when Ahumada piped from his table where he sat with his missus that Sanchez lacked the capacity to be mayor.

He referred, of course, to the $26,000 check that Pat deposited in his bank and later convinced a jury that he did not know that the check was not made out to him.
Well, this set off Pat who countered with a remark about how at least he wasn't like Bob's dad Emilio who tried to cash a $1 million check in a casa de cambio in Matamoros.
"It was for $20 million, Pat," Sanchez thundered back, to the amusement of the patrons there. "And I know that your dad was a minister and I never brought him into this. This is between me and you and I'm ready when you are."
It is apparent that there is no love lost between these two former allies. The Brownsville Herald at one time called Sanchez, Ahumada, Cris Valadez, Dr. Joe Zavaletta, city commissioner Ricardo Longoria and lawyer Ernesto Gamez "insurgents."
But by now it is apparent that Sanchez and Ahumada, two of five challengers to Tony Martinez's reign at City hall as mayor, consider that their differences amount to more than just a dispute among friends. This is a no-hold-barred contest to see who is left standing.
Sanchez and the other candidates for mayor also have a bone to pick with Erasmo Castro. They say that his people have placed signs close to theirs on the right-of-way and have even blocked some of the ones already there. This happened at the four-corner area in front of the gasoline station and convenience store and the complaints to the city resulted in all the signs being brought down.
This pleased no one and made any cooperation among them to defeat incumbent Martinez even more difficult. Erasmo isn't making nay friends.
For now, however, the scorecard between Ahuada and Sanchez reads: Round 1: 10 for Sanchez, 9 for Ahumada.
It's on like King Kong.
This type of verbal encounter between candidates like Ahumada's and Kaptain Boob Sanchez cannot be productive because it's a battle of enormous egos; both of whom lack the intellectual ability to debate.....the just shout and yell.
I don't think it went down the way this blog is presenting it and I know for a fact the version of what happened at the Soutmost Committee Forum is incorrect because I was there. There isn't a soul alive that was there that night that thinks what Captain Crazy did was appropriate. I think this was Bob's version of events to give himself importance and deflect the fact that he is crazy. I'll take Pat any day over the rest of them and I voted for Martinez last time around. We got Obama'd,fool me twice, shame on me.
Ahhhhh, now we see the Pat Ahumada we love to hate. Chaos follows Ahumada everywhere. The man is toxic and an embarrassment to this city. Anyone but Ahumada or Martinez!
Man I wish those two would go at it! My money is on Pat. Ay chiquitito, chiquitito pero picoso! Uuuyyy!
So your saying that mayor is more civilized yea right I bet he couldnt hang with these two it takes some balls .wether you like it or don't like these guys are all in they both are pationate about what they believe in and do not like the direction the cities going.I give them some credit i'm sure it's not easy,I just hope they don't get lost in this squabble and keep an eye on the objective.
It's old school politics at its best .nothing wrong with a little ruffled feathers
And you, people of brownsville, wounder why you and your colonia of a city suck.
I'm not voting for either of them, nor for the incumbent. Who does that leave?
Didn't Kaptain Boob get in some sort of trouble in the past for making remarks on a blog or something??
When have you heard of Erasmo Castro doing this kind of stuff in public that's why i am voting for Castro this is not even our mayor yet and all he gas been doin is helping out citizens not like these two circus clowns...
Remember to speak softly but ALWAYS carry a stick.
Is this shit staged?
This election is getting out of hand. It is bad enough that we hare having spats between candidates who should be cooperating on how to best get rid of Tony Martinez, but the bloggers are now throwing verbal missiles at each other. Meanwhile, Tony Martinez is gloating how the everybody is being distracted from the main goal of unsitting him.
Too many unelectable mayoral candidates is playing unto Martinez hands.
Captain Bob is kicking everybody's ass!
Sanchez would knock-out this chump Ahumada. You will not make the run-off Ahumada, no matter how much you kiss Bobby's or the putz's ass.
Typical Pat Ahumada. Opens his mouth and he starts drama, then he goes into damage control. Pat's favorite saying is that voters have short memories....you would need to me comatose to forget your legacy of arrogance.
"Whether it is Pat Ahumada or other public figures they fail because they are slaves to absolution and redemption. It is an addiction. They love their daily fix of being forgiven by absolution or redemption because it means they never have to give up their addictions of choice - narcissism, or grandiose personality. They are always a victim. Such as being enslaved to absolution and redemption to avoid personal accountability they are in love with the concept of victim-hood.
So here is my proposal if Pat Ahumda is willing to do the following, the DA and US attorney should give him an offer of a years probation with an offer of an early release if he behaves.
[1] He admits publically he intended to steal the money;
[2] He blames no one, and does not ask for forgiveness - asking for forgiveness is pathetic. He needs to search long and hard within himself and change. If he truly changes people will see him in a new light and judge him based on his new self and not the confessed thief. To ask for forgiveness without having first proven through your actions you have changed is insulting;
[3] He resigns from office immediately;
[4] He promises to not run for public office or accept any public appointments for 2 years."
These comments were written by Bobby Wightman Cervantes. Now he is promoting Pat Ahumada. Phsycoooooo!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I’ve been debating all day what to talk about today - I am kind of burned out on BISD. While working on the grand jury referral on Wednesday I was thinking - are they in their debating the Mayor’s future?"
These comments were written by Bobby Wightman Cervantes. Now he says that people should not bringing it up in Pat's race for Mayor.
never happened, Juan. But ask Sanchez about his delinquent taxes!
Let the Battle of the Nacos begin!
The voters should judge these these guys on there campaigns and if there addressing the issues .They should be asking and directing questions to the mayor and some of the strange deals done with tax payers monies.If they can show voters they are not skirting issues they will get the respect of the voters (the silent majority)more people are watching this time around .its all about what have you done or doing for me lately it's the culture rich or poor show the middle class and poor you win that easy.
I was at the Southmost forum too. Robert Sanchez is bat shit crazy and he showed everyone in the place that night. Pat Ahumada actually has a good campaign platform and a good plan to lower PUB rates for us poor folks. Go Pat!
Sanchez not gonna win Ahumada not gonna win ! What an embarrasment to our city.
The Nacos King Kongers and that includes da mayor baby Conga feeding on Igor Godzilasky real estate deals ..
Who is stupid enough to vote for ANY of this candidates?!
Seriously the current crop of clowns running for mayor is absolutely absurd. There is not a single candidate with a real platform and all I hear is a bitch-a-thon and stupid punchlines. As much as it pains me to say this but I think Martinez is winning again due to the lack of quality individuals running for mayor.
At least Juan will have someone to stalk instead if talking about the real issues plaguing the city
pinche bob sanches ya no hagas tanta droga cabron te tiene todo pendejo y pat es otro pendejo desvergonzado que fue mayor por 6 años por que la promera vez renuncio y la segunda no hizo ni madres y quiere otra oportunidad por favor william ese pobre cabron no sabe ni hablar repite y repite lo mismo no le an sacado la garra de todos los niños que trae de nivios quieres un pinche vejete asqueroso de mayor no mames la pobre de la joyas no sabe si su nombre se escribe con j o con y menos va a saber de los problemas de la ciudad erasmo castro piensa que por su pajina del chisme lo van a apoyar la gente que lo sigue es pura gente sin educacion que nada mas quieres saber a quien le apesta para estar hablando sin saber lo que dicen pero ahi estan la bola de pendejos y por ultimo tony martinez un pinche abogado rata y exentrico que si gana nos va a pegar el sida a todos los de brownsville por que nos va a seguir cogiendo con todas sus mamadas de unidet brownsville casa naylon linconl park y en fin muchas mamadas que ah echo asi que mejor me quedo aqui en matamoros donde tambien nos cogen pero con condon y vacelina ni pedo pinchres pochos suerte en su proxima eleccion para alcalde
Shut the fuck up and stay in Mexico please!
Tantos pinches huevos pero in phones tu nombre carbon y memos vas a lanzar te en campana, bola de mamones. Tanta cabeza y soluciones pero no hacen nada, and in English to all you geniuses that have all the answers and balls but do not offer anything, run for office and won't even post their name a big F you. Puro pinche Mauro Fuentes putos...
Yo voy a votar por Castro Pendejete i si tengo mas education que tu kulero si tuvieras huevos no le pusieras anonimo. Pendejete.
BTY Culero se escribe con C.
How has helped people...all he does is post about bad parking and lost pets he also bullys people calls women lazy cause they are on WIC
REPLY APRIL 7 10.49 AM.you are right first lets ask MAYOR MARTINEZ about casa de nylon deal. second lets ask PAT AHUMADA ABOUT THE 26000 dolar check. then ask ROBERT SANCHES about delinquent taxes, and about 4 weeks salary he owns his employees.
The Wig Acme Co. Donated 10 grand to Kaptain Boobs to promote wigs on Bald Shrimp. Capital promotional idea.
Brenda Joyas for Mayor!!
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