This May 9 – according to the Cameron County Elections Office – 8,335 voters cast their ballots in the City of Brownsville elections for mayor and city commissioners.
With an estimated 79,868 registered voters (a little more than the 75,057 registered voters of the May 2013 election) in the city, that means that the voter turnout his year was somewhere near 10.43 percent.
Mind you, these are uncanvassed votes and we still don;t know for sure that the total in the two contested races (District 1 and District 2) will stay the same. As it stands, District 1 will see incumbent Rick Longoria facing Roman Perez and District 2 could still see incumbent Jessica Tetreau prevail against Sergio Zarate if the 25 provisional votes don;t overturn the 19-vote lead Tetreau held after the May 9 vote.
The District 1 race for who will face Longoria came down to a three-vote difference between Perez (375) and Michael Gonzalez (372). With eight provisional votes to be counted there, the outcome could go either way.
After the dust settles in that one, either challenger could endorse the other and it would become a horse race for the position since Longoria failed to get the 50 percent plus 1 vote required for him to win without a runoff.
In the mayor's race, for example, incumbent Martinez is in the runoff after garnering 43 percent of the vote. With another 57 percent not having voted for the mayor, that means that if challenger Ahumada can entice those who voted for the others to cast their vote for him, he has a chance – however slim – to pull off an upset.
Ahumada on Thursday said he was looking for a way to overcome the apathy of the voters to turn out in the runoff elections yet to be scheduled.
So for which of these two creeps running for mayor does one vote? Ahumada has a longer negative track record, but Martinez outdoes him in outright hypocrisy . I wasn't going to vote in the mayor's race, it's too much to stomach voting for either one of these fools.
I guess the deciding factor is how each stands on the requested 10 yr. tax abatement requested by the LNG company. It's coming, no one is going to stop it,but at least we don't have to beg them with the family jewels to be here. I want to see where each stands on this.
"Ahumada on Thursday said he was looking for a way to overcome the apathy of the voters to turn out in the runoff elections yet to be scheduled."
Spend a lot of money!!
I use to care about the fate of Brownsville. Now I could not care any less. Now I just sit back and watch the destruction and corruption. You, citizens of Brownsville identify yourselfs with the culture and failures of Mexico instead of the opportunity to succeed in U.S. . Congratulations to the Poorest city in the USA. You are that way for a reasion.
Apathy is a result of two ignorant electorate and failure of elected officials to provide positive results (folks don't believe elections will result in positive change). Ignorance comes from lack of education and reliance on the government (regardless of who is elected) to continue to provide entitlement payments (make more on welfare than by working) and those same people believe they will continue to get their government benefits the Payne auto ads say.
One thing I have noticed in Brownsville and the whole valley is the poor level of education the canadates have. Then again, Martinez has a law degree. That is one of the reasions I voted for him. Now I do not time is more valuable than what it takes me to vote.
I voted for Roberto Uresti and Leticia "Letty" Garzoria. They promised to fix my street.'s Brownsville. Not Bronwsville. Ya estas como los que pusieron el Glady's Porter sign!
What a dumb analysis . ...
Wow, you are a two time idiot.
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