And so we have come to the bloodletting promised by the new board majority after the recent elections.
The following items on tonight's Brownsville Independent School District clearly show that interim Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas under the direction of board general counsel Baltazar Salazar and the board majority is set to swing her hatchet as was expected of her when she was hired.

We won't pretend to guess at the people represented by the initials, but it is obvious that in the last item (20) (SPA) refers to Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson, Assistant Superintendent Support Services.
"I have never seen so many terminations and non-renewals," said the same board member. "Getting even isn't a good reason for run for office in a school district."
Doubtless, the votes in today's meetings will unleash a flurry of lawsuits that will keep Salazar's brethren busy and in the money. But if each name represents a household, the turmoil will not be limited to the BISD.
Can any of our readers enlighten us on what the other initials may stand for?
9. Recommend approval of Campus Professional Employee (A.B.L.) for change in contract for the 2015-2016 fiscal school year.
10. Recommend approval of Campus Professional Employee (S.S.J.) for change in contract for the 2015-2016 fiscal school year.
11. Recommend to approve the proposed termination of a continuing contract and discharge a teacher (M.C.) for good cause for the 2014-2015 school year.
12. Recommend approval of a third year probationary contract employee (A.L.) for a fourth year probationary contract for the 2015-2016 school year based on determination that it is doubtful whether the employee should be given a term contract. (TEC) §21.102 (c), DCA (Legal).
13. Recommend approval of a third year probationary contract employee (D.G.) for a fourth year probationary contract for the 2015-2016 school year based on determination that it is doubtful whether the employee should be given a term contract. (TEC) §21.102 (c), DCA (Legal).
14. Recommend that retired/rehired employees who began work after 2005 be responsible for their own TRS surcharges and benefits starting with the 2015-2016 contract year. The district will continue to pay the same benefits to retired/rehired employees offered to all other district employees.
15. Recommend approval not to offer new employment contract to (R.T.) terminating employment contract at end of contract term.
16. Recommend to approve the proposed termination of a continuing contract and discharge a teacher (J.A.C.) for good cause for the 2014-2015 school year. 3
17. Recommend approval of the termination of the probationary contract of employee (F.C.) at the end of the 2014-2015 school year §21.103 (a) TEC.
18. Recommend approval of the termination of the probationary contract of employee (A.P.) at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. §21.103 (a) TEC.
19. Recommend approval for the proposed non-renewal of a term contract employee (E.L.) at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.
20. Recommend approval for the proposed non-renewal of a term contract employee (S.P.A.) at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.
Juan, the terminations of contracts are due to cut backs in the district in order to meet the budget needs similar to the situation in San Benito ISD. For example: a retired counselor working for the school district may be making over $65,000 in addition to their state retirement benefits. At the same time the district is paying the counselor's TRS subcharges and benefits which can be more than $15,000. I heard that a retired counselor working for the district is making more than $120,000 in salary and retirement pension benefits. In addition such counselor is absent from work one or two days every week due to the fact that he has local and state sick leave days that he has accumulated. Therefore, the district is doing the right thing by cutting back on the payment of the TRS subcharges and benefits for the retired counselors working for the district. Also, not all probationary contract teachers deserve to be given a term contract if they do not meet the job performance criteria of the district. Once they are given the term contract, the district is stuck with the individuals regardless of their classroom performance.
Is it true that Duardo gets his haircuts at a soup kitchen? His fellow vagrants swear he eats the soup, then turns the bowl over for a haircut. ha ha ha ha ha ha
This list is not long and was the norm when they had good administration.
Lame.Grow up.
Such bullshit. This is tame compared to when Cata was board president. It was so bad that she resigned the presidency rather than be voted out under the guise of business taking priority. Her resignation did not stop her from creating more discord on the board resulting in a frivolous lawsuit. Most people do not see these changes as payback but rather righting past wrongs.
Milking the system is not new but someone has to have the guts to stop the losses. If you want to retire do so but don't expect BISD to keep paying you your high salary.
They pay a penalty to do so.
The list is not long enough. Other than that, business as usual. Every new administration brings in their new ass kissers, a standard operating procedure.
is he a bisd employee? rivera high?
Things appear to be just as bad if not worse than when Cata was board president. The apparent illegal hiring of attorneys, and apparent illegal insurance contract. All of this within 6 months of a new board majority!
What will Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson say if her contract is not renewed? Oh, I know "It's in the best interest of the district." Smartest thing she's probably ever said and a statement that almost everyone will, for the first time ever, agree with her on. Bye bye.
Oh here's one that should have been added: BISD Police Chief Oscar "Pendejo" Garcia. That douche has absolute crap for brains. He can't even win cases that are blatantly easy to win. And then he gets the wrong people while the guilty party gets off the hook. He's a glorified security guard, probably talking about all the "action" he's seen investigating who stole the apple off the teachers desk.
Its about time someone trimmed the fat in BISD. The district has too many administrators making too much money. One way to save is to cut the salaries of those administrators. Key too is to get rid of poor teachers....that is a political battle and won't be done. Its all the end they still will be over staffed and wasting money intended for the education of the kids. No wonder so many people are lined up for the Idea Academies and other charter schools. BISD may soon just be educating illegals.
They should also look into Besteiro M.S. Principal. The discipline is really bad. The students have no respect for their teachers. The teachers will not write a referral because the principal does nothing to the student. During the STAAR testing the students had their phones and were walking around the halls with them on their hands and using them. There was one student David he had his phone full volume playing music in the office. Nobody told him anything because the principal does not want anybody saying anything to him. All year long he wears what ever he wants no uniform. But he is not the only one a lot of students don't wear uniform and come to school late. That is every day just stand out side the school and see what I am saying is true. The principal does nothing to help the teachers. But with the poor custodians she treats them like slaves. Has them working all day long she can not see them even taking a drink of water cause she will go and ask them if they have nothing to do. She has them painting, waxing, cutting trees, cleaning the outside wall three or four times a year. They have no rest but this is not with all the custodians because she has two that are her pets so they have it made no hard work for them. If Mrs. Hernandez would be like that with the students it would be a great place to work. Principals like her need to retire or not renew her contact. PLEASE LOOK INTO ALL THIS
Seems like a Saddam purge as seen on TV.
I think Duardo's bowl haircut is cool, fake cool, just like his fake comments, fake stories and fake resume'.
Mr. Editor,
Why did Duardass Bowlcut get fired from the Brownsville Herald in the 80's? Was it for writing a fake story? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
mr editor,
I still part my hair. The bowl just evens things out.
Duardass Bowlcut
Hey Otis or Carlos quit babbling, pendejos
Is Sanchez still hired? Compensation plan needs more tweeking...hahahah. Easy...cut the fat and those obselete departments..who every one knows are a waste. Sanchez knows which ones....wink wink. Money money.....Believe in BISD!!!
Anyone who thinks that this is part of "cutting the fat" must get their heads checked out.
Everyone with a pulse knows that this is part of the new board mayority who have an axe to grind against those who called them out on their dubious moves some of them made in the past. Expect lawsuits up the ass for BISD and maybe one or two juicy allegations against the new board pres.
She better watch her back cause the feds are near by.
The newspaper has an article today that BISD is giving a 3% pay raise to employees. How is that cutting the fat? Are they doing that because next year they (employees) will be asked to pay part of their insurance premiums? Are they doing that because they have not given a pay raise in more than 3 years? Are they doing that because the new board president wants to be remembered as the one who gave employees a pay raise (dont forget that when you go vote for me next time around)? Are they doing that because they just happened to have extra money with all the retirements (less than 1% of employees retired this year)? Or is it all of the above? When you get a 3% raise and you have not gotten a raise in 3 years that is an avg. of 1% raise per each of those years. How much have your groceries increased in price? How many extra duties are you required to do? how much higher is your electric bill? water bill? You, BISD employee are getting $1, $10, more for every $100 in your paycheck while those that sign that paycheck get 10X more. Congratulations on your pay raise.
So what's your point? They should refuse the raise?
Anonymous said...
So what's your point? They should refuse the raise?
May 7, 2015 at 6:55 PM
They are only getting a cost of living increase. They are only getting what they were supposed to be getting about 3 years ago and they can check that out when they get their first increase on the pay check that shows the pay increase. The employee contribution to TRS has also increased in percentage per month, school districts will also be paying a higher district contribution percentage. The legislature has also passed for the 2015-2016 school year for employees under TRS care that school districts are not obligated to pay their employees health care (like BISD currently does)so employees can be deducted a percentage of their salary for contribution to their health care plan (like the charter schools currently do). Simply stated : When they get their first pay check with the increase, see how much extra dollars they will actually get AFTER deductions with the increase. No one in their right mind refuses a raise. The name you give it does not make it one. It is a cost of living increase that was owed 3 years ago.
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