(Ed.'s Note: Circulars like the one above are stating to appear all overt town as the bus drivers of the Brownsville Independent School District watch apprehensively as the school board and the administration move to cut corners to meet budget shortcomings. Drivers already know that even if they have trustee Jose Chirinos (former Transportation administrator) on their side, and even perhaps Minerva Peña, they have along road to hoe to keep whatever benefits they have, or even their jobs. In the flier above, the drivers union is calling for a mass meeting at
10 a.m. tomorrow (Thursday) at the parking lot of the Brownsville Events Center on Paredes Line Road. Like San Benito, the BISD is looking for anywhere they can cut costs, and the drivers know that the bus barn is one of the first places they look.)
Someone needs to do an analysis of the obscene pay that some administrators make for pushing papers and being on FB while on taxpayers dime. Always seeking glory and "likes" for a job they are being paid to do. Some even show minor children while bragging about this or that.(y los amigos pendejos con sus likes) Shameful!!!!!!! Even sposes of some who have not been with the district that long but get fat paychecks.
I guess when you bring in Sanchez it is easy to manipulate numbers!!
Juanito you are doing a great job!
What in the hell is Brownsville Herald Zeitung??????
Cata la rata presas hates the school bus union. They will make sure she loses come election time....she would rather sue the district than support the ones that we entrust with the lives of our children.
4:40pm this must be one of chirinos's compadres or Minerva's ass kisser, maybe Otis's bff betty? those are the ones the boseros NOTODOS ESTAN unidos deberian de cuidarse????
be glad your getting a small raise. a raise is raise. 3% percent may not be much but they the bisd board will give another raise the following year as well of 3%. yes, maybe they the bisd needs to re negotiate and look into giving a 5% raise across the board. maybe cut the fat at the main office and eliminate the a few of the AA's. the ones that actually do the work are Carl Guerra and Jimmy Haynes. you can see my Haynes now a days at transportation helping out while he can so that mr. guerrero does not carry the load of work . remember elections coming up next year in 2016 and if I were the board I would move up the election to may instead of November
But you are not....
Haynes working? ??
Haynes would not work if hid life depended on it....
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