By Juan Montoya
Remember when Victor Cortez left the Cameron County District Attorney's Office because he said it would pose a conflict of interest since he was planning to run for the county sheriff position held by Omar Lucio?In a post that we find intriguing, not because of what it contains, but what it doesn't, Wightman places the responsibility for an inmate's unproved allegations of prison gangs running the jail on Lucio's doorstep and then curiously states that "Sheriff Lucio will have to answer for this in the March 2016, primaries."
The inmate, Mohamed Bandjan, back in November 2011, was brought by Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos from a federal prison in Georgia to provide testimony in the case of Mexican Mafia member.
In January 2012, Bandjan claimed that authorities were supposed to transfer him back to Georgia to finish out a 10-year sentence for a federal bank fraud case filed on Ohio.

Weeks after the trial ended, he remains stuck at the Cameron County Jail where he claimed overcrowding and poor conditions had taken their toll on his dignity.
Bandjan filed his federal case pro se in Georgia and the case was transferred to Brownville, where he had another pro se complaint pending.
In his motion, he wanted the court to direct the local Texas prosecutor to file a motion aimed at reducing his sentence in return for his cooperation. He also wanted the local county to give him $3,500 so his family can visit him. Finally, he seeks a "reasonable settlement for the hardship (he) went through in Brownsville, Texas."
On February 28, 2012, federal magistrate G. R. Smith ordered Bandjan's case be transferred to the Southern District of Texas for all further proceedings.
And even though Federal Judge Hilda G. Tagle complained that the defendant's motion was "so substandard as to be frivolous," this did not stop Wightman to conclude that his allegations claiming that "endless rapes and extortion by gang members in the jail" signaled the end of Lucio's career as sheriff.
And, oh yes, another trivial tidbit, the court had removed Lucio individually and in his official capacity from the lawsuit.
To Wightman, Tagle's opinion "documents a very disturbing mismanagement of the jail."
These are the rantings of a drama queen with an axe to grind against an elected official who just happens to be running for reelction in the 2016 Democratic primary.
It's not far-fetched to believe that this post is the first shot across Lucio's bow by the Cortez campaign. Remember, before Cortez left, DA Luis Saenz was personally introducing him to all the leading political operatives in the county as his candidate of choice against Lucio.

With PR maven (and county-paid PIO) Melissa Landin who was Cortez's colleague at the DA's Office pulling Wightman's wires, the search is on for anything that will smooth the political waters for Cortez to make a splash against Lucio.
There is another wrinkle to this fable. For months there have been rumors that Saenz will run for DA on the Republican ticket. Lucio is a formidable Democrat vote getter and would swamp Cortez in any contest. And many of Saenz's supporters feel that they were betrayed by him after he promise to be fair and impartial in his prosecutions. In other words, the money he was given by them (and not reported) will no longer be there.
Many point to his lip-service support for Joe Rivera against incumbent Republican Carlos Cascos as a sign that he will leave the Democratic fold and run for DA as a Republican. That he administered the oath to Cascos before he left to become Texas Secretary of State is just another indication of his supposed defection to the GOP.
That a sea lawyer's (and a bank robber's) claim would be built up to discredit Lucio and have him "answer for this in the March 2016, primaries" is such a transparent and ludicrous attempt to make a political mountain out of a frivolous molehill is about par for the course for Wightman and his DA bods.
The round mound of ass pound is writing his nonsense again dudes...but what is new?!
If all the people the grotesque gay blogger thought should be in jail would be put away....only he and his little friend Bella would be walking the streets!
And speaking of walking the streets dudes...the fat hairy gay blogger wrote a few days ago that he saw a naked black man roaming the streets and he called police to report him dudes....he wrote that it was shocking to him to see...that it reminded him Robert Sanchez standing on Palm Blvd. with a sign....that they did not look mentally stable....this from the poster child of mental stability!...hey blimp...did you get the black guy's number?!
The gay blimp should be the last guy calling people weird and disoriented dudes....have you ever thought what people say about you blimp...when you are making your walks on Boca Chica in your flip-flops to Pep Boys to compare screwdriver prices? look like a crazed hippo in!
Maybe one sday dudes...maybe one day the blimp would stop teasing us and leave this city and go terrorize other poor souls in another city.....we should be so lucky!
What's with all this "!" bull shit? Are we still in middle school?
LMMFAO! I read that black guy thing and thought the same thing.
HA HA HA ....who wrote this about the blimp, D-PM?
Omar Lucio is a senile DICK and needs to go. He is worthless.....but is being held up by his staff, most of whom would be sacked by a "good" sheriff.
Pinche Booby "The Sky is Falling" W-C is crazier than a skunk fucking a football in a turnip truck.
For the love of god Roman.....grow up! You are running for political office and posting your vile rants ? Struggling with your gender identity much? Your "lols" are annoying and juvenile...stop embarrassing your family .
A leopard can't change its spots. Saenz, no matter under which party he chooses to run, will still be the lying, incompetent, corrupt ass he is now. We voters will not forget!
Amen to that
Bobby Wightman reminds me of that white speck on chicken shit! Just like his buddy in Tony Chapa! You can't blog or critic them, thus they don't post it.
I would vote for Victor Cortez only because I believe we need new blood and Cortez will get that agency back on track, ok. Omar Lucio has had his run and needs to retire, ok. The other reason to vote Lucio out of office is to keep units from being "peed" on by him and to get rid of the Reyna brothers. As far as I concerned, neither of the Reyna brothers deserve a shot at Sheriff. Their stuck up attitude toward their staff and all in law enforcement is one of the reasons that they would not make a good Sheriff. They are despised by their staff and don't forget that Gus Reyna had some kind of alcohol or drug substance problem, along with wrecking units and covering them up but punishing others in the department for the same thing?
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