This Sunday's Herald gave front-page treatment to the failure of the City of Brownsville Commission – particularly District 1 commissioner Rick Longoria – to provide hurricane protection for its most vulnerable residents.
Reporter Ty Johnson overlooked the public record and gave Longoria his soapbox to complain that his fellow commissioners and the administration had taken the money "from my people" and had given him money to pave streets instead just in time for his reelection.
Johnson outlines how the city administration blew its chances of building three domes in the city with more than $6 million in appropriations from FEMA starting back in 2012.
Yet, by the summer of 2014 – even with a two-year extension to complete them – the city couldn't meet the deadline. So the city administration scrapped two domes and finally axed the one for Southmost in March.
Plans to construct one at the First Baptist School on Boca Chica and Old Alice Road was abandoned after silk-stocking neighbors of the church (Rio Viejo) complained that a torrent of low-income residents would flood their swanky neighborhood and the dome would hurt the value of their homes.
Then, with deadlines approaching, City Information Director (Jerry Hedgecock) once again demonstrated his astounding ineptness by failing to nail one at the central campus as well. That was also abandoned and commissioners settled on one single dome at the Brownsville Sports Park.
And where was District 1 commissioner Longoria all this time that "his people" were getting the shaft?
This is the record Ty:
On May 25, 2013 – almost two years ago – the city commission, with Longoria present, voted on this item:
8. FIRST Public Hearing for the proposed 2012/2013 HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funding allocation. (Stephanie Reyes – Grants)
The "substantial" part of that amendment was the proposal to shift $535,000 from a construction of the planned Southmost Community Center (Dome) to provide hurricane protection to that community and add $300,000 to John Villarreal's District 4 Oliveira Skate Park's $150,000 and another $235,000 to meet the needs of additional amenities to District 2 Jessica Tetreau's Portway Acres Park which was originally programmed for $107,692.
According ot the minutes of that meeting:
"Commissioner Estela C. Vasquez moved that the proposed 2nd Substantial Amendment to the
Fiscal Year 2012/2013 HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funding
allocation, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jessica Tetreau and carried
Longoria had another chance to protect "his people" on December 12, 2014 when the commission considered delaying the construction once again. The minutes of that meeting state:
8. FIRST Public Hearing for the proposed 2012/2013 HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funding allocation. (Stephanie Reyes – Grants)
The "substantial" part of that amendment was the proposal to shift $535,000 from a construction of the planned Southmost Community Center (Dome) to provide hurricane protection to that community and add $300,000 to John Villarreal's District 4 Oliveira Skate Park's $150,000 and another $235,000 to meet the needs of additional amenities to District 2 Jessica Tetreau's Portway Acres Park which was originally programmed for $107,692.
According ot the minutes of that meeting:
"Commissioner Estela C. Vasquez moved that the proposed 2nd Substantial Amendment to the
Fiscal Year 2012/2013 HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funding
allocation, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jessica Tetreau and carried
Longoria had another chance to protect "his people" on December 12, 2014 when the commission considered delaying the construction once again. The minutes of that meeting state:
9. Consideration and ACTION to request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant the City of Brownsville a 12-month extension to complete construction of the Community Safe Room project (DR-1791-361), located at the Southmost Library. Commissioner Ricardo Longoria Jr. moved that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant to the City of Brownsville, for a 12-month extension to complete construction of the Community Safe Room project (DR-1791-361), located at the Southmost Library, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jessica Tetreau and carried unanimously.
On March 17, the minutes will reflect that the commission voted on Item 27 on a motion by commissioner Rose Gowen that the proposals received for the RFP #CSS-0301215 Texas Safe Shelter Initiative (TSSI) (DR-1791-361, DR-1791-362), be rejected. The motion carried unanimously.
Then, on Item 18 (the commission took action on these items out of order) Commissioner Rose M. Z. Gowen moved that City of Brownsville’s recommendation regarding the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Community Safe Rooms, Proposals II, to reallocate funds for Southmost Library Dome to Street & Drainage Improvements, be accepted and approved. The motion carried unanimously.
However, at that March meeting, Longoria did speak out.
He spoke out in the form of issuing yet three more proclamations to recognize: to Gowen in recognition of physicians’ contributions, the care they provide and advances made in the field of medicine; a proclamation in designating March 28, 2015, as Nuts 4 Nutrition Day, and a proclamation in designating March 24, 2015, as Diabetes Alert Day,
And just down the road, those hayseeds in Los Fresnos were given the same chance by FEMA to build dome for "their people" at the Consolidated Independent School District's United campus just north of Olmito and achieved starkly different results.

Longoria is up for reelection in a runoff with Roman Perez, a candidate that has also failed to capitalize on Ricks sexual foibles, alleged illegal campaign contributions, and his demonstrated ineffectiveness. But compared to the documented ineptness shown by Longoria on this huuricane protection for "his people," anything would be better.
La Lana de La Familia disappeared by a Houdini city father .
Longoria doesn't care about "his people" never has never will! He was ok with allocating those monies for "last minute" street renovations. It was in his best interest to do so for his campaign. Early Voting begins tomorrow REMEMBER that!
That cartoon character is perfect it's Lety Melendez, Evelyn and the fat one is Myra Vidal ha ha ha Rick Longoria is a joke and a failure he should be run out of office and town
Rick Longoria, queremos regreses, pero que regreses todo lo que te has robado. Lol. La Southmost ya no te quiere por rata y por andar jugando a las espadas en pelotas, cochinon.
No vales madre Longoria.
Oh please!!! Really??!! If we want to keep throwing jabs at people then how about being realistic and listing all of Mr. Longoria's women. Oh, wait!! No? Why? Maybe because that would include most of Brownsville. If Ms. Olvera would have kept her man satisfied then maybe he wouldn't have strayed. For the mature ones reading this blog, our concerns should be about why, what, where and to whom money is going to. As the citizens of these districts we have a right to understand what exactly is going on. And please don't be naïve in thinking that Mr. Longoria is the only small town politician fattening his pockets. Mr. Longoria, for the most part, has served his community well. If it wasn't for his indiscretions catching up with him we would all, along with Ms. Olvera, still be living in a fairy tale of what this man and other politicians have done. He got caught with his pants around his ankles and she gave up some of his secrets. Move on!!! The real concern is why were decisions made that would negatively affect a community? There are always more sides to a store, maybe we should listen to them all before we make up our minds.
Looks like them let Evelyn , Myra what a bunch of thrash
RICARDO TRANSA lLONGORIA Jr ha ha what an ashwipe
OMG really "if she had kept her man satisfied "typical comment of a narrow minded asshole no one could you idiot he's a man whore
Action speak louder than words and Rick gas shown he does not have time for district 1 between the teaching if any the dj crap and all the cheating, when would he have time to listen to his people unless you're an easy female or even a guy who knows lol !!!
The point is, who cares! No one does! Everyone has skeletons in their closets, but they should be kept in there. Worry about important issues
Sounds like you know them personally or are you just talking out of your ass.
Yes bitch I know them they give all women a bad name they are submissive to and idiot that don't give a shit about anyone just his idiot self he uses them when ever he wants and they have no say so they are a joke
Yes I do they are stupid submissive women that let themselves be treated like thrash by allowing this idiot of a man to treat then how ever he wants and they have no say so , you can't help but feel sorry for them and that makes ALL women look bad and for what NOT A Damm THING
With your idiotic comments you just proved that you are uneducated and have no clue as to what real issues are. It is funny that you would assume that his so called "women" are submissive and were allowing themselves to be played. Hello! Unless they lived under a rock they had to have known what and with whom they were getting involved with so no one should feel sorry for anyone and no it does not make "All women" look bad because every woman is an individual who can think for themselves and make grown up decisions on how they choose to live their lives. John 8:7 "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." They knew what they were all getting involved in. I am pretty sure that all parties were consenting adults. Again, please stop dwelling on the insignificant role these women played and focus on what needs to be done next. What can you and I do to get answers and find out how to make our city better? We need to move forward and work on putting the right people in place to run our community.
Wow really you condone this type of behavior and at the same time you quote scripture since when tell me where is it written that it's OK to sleep around, but you know what to hell with them they deserve each other,and where in this stinking town is there some one with the guts and values that a person in office needs.When they first take the offfice they go in with the best intentions but it does not take long before greed takes over and maybe I don't have a PhD in asshole 101 like u but I know women have fought for the right to have equal rights and be treated with respect and dignity and that's not an individual right but everyone's right if anything what Rick is doing its a form of abuse by this typical macho jerk
For comment 3:56 you are right they are insignificant they are not the ones in office Rick is and because of that he has standards to uphold and about finding the right person it's easy maybe you should run you seem to think you have all the answers
No one is condoning anything. You seem to be taking these comments personally. Again, all parties were Consenting adults.
Don't have all the answers, but I do know that change needs to be made. We need to elect people who will stand up to all of the corruption and say NO when they know that it will negatively affect the people. We need people who will say No i can not do that for you unless I do it for everybody. At this point anyone will be better than the choices we have. I bet hardly anyone will be voting during these run offs.
That's the Christian way! Sin, forgive, repeat!
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