By now we're used to seeing the work of Cameron County District Attorney Pubic Information Officer Melissa Landin adorn the pages of DA Luis Saenz private (non-official) website.
Landin, whose publicly-paid salary tops at $44,000 last time we looked at the DA's salary schedule, often appears on the pages of Saenz's Facebook page that has nothing to do with that office's official duties.

The county judge's office doesn't have one.
No judges have one.
The county sheriff's department doesn't have one.
No county commissioner has one.
The district clerk doesn't have one and neither does the county clerk.

In fact, during the campaign against Carlos Masso, Saenz used to complain about the existence of that office and got rid of Jason Moody as soon as he got in and replaced him with Landin. It could be that Moody just happened to be supporting Masso against Saenz. But once in, Saenz apparently had a change of heart and kept the office.
He fund money to pay her in his budget ($33,000) , the pre-trial diversion fund (($3,500), and another $7,500 from the forfeiture fund.
(Before she was Landin, Melissa was Zamora. She was employed by then-County Judge Carlos Cascos until she demanded that she be put in charge of the office when he was out of town. Cascos demurred and she left.)
Some people have pointed out a recent posting by Saenz on his non-official site is about a visit to the Dora Romero Elementary School Career Day. These visits have been usually attended by the Crime Victims Unit of the DA's Office, not by the DA himself. In fact, the CVU is funded by a grant from the Texas Attorney General, and not from the DA's budget.
That the posting appeared on Saenz's private FB page and featured a photo of Landin indicates that the DA's full-court reelection press is on and that county employees are being used to help it during county time.
Is this a legitimate use of county (or TAG) funds?
Deep Throat says: Dig deeper Montoya. Melly broke the law on another matter. She knows it. She is very upset with Saenz because he ordered he to break the law.
DA employees are breaking the law by attending career days as they have done for MANY years? WOW. Better notify the county since several county offices have representation at career days. What a doozy of an investigative report.
The PIO osition is just another waste of taxpayers monies, that's all. Luis has always been rotten to the core back then and now, has never changed a bit.
Who is the chick with Smelly Melly? hubba hubba....nice tetas..
Can you be more specific please?
Eventually Melissa will find another, higher paying or higher profile, job and will abandon the Saenz political ship. Melissa was hired by Saenz because he expects Melissa to polish his political knob and try to make him seem like a good guy. Luis Saenz is the same old corrupt guy he was when he was DA before. Melissa was hired to make him seem to be something he is not....a dedicated public servant; and neither is Melissa. Luis and Melissa deserve each other; both self-serving opportunists.
PIO=Penis Into Orifice
Do you have Milk?
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