ITEM 4: Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding appointment for Search Committee and/or firm to replace Superintendent of Schools.
Ms. MINERVA PEÑA, Board President: OK. I will start on our left side, Mr. (Carlos) Elizondo, any discussion or suggestions or recommendation?
ELIZONDO: The only thing I recommend, I don;t even know who we use, is there a particular agency that we recommend or anything like that?
PEÑA: Have we ever sued anyone? When was the last time we used someone?
(CESAR) LOPEZ: So this would be community members, not BISD employees, correct?
PEÑA: And if I may suggest, I understand and I respect your point of view, but I think we would be, a more responsible thing to do is to having a consultant to bring in names or to help us search so we could do a national search be cause if we do community members, it's going to be more difficult for them to be able do a national search , and then this way we have, I know it's saying something is pricey, we want to do this transparently and make sure that every candidate possible that would be a good fit for us, come to us, cause we can each appoint two members and that's fine, but I don't want, let's say, if we are how many, seven, that's 14 people running left, right and very which way. I would be more comfortable that we get a consultant that would bring the names in and then we have the community members per se, vet the person and they they recommend to the board their three picks, that's how I would see.
(JOE) RODRIGUEZ: I would recommend George McShan. He was a National School Board President, Texas School Board President; that's what he does. He has brought lot of people. As a matter of fact, he had a, he was the guy that recommended you Dr. (Zendejas)...
PEÑA: He was instrumental in taking you away from us, sir.
RODRIGUEZ: But anyway, that's the name that's out there. He has given us in-services, he knows the community well and I think Otis has a good point that at that point in time he should confer and everybody name one person or maybe we all can select three people of community members to look at that, that's not uncommon to do and I think it's good. But let this guy that has the experience to spearhead this deal.
LOPEZ: Yeah, I think that McShan has been at this game for, I don't know, like 150 years or something like that.
PEÑA: He looks 40.
LOPEZ: He is well versed, He is very experienced in this situation. I mean, I know that there is other agencies, but he's local.
PEÑA: He knows the culture...
LOPEZ: Yeah, he knows. I believe he used to teach here back in like 1960 or something like that. I think he would bring something good to the table so I support that.
(JOSE HECTOR) CHIRINOS: On this person, on this person you're talking about, yes, I mean, we just need not to close our doors so fast, we need to look around, different agencies, different things, what's the best for the district and the students. And yes, I am of the agreement that we do a committee from the community, it could be one, it could be two. I think it is something that needs to be set for the next board meeting that we discuss, you know, in detail, how exactly we want to do this and the search is going tom take time if we are going to go that route. So I do agree with the rest of the rest of the broad members that we need to start finalizing the details as to the committee, as to who will represent the district, if we need to, as a consultant.
PEÑA: One thing that I would like to say and itr's excellent, we do need community members because this school district does belong to the community, but before we leave the meeting today, I would like to get of how many members, per, how many committee members per board member; I don't want to leave that up in the air, that way when we come back in March, you already have the names. If it's only one, if it's two, that way we don't have to run around like that.
POWERS: I would like two because sometimes one don't show up and the other will.
PEÑA: I like two, I like two, too.
RODRIGUEZ: Two or three is fine, whatever the board wants but I think I think it needs community input, I mean, you know.
PRESAS-GARCIA: Well, I move to approve. Were you going to hire already the consultant, I mean we have, Mr. McShan?
PEÑA: We are just going to discuss that...we are going to make a motion.
PRESAS-GARCIA: OK. Well, I agree with hiring the consultant and then two people from the community to participate on the selection.
PEÑA: Do I have a motion to hire a consultant to help us with this search for the superintendent?
LOPEZ: Yes, but we're going to finalize everything on the March 3 meeting.
PEÑA: Yes, right now we just have the motion for us to start getting the names of the people in for consultant, bringing the names before the board for consultant, bringing the names for the board for the committee members. That I want to establish now. Do we want to do one or two? I agree with Mr. Powers, two is better because if one fails, you have the other.
ELIZONDO: I make the motion that, which is to go ahead and start looking for someone, a consultant so they can help us through the process and make it two members per each board that are appointed from the community so they can make this decision with the consultant and then and bring back to the board for a decision.
PEÑA: And nothing will be finalized as far as the committee or the consultant till the March agenda.
ELIZONDO: Correct.
PEÑA: OK. I will tell you when you can vote.
RODRIGUEZ: Are we voting on McShan?
PEÑA: No. We are voting on getting a consultant name before us on March 3 and the names of the committee members on March 3 will be finalized, a consultant and the members.
RODRIGUEZ: How many committee members?
PEÑA: Two.
RODRIGUEZ: Two, total?
PEÑA: Two per, two each.
PRESAS-GARCIA: Two per board member.
PEÑA: That's 14 people.
RODRIGUEZ: That's a lot to sit.
PEÑA: And it's really is a lot of people sir but if you stop to think ab out it, sometimes people don't show to these meetings.
RODRIGUEZ: Yeah, but I mean, they're going to show up to this deal because the consultant isn't going to come back with say, three names or four names and at that point in time is when the committee comes because we don;t expect 14 people to come here and be meeting. I mean the committee goes statewide, you know, wherever they go and whatever they do or whatever the contract says.
PEÑA: Or that person can come to us.
RODRIGUEZ: Or they bring people up, but two per, to me that's a lot but I will go with whatever you all want, I mean 14 people.
LOPEZ: Coach, Coach, do you think, would you I mean, I can read you my motion.
PEÑA: I like two. I like two.
ELIZONDO: If one doesn't come in the other one could show up, you know. I would think this person brings in three or four choices and then at that time you can have whatever number you want...
RODRIGUEZ: I mean but because they are going to be all at the same time.
ELIZONDO: The thing is, we want more community involvement so we can pick the right person.
PEÑA: Yes. Yes.
ELIZONDO: Especially if it will be the people's choice and that way they can at least hold ownership and try to make it for BISD, I mean, this is.
PEÑA: Two is good, that's the motion on the floor.
RODRIGUEZ: That's fine with me.
Final vote: Motion: ELIZONDO
Vote: 7-0 (Unanimous) To be brought back to finalize March 3 meeting.
March 3 meeting: Was never brought back and vacancy posted to hire internally hiring instead.
What a bunch of fuckin idiots. They can not ever do anything honestly or professionally.
TEA checking upon BISD administration and board member practices and correct following of rules and regulation.
Anything you put on your blog that he said, she said, it was said and NOT FOLLOWED, well that is NOT NEWS but business and usual.
Are we betting on corruption and people with no brains? My $$$'s on the Beaners.
Are Cesar, Carlos, Hector, Minerva, Otis and Joe ratas de dos patas???
BISD is the most corrupt elected body in the region. Trustees continue to manipulate the system to benefit their friends. Lots of money is going under the table to these Trustees.
Look at this transcript. The way these people talk you would think the name of the district is BI - ADHD- SD.
That was embarrassing. They all come off as incompetent babbling morons who obviously have no concept on how to run a school board meeting. There must be a copy of Robert's Rule Of Order somewhere in the district.
Never mind. Now that I think about it I'm not sure any in this group has a reading level high enough to get anything out of the book.
Man I can't believe that this lady is board president. WOW!! I am speechless (SMH). I met her once about 7 years ago and let me tell you that she is not at all the sharpest barb on the wire or the brightest star in the sky. Quack, quack, quack!!!! That is all I heard the entire time.
C'mon, you guys act like this is WORLD BREAKING NEWS! BISD is and always does things corruptly. I wonder how they are losing lots of students and still manage to keep people and give raises?
Vote for Pedro!
Credit to Carlos Elizondo for trying to clarify the motion and keep the discussion on track.
Yes, Carlos is the only good and cool guy there. I know two of his brothers. I went to elem school with his smaller brother, Mario. Great guys - great family.
If Mr. Elizondo is so cool, why is he not honoring his commitments to improve BISD? How can this Board consider hiring a Superintendent whose last job was as a Charter School principle in McAllen, Texas? Why is it that the Pace High School principle, Rose Longoria and Special Ed. Director, Dr. Miller, would not even recommend Esperanza Zendenjas for a low level counseling position last year?
Mr. Elizondo and Minerva Pena should do what they always preach, to protect students and staff. The short- term, interim superintendent, Zendejas, runs from meeting to meeting threatening and demoralizing staff, with the intent to terminate or demote many. In a few short months, she has devastated and disrupted this district.
How cool is that, Mr. Elizondo???
I wonder why Carlos has no hair? Good guys always have hair!
Karlos, I have a video tape you may want to see.
Who wants to hire someone who is sharper and more intellignet than you are? That is a threat to that person who did not want to hire Dr. Zendejas in their department or school. First of all, it is not "their department." That is one of the things that needs to change around her and with Dr. Zendejas, it is for certain that the BISD will again belong to the students. Those who complain about her
are those that are running scared because of their lack of ability to perform their assigned duties. There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians at BISD and if you actually are objective about the whole thing, you will see that in less than 4 months, things have started to chamge for the positive with Dr. Zendejas at the helm. It is rewarding to hear staff members feel secure and not afraid to lose their job because of retilitation. The fear is slowly going away, but we now need to work on those who wish to be paid big bucks and not expected to produce!
Carlos has no hair because he was baptized with battery water .
Tanto pedo, y dejaron a Zendi para que haga las tranzas???
Agree and where is TEA, where are the U.S. Marshalls, FBI???
Carlos el Pelon, was he put there by the Brownsville Mafia? how quick he got the restaurant, y de Donde saco dinero pa marrarse la tripa?
Andale, quier mas o LE guizo in huevo?
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