"Folks, I still think Judge Michael Trejo from La Feria is our best candidate for sheriff...he is young and energetic. He is not looking for a "cushy" job after retirement."

Anonymous said...
By Juan Montoya

Now, with our publication yesterday of Mr. Trejo's propensity to recur to the social media to publicize his comings and goings for the world to see, they have returned in full force.
But so have, alas, the criticisms.
"He hasn't even completed the first year of being JP Precinct 5, Place 3, and his supporters are already making noises about running for sheriff against Omar Lucio," wrote one. "He should consult with his elders before he allows people to say stuff like that."
That's Trejo in the graphic of last years' Stand With Texas Woman rally at the Cameron County Democratic Women's Club in Brownsville. The president of that club is Cindy Hinojosa, wife of current Texas Democratic Chairman Gilbero Hinojosa (at far right). To Trejo's immediate right is former Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera. To Rivera's right is Brownsville Independent School District chair Minerva Peña. Ironically, Rivera, Hinojosa's candidate for county judge, lost to Republican Carlos Cascos. Peña also lost in her bid for justice of the peace.
Trejo was elected in 2012 and has not announced that he is a candidate for sheriff himself, although from the comments placed by "Team Trejo 2016," it is pretty obvious that he may have plans to go for it.
If he does decide to announce, he will have to overcome the skepticism of his critics who feel that he is biting off more than he can chew with the likes of incumbent Lucio and maybe even Cortez. The comments may not be fair, but it is something he will have to deal with, such as the following:
Anonymous said...
Trejo a la Alex Perez, Armando, Limas, is putting too much light to his 2016 candidacy and then jail path. We all know Alex somehow got out of his crooked path, Raymond couldn't maybe; Mike with Janie will make a great couple a la Minnie and Lupe with the tow truck business transporting que?????"
"He hasn't even completed the first year of being JP Precinct 5, Place 3, and his supporters are already making noises about running for sheriff against Omar Lucio," wrote one. "He should consult with his elders before he allows people to say stuff like that."
That's Trejo in the graphic of last years' Stand With Texas Woman rally at the Cameron County Democratic Women's Club in Brownsville. The president of that club is Cindy Hinojosa, wife of current Texas Democratic Chairman Gilbero Hinojosa (at far right). To Trejo's immediate right is former Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera. To Rivera's right is Brownsville Independent School District chair Minerva Peña. Ironically, Rivera, Hinojosa's candidate for county judge, lost to Republican Carlos Cascos. Peña also lost in her bid for justice of the peace.
Trejo was elected in 2012 and has not announced that he is a candidate for sheriff himself, although from the comments placed by "Team Trejo 2016," it is pretty obvious that he may have plans to go for it.
If he does decide to announce, he will have to overcome the skepticism of his critics who feel that he is biting off more than he can chew with the likes of incumbent Lucio and maybe even Cortez. The comments may not be fair, but it is something he will have to deal with, such as the following:
Trejo a la Alex Perez, Armando, Limas, is putting too much light to his 2016 candidacy and then jail path. We all know Alex somehow got out of his crooked path, Raymond couldn't maybe; Mike with Janie will make a great couple a la Minnie and Lupe with the tow truck business transporting que?????"
It appears that Omar Lucio and The Reyna brothers are running scared.... Ya pronto se les va acabar la Chiche....
CHINGA TU MADRE Trejo.....Lucio les va a partier SU MADRE a it y a TUS compadres Gilbero Hinojosa y La PENDEJA de Sylvia Garza Perez.....bola de PENDEJOS. CUIDADO pinches RATAS.
Wow! Why would anyone bring up the judge's mother? Probably got fined by the good judge and now is very very bitter. No hagas corajes hijo...y si quieres, pues dale besitos a Lucio. Pero para que se la rayas al buen juez?
Muy Chingon putos .... Enjoy the the rest of Lucio's term bola de jotos because its coming to an end .
Mike Trejo is EVERYWHERE in Cameron County ! He's building a strong network of supporters from La Feria all the way down to Brownsville . Where can I get a Team Trejo cap ?
Words out in Cameron County that Lucio is DONE . There will be at least 3 other canidates in the sheriff race and they all feel they can kick Lucio's ass. The Reyna brothers better stock up on Depends adult diapers for sheriff Lucio because its going to be a long campaign . So Gus enjoy the rest of Sheriff Lucio's term and try to keep it clean buddy . You don't want burn everyone you're going to be out of a job soon PENDEJO !
Son Una bolla De Rata's..... I am voting for John Chambers for sheriff.......
lol.. ALA TUYA.... tienen miedo de tanto que roban.... todo el Overtime y toda las mordidas de Aramark y Commissary.. Ches RAtas!!
Choosing to be seen as a member of Gilberto Hinojosa's
Dumbokratic Party may be a big mistake. Aligning with the party of corruption and greed will turn off the voters who remember Conrado Cantu and who also know that Omar Lucio is also in bed with corruption.
The mustache is a clear sign of corruption.
Mike Trejo is building his trejo camp by spreading cocaine all over his nose and in his system. In the Los fresnos area.
Comments like these are hurt Cameron County . Instead of posting lies on the internet go out and talk to the citizens of the county and get feed back on what the people need . To all the candidates that are thinking about running for sheriff god be with you all because Lucio & The Reyna brothers will do whatever it takes to stay in power .
The Reynas will beat the piss out of you Trejo. The bruja Sylvia Garza Perez is leading you on the wrong path pendejo.
Vote for Lucio or The Reyna brothers will kick your ass and beat up your mother ! Team Lucio 2016
Mike Trejo for Sheriff? Oh hell no! Mike Trejo is a wife beater and all you have to do is check the records and talk with other law enforcement officers. Mike Trejo is a snake and I wouldn't trust him around any money. I see in that photo that he is supported by Minerva "Sex Fiend" Pena, an ex DPS officer who spoke on behalf of a sex predator, Steven Brooks in the 357th District Court. Then there is Gilberto "Capo" Hinojosa! Well that speaks for itself. Joe Rivera, who I like and have respect but is supporting the wrong guy. Then there is politiquera, Olga who only campaigns for those who pay her. To vote for Mike Trejo would be like voting for Joe Cisneros! Very questionable individuals who have skeletons in their closet.
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