By Juan Montoya
Word has reached us that former Justice of the Peace
Precinct 2, Place 2 Erin Garcia Hernandez is telling everyone within earshot at
the Cameron County Courthouse that she will be a candidate for the
soon-to-be-created County Court-At-Law #4 in 2016.
The creation of the new court has been in the works
for years as the judges in the other three courts-at-law struggle to handle the
crush of cases that are generated yearly in the county.
What some people find amazing is that Garcia
Hernandez, after failing to make the runoff in the JP 2-2 race in 2014 can
still be considering running a countywide race for the position. Already, there
has been talk of former County Court-a-Law Judge Daniel T. Robles, who lost to
County Court-at-Law #1 Arturo McDonald in the Democratic Primary March 2014,
throwing his hat in the ring as well.
In that race, Robles' links to Jim Solis and Austin attorney Mark Rosenthal led to his resounding defeat by McDonald. Both Solis and Rosenthal were convicted of bribery and racketeering and sentenced to federal prison
But what surprises many people is that
Garcia-Hernandez, who has been linked to various criminal prosecutions of staff
members of her court implicated in cash-for-favors schemes, would believe she
can be elected, especially in a countywide race.

“I can’t imagine
anyone from Harlingen voting for her after the indictments of some of her staff
members and her implication in the politiquera indictments of main-in vote
fraud and vote harvesting,” said a local courthouse observer. “The cases aren’t
Garcia Hernandez was identified as the main beneficiary
of fraudulent mail-in ballots harvested by many women associated with what has
been called the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine headed by her mother Norma and
her father Ernie Hernandez. Hernandez was the county commissioner for Pct. 2
but agreed to resign in return for the Cameron County District Attorney Luis
Saenz dropping six official misconduct charges stemming from the illegal hiring
of his brother in law Roberto Curiel. Curiel is his wife Norma’s brother.
Hernandez pleaded to a charge of coercing a public
servant in an unrelated case and was given deferred adjudication for his plea.
Just within the last few months, there has been movement seen in the local courts as the Texas Attorney General's Office prosecutors move against politiqueras who have been associated with different politicians to harvest votes.
In March, Facunda Banda Garcia pleaded guilty to Unlawful assistance of a voter and fined $233 and sent to a three-day jail sentence with one day credit. She served her time and was released.
Yet, still waiting in the wings is Sara Perales, a politiquera closely allied to the Ernie-Norma and Erin Hernandez vote-harvesting machine. Perales was indicted on two counts of a mail-in vote offense for handling a carrier envelope by a person other than the voter.
She attended a pre-trial hearing in Judge David Gonzalez's Cameron County Court-at-Law 3 and her case was moved to August 19 after her attorney Enrique Juarez failed to show. Her alleged offenses date back to the 2012 elections.
Alongside her was Vicenta Guajardo Verino who is charged with 10 counts of the same offenses as Perales stemming from the 2012 Democratic primary and runoff. Her attorney is Rey Cisneros, who also failed to show and her case was reset to Aug. 19 also.
Sources close to the AG's Office and the local chapter of Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA) indicate both women are prepared to enter guilty pleas and accept at least a year's probation plus fines on the charges.
Sources say that as part of their pleas, they have agreed to give a full disclosure of their vote-harvesting activities to the AG's Office, including the names of he candidates who paid them to manipulate the votes on their behalf.
"This is not over by a long shot," said source. "Prosecuting the perpetrators – the people who paid them – is a little more difficult. But more is coming."
Yet, still waiting in the wings is Sara Perales, a politiquera closely allied to the Ernie-Norma and Erin Hernandez vote-harvesting machine. Perales was indicted on two counts of a mail-in vote offense for handling a carrier envelope by a person other than the voter.

Alongside her was Vicenta Guajardo Verino who is charged with 10 counts of the same offenses as Perales stemming from the 2012 Democratic primary and runoff. Her attorney is Rey Cisneros, who also failed to show and her case was reset to Aug. 19 also.
Sources close to the AG's Office and the local chapter of Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA) indicate both women are prepared to enter guilty pleas and accept at least a year's probation plus fines on the charges.
Sources say that as part of their pleas, they have agreed to give a full disclosure of their vote-harvesting activities to the AG's Office, including the names of he candidates who paid them to manipulate the votes on their behalf.
"This is not over by a long shot," said source. "Prosecuting the perpetrators – the people who paid them – is a little more difficult. But more is coming."
Politiquera Margarita Ozuna is fighting the indictments against her stemming from the 2012 election. She has been historically aligned with the Hernandez machine. The current charges date to the Erin Hernandez-Yolanda Begum runoff election in 2012.She was charged with seven counts stemming from allegations she committed mail-in fraud by handling the carrier envelopes of voters without their consent.
In her defense, court-appointed attorney Richard Nuñez filed a special plea of double jeopardy in Judge Laura Betancourt's County Court At-Law 2 because he claimed that the offenses arose out of the same criminal act, and therefore Ozuna could not be tried again.
In response, Asst. Texas AG Jonathan White countered that Ozuna was not entitled to the protection because "each instance of 'ballot harvesting is a separate and distinct criminal act, the prior offense occurred more than two years prior to the current offenses charged, in a different election, involving different candidates; and the prior offense involved different victims."

Additionally, White told the court that "even within the same criminal episode (which Ms. Ozuna's 2010 and 2012 offenses are not), the same criminal offense can be committed multiple times, without invoking double jeopardy."
"Here," continues White, "the voters were different, the places where the ballots were harvested were different, the dates were different. the elections were different, the candidates were different, the potential victims (voters, candidates, and populace) were different, and the Election Code statutes violated were different."
Judge Betancourt agreed with White and denied Nuñez's motion and the case is set to go to trial on August 10.
In response, Asst. Texas AG Jonathan White countered that Ozuna was not entitled to the protection because "each instance of 'ballot harvesting is a separate and distinct criminal act, the prior offense occurred more than two years prior to the current offenses charged, in a different election, involving different candidates; and the prior offense involved different victims."

"Here," continues White, "the voters were different, the places where the ballots were harvested were different, the dates were different. the elections were different, the candidates were different, the potential victims (voters, candidates, and populace) were different, and the Election Code statutes violated were different."
Judge Betancourt agreed with White and denied Nuñez's motion and the case is set to go to trial on August 10.
As if that wasn't enough there have been charges of bribery against three women who prosecutors claim were involved in a cash-for-favorable decisions scheme in Garcia-Hernandez's court. Tape recordings introduced into the case of Maria Velia Silguero indicate that she claims that the JP was paid to rule favorably in a case involving a couple. Another tape recording indicates that Garcia had participated in the scheme. Garcia-Hernandez has never been charged.
Silguero was the sister of Iliana Cantu, a clerk in Garcia's office.
Those cases are also pending.
"With all that hanging over her head, why on earth is Erin running?" asked a county staffer. "Doesn't she think that her opponents will comb the court files and bring it out?"
Silguero was the sister of Iliana Cantu, a clerk in Garcia's office.
Those cases are also pending.
"With all that hanging over her head, why on earth is Erin running?" asked a county staffer. "Doesn't she think that her opponents will comb the court files and bring it out?"
Those Hernandez idiots are all delusional. They think they are God's gift to Cameron County politics. Do us all a favor and move to Afghanistan.
Only if you move to Egypt
Erin, Ernie and Norma; the Hernandez Klan are very much like the Kardenas Klan.....they seem determined to plague this community with their greed and need to be on the public tit. Erin is a lawyer but can't make a living it seems in that profession. She can't deal with the competition as a lawyer and thrives on the "power" of an elected position.
Okay Norma.
Baggage and corruption are not an obstacle in Cameron County. Remember, these are the same people who vote over and over to keep worthless POS Eddie Lucio Jr. in office. I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of voters little to no knowledge of any of the crap that Erin, The Smiling Idiot, has pulled over the years. In fact her name appearing in news reports of her nefarious activities probably is a plus for her. The typical Cameron County voter sees a name they recognize...figure that is all they need to know to pull the lever for that candidate.
NEWS FLASH: People from Harlingen do NOT vote so Garcia-Hernandez has nothing to fear from them. SAme as Brownsville and most of the valley. Voter apathy is a plague inflicting our governance and destroying our lives.
It is this voter apathy that politiqueras and pols that use them, thrive on. When people don't exercise their vote they become so much easier to steal. The Hernandezes and the like count on this to victimize entire communities.
que ya suelten la chiche
make an honest living like the rest of us!
Montoya, the hard part to understand is there are idiots out there who actually vote for this crooked Hernandez family? I just don't understand why Louis Saenz or the Feds have allowed them to continue with their illegal ways?
Please do us a favor and indict them all! I'd hate to see that fugly pig looking face for two years!
Remember, in Cameron County and in Brownsville..."We don't accept corruption, we demand corruption" in our public officials. As Dr. Tony Zavaletta once said, "Corruption is part of the Mexican culture and we should accept it." So, corruption is part of the culture here and is also promoted by apathy and ignorance. No wonder this end of the RGV continues to swirl down the toilet.
Erin's pants are holding on for dear life. All her lonjas are stretching them to their limits. I thought they were tight-fitting skinny jeans but I was wrong. She forgot to take the sticker off and it said "husky" on them. Vieja marrana
No way, guey.
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