With just two days left before the final voting in the mayoral and District 1 commissioner runoff elections, things are getting a mite het up.

Now – in a letter to Cameron County Elections Administrator Remi Garza – Pat is charging that the fact that Cecilia Rosas, a Martinez supporter and elections clerk, has not acted impartially tpward all the candidates.
(That's her in the dark glasses in a Martinez campaign photo bove holding his sign.)
In the letter he writes Garza that he and his "team" have received complaints from numerous voters regarding what they believe to be an "incredulous" conflict of interest. He also attached a photo of Rosas wearing a Martinez campaign T-shirt and waving one of his signs as proof of the conflict.
"Given Md. Rosas outspoken and active support of a mayoral candidate, while she should be remaining neutral, she should be removed from her position as an elected official and not be allowed to participate in the most fundamental of our democratic processes." (Click on graphic to enlarge.)
Ahumada supporters claim that Rosas – who was in charge of making sure the campaigns respected the distance markers, would call the Brownsville Police on his supporters.
In his letter, Ahumada said he expected Garza to remover her as a elections clerk and that if he didn't get any satisfaction, he would file a formal grievance with the Texas Secretary of State.
Tony Martinez is an arrogant, elitist, asshole. He seems to think he does not have to follow the laws/rules of the political game. He is starting to show his Dumbokratic Party colors...Time fo Tony to go back to doing whatever he did before running for mayor. Just say "NO" to Tony Martinez!!!!!!
I tell you, still shady things are still going on. Even at the elections office, family members working together . at the elections office... Why ? Now this. I tell you. Now I understand why people don't go out and vote....
They are both worthless!!!
Cecilia Rosas is a piece of shit. Good job pat
There is no bigger gaping, blown-out asshole than Brownsville, Texas.
In a town where common sense and high moral values prevail, Pat could never be elected again. But hey..this is Brownsville and anything can happen when it comes to electoral politics.
This is ridiculous
Corrpution at it's finest...tony martinez shame on you!
We need the FBI to look into these elections, including Jessica Tetreaus, it smells fishy. Just look at who swore her in at the commission, corruption at its best. Don't get too comfortable Jessica T. Possibly and allegedly, oh the humanity.
Tony, the Herb, needs his old job back at Lola's bakery shoppe .
Yes she is...
Tony Martinez's response to Ahumada's charge reflects his (Tony's) arrogance and disrespect for the rules and the voters.
So you're telling me that Remi Garza can be out there in Pat Ahumada gear holding a sign and we're good? Bola de mamones
The biggest idiotas are the voters that actually believe King Tony is worthy of their vote. Por Eso estamos como estamos....bola de pendejos that like to take it up the kazoo.
Pat rhymes with fat. Pat rhymes with cat. Pat rhymes with rat. All in all Pat is a fat, pussy, liar. Coincidence, i think not.
It's very cute watching Ahumada throw hissy fits while he continues to throw political ads in mexican radio stations. It git to the point that tye radio station "La Ley" was broadcasting from one of Ahumada's strongholds with his politiqueras yelling "si se puede". Bet you don't point that out Juann anythung to throw Martinez to the curb.
But hey, it's not a bad thing when the person I like is doing it.
Pathetic, both candidates are worthless.
Hey idiots. This election is not about Pat. Good or bad. He's a small fry. It's about a big rat, Tony Da Mayor.
Cecilia is having a blast in the land of fun and frolic.
Folks for those who have not voted yet remember 325 million debt to tanaska how do we pay for this? High electrical rates, water and sewer rates going up, city debt at an all time high vote for pat for a change lets stop more of this wrongful city spending folks go out and vote cca
Say what you want of Pat! Yeah,he's a drunk, the check, etc.,but in the end he never cost the city a penny. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Tony has cost the city MILLIONS and has done nothing! I'm not a big fan of Pat, but between Evil Tony, and Pat, Pat's got my vote.
Ha Ha Brownsville. All rats.
Cecilia moving her big ass having the ball of her life. If she had a brain in her Derrièrre she'd be dangerous to Humanity .
I will be interested in the handling of the charges that have been filed with the Secretary of State. These are not Brownsville problems but state enforcement problems along with ignorant voters, election clerks, election judges and the Cameron County Election Administrator. Where are the investigative reporters from the Brownsville Media?
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