By now all those who have watched the board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District know one thing: the majority doesn't give a rat's ass about the public it serves.
Just yesterday, at Tuesday's meeting, a majority – with board president disingenuously abstaining from the vote – a majority voted to offer her the contract to be the next superintendent of the district.
The board did this despite having promised on the record to conduct a nationwide superintendent search, to form a community search committee composed of 14 local residents, and to enlist the help of a consultant to guide the residents' decision.;postID=8342822895555557558;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=29;src=link;postID=8342822895555557558;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=29;src=link
All that was just smoke up the public's keister, to quote Dutch Reagan.
Instead, they opted to limit the choice of superintendent to applicants from within the district and limited the application period from May 15 to May 24.

Now the board is required by state law to observe a a 21-day waiting period before it can officially extend a contract.
Zendejas has served since Feb. 16 when she replaced Carl Montoya in BISD’s top position. Montoya left the district to become superintendent of the Judson Independent School District in southwest San Antonio.
Zendejas is an old district rethread having served as BISD superintendent from 1992-1995 and was favored by trustee Joe Rodriguez. Rodriguez also tapped former BISD CFO Lorenzo Sanchez to come in and assist current CFO Lucio Mendoza with formulating an employee compensation plan.
As a sop to the districts' employees, the board approved a 3-percent pay raise for teachers and other classified employees. It takes effect the 2015-2016 school year at a cost of $857,245.
The local daily dutifully reported almost as an afterthought that "Just before the board named Zendejas the lone finalist, it voted 5-2 to rescind the hiring of a superintendent search consultant and appointment of a community search committee."
Peña – facing reelection next year – abstained saying she thought the board should keep its word about hiring a superintendent search consultant and appointing a community search committee.
BISD is a playground for incompetent politicians. BISD continually fails to focus on its students and academics....students can't vote and most of their families don't vote. BISD is a self-serving body which manipulates the teachers and administrators (who can and do vote). BISD fails everyone....but in the process of failing, they line their pockets with tax dollars.
What's the FBI or Texas Rangers waiting for, it's so obvious this Board is so corrupt. They openly have said who they wanted for the Insurance, paying them 3.5 million without Board approval. Coercing employees to purchase only from TASB Buyboard, nev rmind it's more expensive and it's where Cesar Lopez works for, Joe Rodriguez, owner or consultant for BSN, Bill Guthrie, etc.
Further, Balthazar Salazar hiring all his cronies attorneys that don't have school law background and worst of all his own criminal background!
Sadly, these corrupt board members allow and support this crap!
Lock them all up!!
No doubt the board - and the people of Brownsville - demand sub-par everything and like it nice and third-world Mexican stinky. All they would need to do is replace every main office administrator with educated people from up north (I'm not talking people who got into advanced degree programs on affirmative action programs through the back door because they're too stupid and/or lazy to go through the front like "mainstream" Americans), and many, if not most, of the problems would be solved. To truly solve the problem though would mean to deport most of the citizens of Brownsville and their lazy, low IQ, and genetically predisposed to degeneracy kids, and replace them with people from up north as well. Then, one could truly say that the toilet has been flushed. Of course, with the president we have being one of these degenerates, that will never happen.
The hiring of Zendejas has saved thousands of dollars for the tax payers. The district did not have to hire a consultant company to search for a new superintendent nationwide. Such procedure has proven to be costly and worthless in the selection of a school leader. If the school district hires a person from outside of the school district, they most likely will stay a few months and will leave costing the district thousands of dollars and putting the district in the same situation of hiring a new leader. must be lots of fun to talk to or hang around with ? ??? Sick people like you are to be pitied and avoided; really feel sorry for your family .
Both Hector Gonzales and Dr. Montoya were first interim superintendents the made the lone finalist. This is nothing new ,illegal or out of the ordinary.
Really sorry for yours, actually, for undoubtedly comprising part of the degenerates. Mine is doing just fine, thanks.
Apparently, this part of the problem. It seems that all the thousands that this hiring has saved has gone exactly where the comment at 2:33 states. Was the hiring legal? Probably not.
You're fooling yourself . ....being in a vile, twisted,hateful environment is not good for your family . them a favor and drop dead.
The brownsville rag is quick to sing the praises of Zendejas and her "initiatives " without really looking deeper. The extended enrichment program at nine elementary schools? All the schools on the north side, none on southmost side. "Believe in B.I.S.D.?".....give us something to believe in.
How did that turn out? Legal?
EVERYONE benefits when bribes are paid under the table to those in cahoots. Just google this lady and learn what she has been up to EVERYWHERE she goes. Its not rocket science---very transparent---just connect the dots. Taxpayers-students-faculty-staff get screwed once again.
BISD doesn't - and shouldn't - waste their time on crap. Screw Southmost. Let their mother country educate them.
Anonymous at 5:52...... spoken like a true idiot .
Why abstain Minerva??? Be true to your constituents and vote no!
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