"I had a friend was a big baseball player
back in high school ...
...I was walking in, he was walking out
We went back inside sat down had a few drinks
but all he kept talking about was...
Glory days well they'll pass you by...
back in high school ...
...I was walking in, he was walking out
We went back inside sat down had a few drinks
but all he kept talking about was...
Glory days well they'll pass you by...
Glory Days, by Bruce Springsteen
"Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades ..."
Old American saying
By Juan Montoya
Well, I guess his momma never told Joe Rodriguez that he was liable to go blind if he kept stroking the same old thing.
The "same old thing" is nothing more than a couple of "almost" events in his life that somehow entitled him to (count them) four Hall of Fame inclusions in small-time venues plus a lifetime subsidy of public funds courtesy of the ever-grateful taxpayers of the Brownsville Independent School District.

The man with the "Big Heart" went on to describe how he guided the likes of Tony Barbosa, Charlie Vaughn and Arnie Alvarez to an almost-state title way back in 1965 – that's 50 years ago – when he coached the Eagles baseball team.
And, of course, we've all heard of the almost-winning season of the 1969 Golden Easgles. But there is no mention of this in Roy Hess' story since the Rio Grande Valley Hall of Fame award is for Rodriguez's baseball coaching exploits.
Let's face it.
Many of Rodriguez's colleagues on the BISD board are afraid to sit too close to him just in case some medicala emergency occurs and they have to administer some kind of medical assistance.
Many of Rodriguez's colleagues on the BISD board are afraid to sit too close to him just in case some medicala emergency occurs and they have to administer some kind of medical assistance.
Something that wasn't even mentioned in Hess' article was the fact that when Rodriguez last left the board he was indignant that somehow the adminsitration had included him by mistake in a personnel item and he sued. The board gave the old coach $90,000 to soothe his ruffled feathers.
And currently, Rodriguez is involved in a $1 million lawsuit over (again) his ruffled feathers when he and his protege Tom Chavez were named in a forensic audit which recommended that Rodriguez be removed as a vendor from the BISD and Chavez removed as AD or terminated outright because of what the suditors said was favoritism toward the old coach that cost the district $100,000s more for athletic equipment than his competitors.
He, of course, sued.
In fact, he has a propensity to run toward the courthouse everytime someone mentions the word "audit" in his direction. He fought mightily to keep two BISD audits of his labor practices and scholarship fundraising organization away from the public.
He "almost" won that, too.
He "almost" won that, too.
Since the teams under Coach Joe never got a state title, he likes to hang out around winners. When the Rivera soccer team earned their state championship, he delayed other BISD matters so he could be there to shake their hand and be in the photo op. In fact, some BISD sources say that he is going to be the recipient of a championship ring the soccer players earned as well.
Julieta Garcia – before the University of Texas System exiled her to the sham Institute of the Americas – won just about every award and recognition available to a carbon-based unit. About the only thing she hasn't won is canonization by the Pope. But don't count her out. She, like Coach Joe, will think of some other exploit to publicize in the local lapdog press to remind us of their Glory Days.
A Mexican coach? Worthless.
(never told Joe Rodriguez that he was liable to blind)
I thought I had already read his obituary.
Pinche bola de ratas.
Any BISD updates,moves,and promotions. Orale.
Pinche Naco "el Joe", using the ancient story to poke the taxpayers eyes while milking the BISD chichi?????
Sure seems that "The Peter Principle" prevails in Brownsville. Coach Joe and Juliet are surely examples. The entire city commission can be counted. Too many talk about progress, but the really continue to live in the past.
Coach Joe me la pela! Vato pendejo. PENDEJO!
Keep on voting for him, keep on supporting him and keep on giving him your attention, he will continue to think he is the biggest thing that ever happened to Brownsville.
Politicians, like him, former coaches and wannabees, like him will continue to see themselves as the last coca cola in the dessert as long as there are people who make them believe they are.
Brownsville Villa Maria High School won the TCIL class 3A state baseball championship in 1987, but no one seems to want to recognize that achievement because it was won by players and coaches who did not bow down to the BISD bullies! Those kids deserve the recognition they earned, but have never got it! Fuck BISD and the Herald for not giving them their due diligence, many of those boys coach for BISD now.They NEED to be recognized Roy Hess!
Fuck Villa Maria and fuck Joe Rodriquez ! No one gives a rat's ass....get over it already! "Those kids" ha !ha! ha! It happened in 1987!!!! Get over it or get counseling .
"Brownsville Villa Maria High School won the TCIL class 3A state baseball championship in 1987, but no one seems to want to recognize that achievement because it was won by players and coaches who did not bow down to the BISD bullies! Those kids deserve the recognition they earned, but have never got it! Fuck BISD and the Herald for not giving them their due diligence, many of those boys coach for BISD now.They NEED to be recognized Roy Hess!"
Yes, I agree nobody gives those kids any credit! Ten, count'em, 10 kids on that team! Now at least 3 of them coach at the H.S. level in the BISD! Arnold Torres, Paco Sanchez and Valentin Paz, all at Veterans Memorial! Not to mention their coach Rick Lepre, who morphed into the softball coach at Porter H. S. and built a Vallkey powerhouse! Shame on U, Roy Hess! U getting kickbacks?
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