Rio Grande Guardian
BROWNSVILLE, RGV – County Commissioner Dan Sanchez regularly goes to Austin as he represents his county as a member of the Conference of Urban Counties.
Recently, while he was at the state Capitol, he noticed that Hidalgo County was working on legislation that would provide a new funding stream to pay for the construction of a new county courthouse. He thought the legislation would help Cameron County also.

Asked how important it is to expand courthouse facilities in Cameron, Sanchez said: “We have expansion currently going on. Right now there is a bill to create two new county courts at law. One would take effect in 2017 and the other in 2019. These would handle misdemeanors on the criminal side, our probates and our civil cases.” Sanchez pointed out that a good average ratio is to have one county court at law for every 100,000 people. “We have a population of 450,000 to 500,000 in Cameron County so clearly our courts are congested. The creation of two additional courts would make us more efficient in carrying out justice.”
The Hidalgo County Courthouse legislation that Cameron County is now part of is Senate Bill 1964, which is authored by state Sen. Juan Hinojosa and sponsored by state Rep. Armando Martinez. The legislation allows Hidalgo and Cameron counties to impose a $40 filing fee for each civil case filed and a $10 filing fee for real property records filed. “The funding stream in this legislation is specifically for courthouse construction or improvement,” Sanchez said. “It is not a perpetual funding stream. There is a cutoff year, 2030. The legislation would allow us to expand our facilities or build new facilities. But, before we build new facilities we would study and analyze our current situation and do what is most efficient so we get the best bang for our buck.”
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The legislative session has closed, so did any of this pass in both houses to be forwarded to the Governor for his signature in order for any of it to happen. Also, if the judges did not take the month of July off and from December 15 till January 15 off, plus their regular vacation time, we might not have such backlogs i our courts.
The problem here is that many of our elected officials are politically illiterates on public legislation issues and current events.
Is he the Poster Boy for Weight Watchers ?
What a Mexican-looking mojado! Brownsville has the ugliest people!!
Brownsville has the ugliest Red-neck Gringos too !
Dan Sanchez has a wine named for him "Fat Bastard" and the label picked thr appropriate obese man. Dan Sanchez is so fat that he should be ashamed to be seen in public. How did he get to Austin??? a cago aircraft or by horse trailer. He can't get his fat ass into a regular airline seat. Dan is a morbidly obese DICK!!!! Maybe City Commisioner Rose Gowen should get Dan a bike.
To anon 12:01pm
Harlingen Sir! Harlingen!
His power base is in La Feria, not in Harlingen, you should see how he eats, eeewwiieee.
Not only does Brownsville have the ugliest Mexicans; they are primitive looking. Kind of like they just walked out of a Central American jungle somewhere...short, dark, and with a blank stare which is a sign of very low I.Q.'s. And for the moron with the red-neck sound like a fucking parrot. "Polly want a burrito puto?"
As a Naco paleontologist I have observed a strong resemblance of Bro. red-necks to the Java-Man and Cro-Magnon . They are the precursors to the Tea-Party and United Brownsville.
He doesn't live in Brownsville you ignorant idiot . ....wonder what you look like "puto".
MONTOYA.... ya ni la chingas que pelado tan sigues poniendo esta clase de fotos vas a correr a la jente que te seguimos
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