Thursday, June 18, 2015


By Juan Montoya

In what some may call a "brain drain" resulting from President Lily Tercero's style of mismanagement at Texas Southmost College, some 15 top-level directors of various departments have resigned and fled the sinking ship.

The latest one is said to have been Jeffrey Gregor, Dean of Health Care, Career and
Technical Education who some say is suspended and others say is simply missing from his position at the college.

Sources in the academic community have also revealed that the full list of non-director level employees who are also gone exceeds 50 so far and that a large number will seek early retirement rather than work under Tercero.

With the visit by the The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges scheduled for August 18-20, the missing faculty could pose a problem.

Tercero announced May 28 that that she received word that a site visit was granted for the third week of August.

TSC is currently accredited through Aug. 31, 2015 under the "partnership" with the University of Texas-Brownsville. Efforts to get separate accreditation has hit two snags before when the commission turned down TSC's application determining it was incomplete.
At the time. Tercero blamed the UTB for not providing the necessary records for the review committee.

Under Senate Bill 1909, TSC and UTB are required to "cooperate to ensure that each institution timely achieves separate accreditation from a recognized accrediting agency before the termination of the existing partnership agreement and shall continue a partnership agreement in effect until August 31, 2015, to the extent necessary to ensure accreditation.”
If somwething goes wrong, the TSC board through its president Kiko Rendon might have to request that state legislators pass and extension for the college's accreditation, a move that would signal that the process toward creditation has not gone as well as the administration oor Rendon have asserted.

Under Senate Bill 24, UTB and the University of Texas-Pan American will merge in August to form the newest UT System university, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
“TSC’s accreditation is under the UTB/TSC accreditation, very different than the UTRGV process, so the UTB/TSC accreditation remains in tact for as long as it’s needed until TSC becomes separately accredited," Tercero told the local daily in May.

Some employees think that Tercero's tenure may not be long here. They say she has not put down roots to indicate she is contemplating living here.

"She hasn't even bought a house here yet," said one. "What does that tell you?"


Anonymous said...

"She hasnt even bought a house here...."
NONE of the BISD superintendents ever bought a house in Brownsville. They know that their job depends on results and on whoever is in the current board (being college or school district). The only reason Garcia and Besteiro (the two former TSC presidents) had a home is because they are local people and they had all their family and friends here. Tercero KNOWS she is not a local, she has no roots here and her contact basically depends or results. After the SACS visit write another article, interview other TSC employees.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if TSC has as much "nepotism" going on as the Brownsville Independent School District.

This is what happens when you have great talent working, but they soon realize that work won't get them promoted so they jump ship. Poor leadership going on at TSC and the personnel director probably knows a thing or two about working a la - BISD.

Anonymous said...

TSC had one chance to cold start a community college and they screwed the pooch when the hired Tercero. She is a micro-managing tyrant who has run off what talent was available with her demands and lack of basic human consideration for the faculty and staff. She seems to think there is an endless supply of people that are pissing themselves wanting to work in the TSC sweat shop. You can't treat people like plantation slaves and expect to have people lined up for the abuse.

Anonymous said...

The four bozos are have buried their heads in the sand. Starting with Dr. Rey who repeats the same thing over and over as to convince himself Tercero is great. Art who can care less and is told by his pariente how to vote. I work there we are forced to attend the meetings. it is a three ring circus. Tercero tells the chair what she wants and he obeys. Ed Rivera the social climber repeats anything Trey says. Mrs. Garza and Mr. Hinojoza clearly are in the minority so they sit back and watch. It is a sad state of TSC.

Anonymous said...

Tercero is way way over her head. The trustees should be scared with her at the helm. She is running TSC to the ground then she and De la Garza are going to laugh all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

btw.....why did TSC close down Fort Brown Golf Course?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous who works for TSC and is forced to attend meetings, you are obviously dumb enough to work in a place that you are unhappy with, probably too much of a loser to find a job elsewhere and probably not talented enough to make a difference anyway. Do yourself and the college a favor and leave and make room for someone who cares and delivers. You obviously don't have an education given your grammar. I hear the three ring circus in San Antonio is hiring.

Anonymous said...

There is very very low faculty and staff moral at both TSC and UTRGV, but for different reasons.

UTRGV is fraught with uncertainty. UTB faculty and staff has been slaughtered and those that remain don't know what to expect. The division and strife between former UTB and UTPA is as bad as it is between the Republicans and the Democrats.

TSC is fraught with certainty. The jury is in on Tercero. She manages every last detail and makes decisions far below her pay grade, squeezing every penny out of every dollar and every minute of work from every employee. Faculty and staff are not given the resources, tools and responsibility to do their jobs. They are required to work far more than 40 hours per week for meager pay. She lacks even the most basic of human management skills. It is an intolerable work environment as the high turnover rate suggests.

There never was a bigger critic of La Reyna Julieta than myself, but UTB/TSC and her administration is looking better and better with each passing day. It looks like those were the good old days.

Miserable and unhappy faculty and staff will never produce a positive learning environment for the students. They are the ones that suffer most in this situation.

Anonymous said...

Carl Montoya owned a house in the Hudson Subdivision. Hector and Brett rented. Esperanza lives in Los Fresnos and probably won't be spending a dime of her $225,000 salary in Brownsville. Que Triste!

Anonymous said...

Just look at TSC HR personnel?
TSC keeps hiring BISD scrape?

Anonymous said...

You work at TSC because you are not qualified to work anywhere else..mostly locals who can't survive past the check point. A crap education from crap BISD gets you a crap education at tsc which gets you a crap job at bisd, tsc, pub, cob... Do your self a favor and get as far away from the border as you can.

Anonymous said...

yea, the scrape from BISD is spilling over to TSC. The HR Director at TSC came from BISD, and all of the bff's got a piece....secretaries. Its sad that TOP TALENT wont get hired..same ole'shit, as long as the money in remedial tuition is high, TSC will have no problem getting funds. So sad that the BOARD chose a BISD hr person to lead the TSC HR Dept. Were there any other HR Director candidates to chose from? Puro SCRAPE!

Anonymous said...

To the critic of La Reyna Julieta who thinks UTB/TSC and her administration is looking better and better every day.

Seriously? Really? You are talking about an administration that taxed our district to no end and foolishly spent these tens of millions of dollars on pet projects. An administration that thought that spending $640,000 on a mural was totally justified. Who bloated TSC's debt structure such that we will be paying for years to come. But you would rather have that than a person who "manages every detail and pinches every penny" and puts the students first. You are either ignorant or don't pay taxes. I'm betting that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Anonymous said...

What is plan "B" should accreditation be delayed?....I didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

"TSC is fraught with certainty. The jury is in on Tercero. She manages every last detail and makes decisions far below her pay grade, squeezing every penny out of every dollar and every minute of work from every employee. Faculty and staff are not given the resources, tools and responsibility to do their jobs. They are required to work far more than 40 hours per week for meager pay. She lacks even the most basic of human management skills. It is an intolerable work environment as the high turnover rate suggests."
She micro-manages and drags her feet on every issue. Wake up TSC board; it's time for change.

Anonymous said...

Most of the locals are so culturally and linguistically challenged, they don't fit in in real Texas or the United States. So they stay in the Brownsville bubble where the opportunities are few and the hardships are plenty. The local politicos pick over the scraps of people's lives, making a meal of what they find.

It is so sad to see bright young people that are so ill-educated and culturally backward living in a place where they have no future. At TSC, the cheat their way to a piece of worthless paper, thinking they have done something to help themselves. All they have done is spent government grant money pumping cash into a decadent and corrupt institution to keep it alive.

Anonymous said...

Dear June 20, 2015 at 7:21 PM

I do pay taxes and I am not ignorant. I worked for UTB/TSC and then TSC. To be certain La Reyna Julieta spent money tax money like a drunken sailor and her hubris in that area was a prime catalyst for the split. There is no dispute about that.

However, what is important is not the President's spending habits, but the quality of instruction and learning in the classrooms. There has been a steep decline in the instruction and learning under Tercero. The ill-conceived contract with Pearson is a big part of the problem, but the mismanagement of employees all up and down the food chain is also a major factor. How can it be said that Tercero puts student first when low quality faculty are hired and then faculty are not given the tools and resources needed to do a credible job?

I wish you were correct, but unfortunately I do pay taxes and do know what I am talking about, having years of experience with both schools. The metric is not spending habits of the President but the product delivered to the student in the classroom. That is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

Continued results of the misguided actions of Kiko, Adela, Rene and Trey. Let's never forget nor forgive those four individuals for all the unnecessary suffering they have caused.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing started by several of the Trustees wanting to wrest control of the Board from Juliet Garcia and get her fired. They had some valid reasons for their animus toward her, but lordy look what they got as a result! They didn't think things through and even attempt to see how the dominoes would fall. It was an example of very poor leadership, but that is what I have come to expect from elected official in Brownsville. The standard approach to problem solving seems to be, fire them, indict them, run them out of town, without regard for the consequences. The locals just seem incapable of mature, reflective, critical thinking before they act.

Anonymous said...

We should be thanking those guys because thanks to the TSC board, UT Brownsville and now UT RGV are in the Permanent University Fund. That never would have been possible through the partnership.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jemima will now partner with the University of the Congo. The Tse-Tse Fly will be adopted as the university's mascot .
