If things had gone tight for former mayor Pat Ahumada, tomorrow he would be celebrating his birthday getting sworn in as Brownsville's Grand Poohbah instead instead of incumbent Tony Martinez.
Someone figured out that we (and the city treasury) will endure Martinez for a total of 126,144,000 seconds after his swearing in Wednesday. The countdown for the End of Tony is on!

If you remember, this was the same place where Da former mayor had his sweepstakes (maquinitas) business that was raided by the task former. After the raid and closing of that business (and Pat's arrest), the restaurant subleased from Pat and things went on their merry way.
We actually had lunch there Monday and the place was bustling, so it was not for lack of business that the owner closed the restaurant. Did he hike the rent? Was the business not paying off?
Today, we understand that Ahumada was asked about the closing and feigned ignorance on what his sublease
was doing. Go figure!
It just so happens that Pat – as did other mayoral candidates – had offered their main supporters a place on the board of the PUB. Robert Sanchez (Capt. Bob), who was the PUB chair at one time, was an Ahumada supporters and probably a main candidate for the position. Alas, it didn't pan out for Ahumada or Sanchez. Anyway, Bob had a hard time pronouncing Pat's last name correctly anyway.

Their terms are up today, so the commission should appoint someone on Wednesday. Who it is is anybody's guess. But since Da Mayor has not had a PUB appointee, it would seem natural that he would demand a say so in choosing at least one of them.
Vasquez replaced Cris Valadez in a bloody confrontation between the PUB insurgents (Valadez , Sanchez and Ahumada) and Farias replaced Dr. Joe Zavaletta.

Anyway, it would be a nice touch if Pat got an invite from Martinez to a front-row seat at his swearing in just to show that there are no bad feelings after their June 13 runoff showdown.
The Texas Country Style restaurant, by the way, is now moving to Big Daddy's, just down the road at 3065 Boca Chica Blvd. Their menudo is to kill for.
wow...so pat is the owner of that corner building that currently leases to Texas Country Diner?
Make up your fucking mind, shrimper or cowboy!
And?!?!?!? So what, looks like your very in love with this man!!! Get over it!! Cause one day it might be you on the the other side of the story. Do not rejoice for other problems or bad luck.
Sad that it is moving. Food is excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!
Food must have been good, because every damn time i tried to go there for breakfast the place was was always full.
Wow! It is amazing how people speculate without having an inkling on what they are reporting to be true or speculating, which usually causes people to accept gossip as fact when all it is hot air from uninformed sources.
The owner of Country Kitchen has been on a month to month lease for over a year and she started closing at 3 pm daily due to what appears a drop in business. Then she posted a notice stating she was closing and for her customers to go to her other location on Boca Chica. None of this has anything to do with me. The rent was not increased, nor was there any kind of disagreement as being implied by El Run Run or what has been reported on Erasmo Castro's Facebook. End of story.
Robert Sanchez endorsed my campaign for mayor based on his word only with no conditions to put him on the PUB Board. Robert was the only candidate to keep his word and proving to be a man of honor and integrity. You do not have to believe me, just ask Robert. But, had I won, I would have put him on a board, because in my opinion he is the type of person that will do what is right for Brownsville. I wish him well and I appreciate him keeping his word when Erasmo Castro and William Garza renege. They justify their decisions by attacking me, which does not matter, but it proves their campaign was not about our city, but about themselves. Their campaign was a lie, while Robert proved to be a man of his word and that he cared about our city. End of story.
Well said Pat..i think by now everyone knows erasmo "la marrana" and william"the queer" are liars and scum. .keep your head up dejalos que se pudran los cabrones.
Go Pat!
Pat, I'm sorry but someone who endorses you is NOT a man of integrity, they are what is known as a pendejo. Tony is not about Brownsville and neither are you. Captain Bob ran after Tony did not appoint him back onto the BPUB. He wanted to get even at Tony and after he lost he sought a second chance by endorsing you. Both were failed attempts y los dos se la comieron gacho. As for the restaurant, all restaurants in Brownsville are now struggling after Erashamu moved back to Austin. I regret not voting for him. He alone was a huge boost to the restaurant economy here in Brownsville. Toilet paper sales are also down 158% since he left.
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