Like any good defense attorney, Ernesto Gamez has jumped into the defense of Marco Antonio Gonzalez – accused of kidnapping and murdering Ivan Reyes – a little over a year ago on June 4, 2014.
The trial is being heard in the 404th District Courtroom of Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez.

Gonzalez used to have a relationship with Robles and the three were co-workers at Cameron County Rucker-Carrizales corrections facility in Olmito.
With the prosecution and Gamez questioning the woman, it soon became evident to trial observers that Gamez is trying to plant the seed in the jury's mind that Gonzalez was acting in self defense. He also had Robles recount her past relationships, abortions, and false statements she had given to police investigators. In other words, she was the cause of the murder by being a loose woman and driving Gonzalez to defend himself against the victim.
Leo Galvan Jr., Robles' former husband and father of their 14-year-old son, also took the stand and was cross examined by Gamez. He testified he spoke to the accused killer during the standoff with police when he was holding Robles hostage and said that Gonzalez had told him that – unlike him – he had the "tanates" to do what he hadn't, presumably to confront Reyes.
Waiting to testify is Robles' father who also spoke with Gonzalez during the standoff.
With all that titillating testimony before them, the jury could very well forget that not only did Gonzalez hold the woman against her will, but that when police arrived, met them with gunfire.
Like a good defense attorney, Gamez is clearly setting the groundwork for an appeal and perhaps a mistrial.
Lost in all the legal jockeying is the fact that Reyes is dead and that someone killed him. Gonzalez, whether the jury eventually finds him guilty or innocent, is not the victim as his defense attorney is trying to paint him. Someone pulled the trigger and it wasn't Reyes,
The Saturday, the family of the victim held a one-year anniversary memorial service at the cemetery where he is buried.
The trial continues Monday at the 404th and is expected to last for at least a week more.
I truly thought Gamez had changed after he nearly died of a heart attack, guess he's back to being devil's advocate! Nadamas cambio mientras se le pasaba el susto.
Come on!!!!! Now he is the victim? Since when do victims hold Police at bay? He refused to come out and give himself up. I cant believe Gamez came up with that. How pathetic. Sometimes lawyers are worse than their own clients.
Rightful justice is needed to bring the slightest amount of peace to loved ones and the many lives Ivan touched. Without a doubt a troubled, unstable mind committed an unthinkable crime ending a life and should pay the consequences for his actions.
Ivan was a great guy I cannot believe he is gone. I didn't know him very well but knew all I needed in the way he would treat his parents and family. I hope my children are as good to me as Ivan was to his parents. RIP Ivan, miss you bro and PA does too. Thank you for all your help. See you when we get there.
Anyone who is kidnapped in the valley is up to no good. They fucked somebody over a drug deal and now the chickens have come home to roost. Now it is time for them to get fucked. It is called the law of reciprocity...what comes around goes around. Fuck all of em.
Es foo-foo GAmez? Corren rumores.
She needs Jesus!!!!
We need to keep in mind Gamez is just doing his job that he was hired to do. If you all would be in the same position that Gonzalez is in you would what your atty to defend you the best way he could.
That is true he is only doing his job people don't understand.
Gamez is and has always been an arrogant asshole who will do whatever it takes to win a case.....ethical or not....just like Limas,solis,Tony Martinez and all the rest of those rats..Ugh !
Any lawyer in a courtroom will sell his ass for 30 pieces of silver.
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