Friday, June 26, 2015


By Juan Montoya
The terms for two appointed members of the Brownsville Public Utility Board will expire June 30, the same day that the city has its weekly meetings.
Insiders say that already a take-n-prisoners, no-holds-barred struggle is underway to decide not only who the two persons will be named to replace the outgoing board members, but also who on the commission will decide who will sit on this important policy-recommending seven-member board.
Will it be Da Mayor Tony Martinez?
Or will it be some sort of new coalition among the city commission that will include top vote-getter Cesar de Leon and another three commission members. The issue is important because it will signal which direction the city is heading. Will it continue the same spend thrift ways that it has been under Martinez and his rubber-stamp city commission? Or will it be a majority that strikes an independent chord from now on?
The two board members who are due for forced retirement are Martinez acolytes Manny Vasquez and Arturo Farias.
Farias, a former banker and consultant, was appointed by commissioner Rose Gowen as was Emmanuel "Manny" Vasquez, a retired Brownsville Independent School District adult education administrator.
Now we understand that Da Mayor is out twisting arms and suggesting sinuously (as is his wont) that he wouldn't mind seeing Gerardo Martinez, a losing candidate against commissioner Cesar de Leon be appointed to the PUB. Martinez already sits on the PUB asa an ex-officio member.
That has raised some eyebrows because the younger Martinez was seen as the mayor's plant in the
At-Large A commissioners race against de Leon and the other candidates. Candidate Martinez touted his engineering background and his attending TSC as well as his Souhtmost roots. Many felt that not only did Da Mayor back Martinez The Younger, but also because District 1 (Southmost) commissioner Longoria was backing him as a candidate from the hood.
But others wonder if de Leon will play along and cast his vote for someone who – by his mere entering the race – made him and his supporters spend money, time energy and resources to beat him at the polls.
Will Da Mayor get his way and continue his way unimpeded? Or will he face a determined majority who may want to send him and the city the message that that his method of autocratic governance is on the outs?
Date: Tuesday, June 30
Place: City Hall (Browntown Corral)


Anonymous said...

The voters have already made it clear they don't want Gerardo Martinez representing them.

Anonymous said...

Cesar de Leon sold out faster than the Iphone.

Anonymous said...

Da Mayor and United Brownsville will make sure that those appointed will be puppets to the city autocrats and elitists. Can't expect anyone with an open mind and willing to think independently to be selected.

Anonymous said...

It will be Rafael Chacon who is part of the United Brownsville and mayor group.

Anonymous said...

Cesar will do as the puppet master Martinez says.....voters expecting Cesar to be different than all those rats will be disappointed . ....pure greed.

Anonymous said...

There is no meeting today.

Anonymous said...

Is Da Mayor related to one of the Hapsburgs ? There is a similarity when he wears his Emperors garb. The question is : how did he find his way to Nacoville ? The answere will be revealed when the investigation is complete .
