By Juan Montoya
The first thing that one notices different about both the campaign literature for incumbent Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz and his former investigator Victor Cortez is the overwhelming tinge of red in both.

Now, those of us who keep an eye on such trivialities can tell you that in political circles Blue means Democrat Red means Republican.
Look, for example, at the 2012 campaign poster for Saenz below. There is no mistaking the overwhelming blue tinge in that pushcard.

It would all be conjecture if it were not for the fact that during the 2014 race for county judge, Saenz showed nominal political support for Joe Rivera, the Democratic Party nominee.
In fact, Saenz administered the oath of office to Cascos when he took office shortly before he resigned to become the Texas Secretary of State. And he was present in Austin when Cascos was sworn in at the Capitol.
Saenz is scheduled to make his announcement June 18 at the Amigoland Convention Center on Mexico Boulevard.
Will he and Cortez announce there that they are switching parties and hitching up with Cascos and the GOP? Or did they just tired of the same old drab blue and are trying something borrowed, something new?
Will he and Cortez announce there that they are switching parties and hitching up with Cascos and the GOP? Or did they just tired of the same old drab blue and are trying something borrowed, something new?
Luis is not stupid he knows that Colors mean everything. Why go RED? Is it because when he does switch he could tell the people "I never deceived anyone or any voter The colors said it all"!
We are on to your deceiving ways Luis.
Victor on the other hand is plain ignorant to politics and fell in Love with the idea that he is the shining armor. He is a good man but needs to be more than just a good cop to be Sherriff. Just because Melissa Zamora took a few photos of him and told the Herald to write a few stories doesn't mean the people have any idea who he is.
Cascos was first a Democratic Commissioner for years..what political position have you help Victor? And I mean position not the PIO person Melissa in a position.
No voter in Cameron County cares the color of the political signs....only a few people in the County know that Red is Republican and Blue is Dumbokratic. In a region of dire ignorance the color of the sign is unimportant....but if the color of the skin is other than "brown"....local voter prejudice will show.
Political whores. We don't need or want these types of whores that don't stand for anything and sell their souls for votes that allow them to live off the public tit. Wake up voters! Whores like Saenz will do nothing for you while making promise after promise on the campaign trail. Saenz has proven this his first and LAST term.
DISCLAIMER: Apologies to 'Ladies of the Night,' sometimes called whores, for smearing your reputations by associating you with lowlife politicians like Saenz. At least with you 'Ladies' we know the price up front for the fucking we get. Unlike the political whores, who fuck us every which way, leaving us unsatisfied and wondering what the hell happened.
victor knew all along he wanted to be sheriff. why did he indict those deputies that had the answers to the civil service test? it was PUBLICITY. none have been convicted. what a Waste of tax money! he did it for his personal agenda. POS! he says no one is above the law. what about all the politicians???
I will vote for Lucio again even if he fired me don't really matter. Hope runs again for Sheriff.
I am voting this coming year for a republican John Chambers. For Sherif, for get about the other Rata's in that race ... Lucio ya mamates muncho chichi.... De CAMERON county.
Juan, what does it matter, if they are Republicans, look at the county and tell me are you happy with what goes? I am not, and it has been puros democrats, pura familias who have run the county. I personally like anyone else, but some someone other than from these dynasties. Puros rateros, that wouldn't make it in the private industries, low life bastards. Feeding of the carkassas of the poor.
Stop calling us whores!
Melissa Hernandez Clive Cascos Cortez Saenz Silva Domingez Sepulveda Landin
All of the convicted or corrupt politicians wear red ties. Look at the photos from news clips. Yes they all wear red ties. Is this a click, or a gang symbol? Something to ponder. Cortez says that no one is above the law yet his boss accepts bribes, and files motions to dismiss criminal charges against his former clients. They use their positions to try and get publicity by filing bogus charges. Did you know that NONE of the deputies in the cheating scandal were convicted? His campaign against korri marra or pat amahada all resulted in Not Guilty's. Cortez and Saenz both knew that the elements of a crime that would indicate guilt, were not present in any of the cases. It was their feeble attempt at gaining publicity at the expense of violating everyone's civil rights. These Two belong in Prison. Did Cortez violate DEA policy by meeting with an informant alone? That is the reason he was kidnapped. Was he lured into a private meeting with the promise of receiving a bribe? Look beyond the surface.
john chambers
what a joke!
good one.
The diff is that the D.A. Ports cockroach sweepers.
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