Sometimes the lack of training shows when you least expect it.
Take for example, the recent crash of a fire tuck into the storefront across the street from the main fire station on Adams.

The gaping hole made by the truck is still there.
Then, if you turn around and look up, you will notice that two large windows of the of the vintage building are missing and boarded up.
We asked at the station wondering whether the plywood covering the missing windows were a carryover from the last hurricane scare and they were understably mum on the subject.
Then we got the scoop from elsewhere that the windows had not bee covered as a result of the impending storm, but that they had been blown out by the pumper.
This is the was the story is told.
It seems that to get water pumping to fight fires, you have to manually put the pumper on neutral before you can activate the pumps on the fire truck Once the truck is put on drive, that activates the pumps and water shoots toward the fire.
Well, apparently someone didn't disengage the pump when they turned the truck off. So when the next fire guy jumped on the truck and put in in drive, the pumps started shooting water at 250 pounds of pressure. The windows never had a chance. In fact, it was probably luck that the water didn't knock down the wall of the venerable old building.
The reason we said the fire guys could use some training is because whoever got off the truck should have disengaged the water pump manually and whoever got on it should have checked to see the pumps were not engaged when they put the truck on drive.
On the positive side, we understand that Fire Chief Lenny Perez may be contemplating hanging up his fire boots come July. The city administration is apparently keeping those news under wraps so as to prevent general rejoicing and outward shows of celebration at the department. If you though there was a blowout with the windows, imagine the blowout they will have when the news are confirmed.
First off the pump wasnt left engaged the handle that operates the deck gun vibrated open during the morning checkoff of the truck. So when the truck's pump was engaged in the
afternoon the deck gun engaged and a water stream broke the windows. And this has happened in the past because some of the pump operators do not lock the handles so they wont vibrate open. You need to talk a better source because the one u used doesnt know shit.
Truck started? Pump erroneously left engaged? Windows gone as a result? I think the source knew enough.
Go do a check off instead of being on the more constructive with your time.
The Firefighter driving this fire truck is Viviana Gaytan, is she the same one that drop the patient that died at the hospital. I can't believe the firefighters union president Carlos E. is defending her.
Where are the so called officers they are ultimately responsible for there people. some of those tontos take promotional exams as if it were a game and are not ready.then you have the overwhelming stench of brown nosing lenny Perez ass kissers like Q,manitas, la loca,loony tunes goofy Garza,and scared shitless of his own fking shadow (Howard Hughes)Lt.baldy at airport etc.Some not all just front because of fear or ineptness ,the older vets no exactly what i'm talking about
I learned to drive in a empty parking lot
"In caps for u that dont understand .."
So, did you pay for the window?
That truck is fairly new no MAMES slightly open ,operator not checking unit properly
It doesn't take brains to be a Brownsville fire fighter. Why wasn't this on Channel 23 or in the Herald/Bargain Book?
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