The Starr County Sheriff’s Office raided two eight-liner establishments last month — in Hidalgo County.
Apparently confused about the Starr County-Hidalgo County border, the lawmen raided two Sullivan City eight-liner establishments on April 28.

“The owners of these two establishments have filed complaints regarding your deputies coming onto their premises and ordering their patrons to immediately leave the premises,” according to the letter. “No warrant was presented to these merchants by your officers.”
The Sheriff’s Office never acknowledged the letter, Gonzalez said.
Neither Fuentes nor Sullivan City Mayor Rosendo “Cheno” Benavides responded to requests for comment Friday.
Commonly called maquinitas, eight-liners look like cheap slot machines. Texas law forbids eight-liners from paying cash prizes.
Both Starr County and Sullivan City have approved regulations for eight-liner establishments. They also collect hefty permit payments.
Owners have paid Sullivan City more than $179,000 since Jan. 1, according to records obtained KGBT-TV.
Many Rio Grande Valley eight-liner owners don’t play by the rules.
The Hidalgo County District Attorney’s Office recently raided eight-liner establishments in Sullivan City and La Joya. Investigators witnessed workers paying players with cash, according to court records.
Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz cracked down on illegal gambling after becoming the county’s top prosecutor. He occasionally joined investigators on raids.
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Luis is on his last leg, Saenz has no idea of how much people don't want him back.
The D.A. Has posted an APB bulletin on the missing case of Bud that disappeard at the last pachanga.
PENDEJOS.....are you sure they were not from Cameron County? Because they are real PENDEJOS here too.
Ex Gov. Perry said, "oops".
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