"Where is the love
You said you'd give to me
Soon as you were free
Will it ever be
Where is the love.."
You said you'd give to me
Soon as you were free
Will it ever be
Where is the love.."
By Juan Montoya
Before the May 9 city elections, the five challengers of Mayor Tony Martinez pledged that they would support each other if one of them got in a runoff with Da Mayor.

Former mayor and modern Brownsville's equivalent of Juan Cortina, Pat Ahumada came in a distant second at 1,467 votes, about 17.83 percent."
One of the leading complainers about the gentlepersons' agreement of the endorsements was none other than Willy Garza. Garza garnered 760 votes, a scant 9.74 percent of the 8,227, second to the bottom from Brenda Joyas' 439 (5.34 percent).
"Pat is the only one who hasn't agreed to do that," Garza would complain.
The rationale behind the low-vote candidates was that they had run because they were not in agreement with the direction Martinez and his lapdog commission were taking the city. Giving away assets to the UT System, the giveaway of Lincoln Park, and the #325 debt of the Tenaska power plant were a few of the issues. And, of course, the $2.3 million Casa Del Nylon gorilla in the room that Martinez steered toward his buddy Abraham Galonsky.
About the only one that stepped up to the mariscos plate and honored his word was Capt. Bob Sanchez, owner of Capt. Bob's restaurant and a former chairman of the Public Utilities Board. Sanchez got 812 votes, or about 9.87 percent.
Another losing candidate who always complained about Ahumada was Erasmo Castro, the self-styled "Main Cheez," of the Cheezmeh Facebook page.
Castro garnered 1,211 votes, or about 14.72 percentage of the vote.
Nary a word has been heard from Le Gran Fromage since the election one way or the other.

Forgotten were their criticisms of Martinez such as the one Joyas made that: "The mayor is a smart business man, but cities are not businesses and hence cannot be run as one. The mayor is out of touch with the people of Brownsville. His administration seems to cater to a certain few instead of the entire community."
Well, apparently Da Mayor reached out and touched one of Joyas' buttons and flipped her.
Garza, too, criticized Martinez before his Fall , but bent over backwards (as he is wont to do) to say he is better than Ahumada. Garza's backhanded endorsement of Martinez reads as follows: "Though I question the purchase of Casa Nylon, United Brownsville and the lack of transparency from Tony, I feel Brownsville is about to experience an economic Boom and we don't need a divisive and uncooperative person like Pat as our Mayor..."And then a touch of the maudlin William has always had: "Since his son died recently, I believe he's a changed man, lets give him another chance..."

So, did Martinez promise Joyas a spot on a city feel-good technical enhancement committee and Garza a position on the Conventions and Visitors Bureau so that he can draw more "heads in beds" toward his employers, the owners of numerous motels in the city?
Garza has always had a streak of the panderer in him and relished the days when he was city commissioner. Like Jessica Tetreau and BISD's Minerva Peña, he likes to wave the pom-poms and will be a nice fit with cheerleader Mariano "Bean" Ayala at the BVCB. The only drawback there is that both will want to take credit for the number of tourists who come here.
There is, however, a silver lining in the mayor's runoff race. The early voting totals are keeping up with the early vote May 9, indicating that people are coming to vote in the two races. In fact, if you compare the first four days of early voting, there has only been a 552-vote difference between the 2,793 cast on May 9 and the 2,241 cast in the first four days of early voting in the runoff. (Friday's total for the runoff are not available yet. Click on graphics to enlarge.)
Ahumada may be right. Every vote counts in this one. We're smack in the middle of the early vote when more than two-thirds of the total votes are cast. Make your count, too.

Really? William Garza? He is a hollow man, devoid of what anyone would call
"life." Anywhere else he would be seen as just another goddamned Mexican.
Da mayor was a no show at the meet the candidate forum at the library. He ran away like a weasel should.
William Garza 5th place delusional clown!!
We cannot afford another four years of reckless spending of tax payers monies. Casa del Nylon is always on the table, what about El Cueto building purchased for $500,000, San Fernando building for $350,000 and the list can go on and on. Hope citizens of Brownsville exercise their constitutional right and go out and vote, if you don't vote, don't complain.
Y la casa nylon pa
reply EL CHEKE. si se chingo el cheke pero lo regreso y lo llevaron a corte y el culpable fue el teller por haber recibido el cheke.esto lo hace aqui en brownsville ser una persona honesta.
El chichon, el menso y el pelon....don't be fooled by these three, especially el menso!
William Garza reminds me so much of the failure Anthony Troani was in the congressional race. Lucky number 5!
Tony Martinez is a fool and associates with fools. Why isn't Tony using his elite buddies of United Brownsville to supporters. Tony has been a disaster as mayor and things will get worse if he is re elected. Tony is a pawn of United Brownsville and seeks to continue his autocratic and secretive administration of the city, to benefit his elitist buddies.
Pat Ahumada is rumored to be looking into doing what Bruce Jenner did and have his breast augmented and feminine facial feature procedures in order to attract the female vote. He is even going as far as to remove his member to accomplish and secure the woman vote......some are saying that this is too little too late for the hated shrimper and dog lover. People claim he is just being what he has always been.....a woman trapped in a mans body....that would explain all his past antics......QUE loco, no?
Anyone who doesn't vote in this run off election, has no right to bitch later, when we really get the chorizo from Da Mayor, and his shenanigans with our money.
You should look into getting the procedure done yourself Valadez . ....anything would be an improvement over your Arab - nosed speckled monkee face.
Lets see brenda and william garza endorse da mayor wow poltics does make strange bed fellows ariba y adelante con Pat Ahumada. At least wit pat we know where he stands, and with da mayor well with united brownsville, julieta, marin rustburger and the elite of the cash flow on the back of all brownsville taxpayers etc etc etc.
Valadez is dreamy
It's not that Pat is better its that tony is a disaster that we can't afford, We hated Pat because he tried to steal a 20,000.00 check, got cough etc. god knows how much did tony get in kickbacks from his friend Galansky and from tenaska, Tony is a huge rat, pat is a little mouse
Blue collar criminal vs. white collar criminal. Take your pick.
Juan, wake up your followers. There's an important election going on.
Today I got a fancy, expensive, flyer in the mail slinging petty bull shit mud at Smoky Pat. This election isn't about Pat. It's about our Mayor paying $2mm for a cheap, empty,ropa usada warehouse downtown, and that big increase coming in your PUB bills. We already pay more than McAllen residents for electricity, which is one reason they are booming while we stagnate. Just wait till Tony's new rate hikes hit your pocket book.
Who's paying for this expensive mud slinging? Ask yourself, why would Tony pay so much to win an unpaid position ?
Wake up Brownsville. Your idiots if you don't take this opportunity to send a strong message to local crooks, and throw this scum bag out of office.
Get on the phone and social media, and wake up all your lazy friends who don't vote, but are always bitching.
Anybody for mayor, other than the current occupant.
Pat's platform makes no sense. Lower taxes, lower utilities, and fix streets. Where the hell are you going to get the money to fix streets, man? That sounds great to voters but we know it is not possible. Street lifespans are about a good solid 15 years when maintained even minimally. You claim this administration is the reason all our streets are bad. Okay. Lets say you fixed all 800 miles of paved streets when you came in 8 years ago. They should all still be in decent shape. Or did you cut corners with the contractors? Did you "deposit" part of their pay so they ended up doing a crappy job? The current administration inherited your shitty streets, Pat! No te hagas, buey. Ya tienes la cara de pendejo. Mejor no hables para comprobar a todos que ERES un pendejo. I wish there was a third candidate to vote for because Martinez sucks but don't blame the rest of the commission for your pendejadas.
Which one will steal the least?
Arriba Pat!
You got this
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