That's what the long-suffering neighbors of the Brownsville Country Club are wondering since it's been nigh a year that a local contractor has been "working" on the street-improvement project there.
he neighbors say that the company – which they identified as CUBCO – has tarried forever on completing the project and has imposed an inconvenience and eyesore on the on the posh neighborhood. Neighbors there have called to tell us that the equipment – backhoe, etc. – often sport flat tires and is broken down.
At one time, the Brownsville Country Club was the epitome of upper-middle class living, but the muddy roads and broken down equipment has rendered it similar to the back streets of Cameron Park.
We are also told that the entrance of San Marcelo – a project estimated upwards of $750,000 will also be awarded to the same contractor. We will update you as we put in or information request to the City of Brownsville administration. For now, though, try to avoid the ruts in the road and stay away from the intersection when it rains.
Doe anyone know the timetable to this project?
I think the workers hired come from Matamoras, they finish a street only to tear it up again because of mistakes made ,meanwhile the contractor dances all the way to the bank lol!!!!
Call the city engineer, he is in charge of overseeing the contractor.
This project has been in the works for a few years now. Engineering, funding and other formalities were performed way before Portillo was elected and she's going around telling us here at the rotary meetings that she got it done. Bitch, please. The only thing you got done was screwing up the project by voting to hire CUBCO, which happens to be owned by Cardenas. Didn't they give you a generous campaign contribution? And what happened to the illegal contributions you received from the hoteliers?
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