The closest Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz got convicted murderer Amit Livingston to a camera was when he boarded the plane Tuesday afternoon when the U.S. Marshal's landed with the fugitive at Valley International Airport.
Many local lawyers believe federal investigators won't release the killer of the Edinburg school teacher because the the government will probably wan to question the fugitive on how he walked out the court house to freedom eight years ago and what deals he might have made.
He will face federal obstruction of justice charges on Wednesday.
Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio said Livingston's plane landed at 3:49 p.m. The sheriff said Livingston will be kept in solitary confinement and be checked on by jail guards every 15 minutes.
Livingston will appear before a federal judge on Wednesday and then the process begun to take him to a Texas prison where he will begin serving his 23 year sentence.

Livingston pleaded guilty to killing teacher Hermila Hernandez and was sentenced to a 23-year prison term on February 13, 2007.
Limas – based on an agreement between Villolobos and Livingston's defense attorney – gave him 60 days to get his "affairs in order."
Simultaneously – at the request of Villalobos' former law partner Eddie Lucio – he allowed Livingston's $500,000 cash bond to be used to pay off a civil lawsuit the family had filed against Livingston. That was shared between Limas, Lucio and Villalobos, testimony in their federal racketeering trials indicated. Lucio was acquitted of the charges. Limas and Villalobos are serving federal prison terns for their role in that and other cases.
Hernandez, a married mother of three children, was reported missing in southern Texas on a fall day in 2005. Four days later, on October 4, 2005, her body was found on a sand dune in a remote part of South Padre Island.
Federal sources say that Livingston will face an obstruction of justice charge in federal court before he has to return to the 404th District Court before Judge Elia Lopez-Cornejo to face whatever additional charges Saenz may file against him.
"Right now, if I was Limas, Villalobos, or even his former defense attorneys, I would be worried about what he might tell the federal government," said a local lawyer. "If he tells them something different that what they told them as part of their pleas, they may have to come back and answer for it."
There is little the federal government could offer Livingston for his testimony, since he is already sentenced to the 23-year in the state penitentiary. However, if Livingston decides to withdraw his guilty plea based on the fact that the judge and the prosecutor made money off his plea, he well could ask for a jury trial.
"This could open up a whole can of worms," said a lawyer. "If I was any number of people who was involved in the case, I'd be a little worried about what Livingston does these next few days."
Nevermind this shit, get El Chapo! se les vaya a pelar como elCHAPO,muchos deven de andar bien 'empanalados'.
El Chapo is the new national hero of the Naco Nation.
When Fakir Amir starts singing all shit will hit the Fan at the Courthouse. Some county parasites will be running to the hills in search of El Chapo for protection .
That district attorney looks like if he would be ABOVE THE LAW , come on getting off the jet like if he arrested livingston himself and piloting the jet aswell straight from india, and just waiting for the best shot from the cameras, how pathetic!
Luis Saenz is pissed at Da Blimp. Tells friends Blimp is on his radar screen. Pobre Blowboy!
Who cares? Grow up you annoying idiot!
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