The last official act of Michael Warrix as a City of Brownsville planner may have been his placement of a "workshop" before the special meeting Wednesday July 1 before he is said to have handed in his resignation this week.

Warrix had only joined the city staff on June 2014, a relatively short stay for a professional planner.
Those who attended the meeting knew, of course, that there was no discussion per se, but rather a desperate bid by Jacobs Group Project Manager and United Brownsville Executive Director Mike Gonzalez. Both took turns making the pitch that Garcia Jr.'s employer should get the $407,000 Phase II study that was named in the previous study paid by the Port of Brownsville, the Brownville Public Utility Board and the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.
That was just a piddling $454,000 for something called the Brownsville Strategic Infrastructure and Land Management Plan delivered to the three entities by Robin McCaffrey of Needham, McCaffrey and Associates.
That so-called master plan identified 35 small-area sites and called for the development of commercial corridors and recommended that the development of the plan be split into three phases at a total cost of $750,000.
The firm recommended that United Brownsville (where Garcia Jr.'s mom Julieta is a member of the ruling troika) be placed in charge of implementing the plan using funds from public entities.
In so many words, Phase I, the $185,000 SAP, merely rehashed the overall study and focused on 10 of the 35 identified sites.
Now, without the benefit of a Request For Proposals, the GBIC is being asked by Garcia Jr., of Jacobs Management, to give them another $407,878 to rehash another 10 from the same study, widely available in the Master Plan.
Other reasons were that there was no urgency for yet another study if the city and others could not pay for the proposed "infrastructure improvements" that included the deepening of the Port channel, the extension of the airport runway, the construction of the Industrial business corridor," the LNG plants, and the Bi-Ned pie-in-the-sky pushed by United Brownsville.
But there was Garcia Jr. dangling the carrot in front of the commissioners' eyes and promising "billions" of returns as a result of them giving him (and Jacobs) the additional $407,878. This is the epitome of nickel-and-diming us to death since the original study would already cost less than the study of the study of the study proposed by Garcia Jr.
Who put Warrix up to including this in a workshop after it had been turned down by the BEDC board? And the chairman of the GBIC (wannabe county judge David Betancourt) surely wouldn't buck the BEDC parent umbrella organization and the noncommittal city commission and include it in a new monthly agenda, would he?
So why did Warrix include this dead horse as a workshop?
We will probably never know since he is gone from the city.
We also understand that Patty Gonzalez, the city's PIO, is also on the move to the Port of Brownsville. She also joined the city in June 2014.
Is this the rearrangement of the chairs on the deck of the Titanic?
Oh that is simply peachy. Now Oscar will apply for Warwick's planning job and duke it out with the ever so talented Ramiro Gonzalez for the position. Who will Rose and Tony support in that battle of the titans?
CHINGA TU MADRE, BLIMP. Chinga tu madre, Big Boy
Warwick surely resigned because he saw that he could not be an effective planner in this city where the leaders promote and hire their family, friends and relatives. Tony Martinez doesn't have a pair, and is a puppet for Juliet Garcia and United Brownsville. Their policy is to discriminate against "outsiders" and give jobs and opportunities to their families. That's the Garcia Klan way; which they learned from the Kardenas Klan. By the way, where is Julieta these days??
Why does Lil Oscar make us think of fungus?
It just keeps coming back and back. Can't the mama's boy find a real job somewhere? ANYWHERE? (but here)
That Martinez Employment Agency needs some client other than Garcias, maybe.
When will Juliet Garcia just leave town? We are tired of you woman, and your compadres. You best get the hell out of town while the getting is good.
I know it is Eduardo PAZ Martinez who made the blimp comments. Read the next BV Imp.
Is Tony, the Herb, corrupt ? Forgot el Garchonsky .
All the city employees are leaving because they cannot stand Rose Zavaletta Gowen. She is a bitch and it's her way or the highway. She thinks she's an expert in everything and if you correct her or contradict her she'll cut your head off. That pendeja alone is guilty of running off so many great employees that were willing to work for the city despite being able to earn so much more in other cities and companies. Fucking Rose no vale verga.
This is the dude that scared the living shits of my Pitt-Bull last week. Ugly enough to wake up the dead !
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