Not long ago, after the untimely death of Brownsville Independent School District president Enrique Escobedo, Otis Powers made his ascension.
A compromise candidate for board president, Powers could count on the majority of Cesar Lo9pez, Minerva Peña and Hector Chirinos to ride herd over the $520 million budget, its 47,000-students, and its 7,000 employees.
If you needed a signature, Powers was your man. If you wanted to address an issue, there was Otis.

Then came the elections that saw "Coach" Joe Rodriguez. Suddenly, Otis wasn't doing enough to please the cantankerous 79-year-old athletic has been who was back in the saddle after having promised to ride into the sunset.
He made soothing noises for the public ands the district staff and administrators. His was to be a hands-off governance style.
"I want to thank the voters for giving us this opportunity to get this ship going in the right direction,” Rodriguez said. “My intention is to educate our children. ... It’s not about ‘me,’ it’s about ‘we.’ We need for the educators to educate, the administrators to administrate and the trustees do the things they’re supposed to be doing, which means we cannot micromanage the district.”
Yeah. right.
The first thing that happened after Rodriguez and Elizondo came on board was to "reorganize" the board. While in reality Rodriguez was the de factor mover and shaker behind the scenes, the president's title became a purely ceremonial position.
After installing the hapless Minerva Peña, a cheerleader, as president, Coach Joe set about to settle some scores.
With a new majority – himself, Peña, Chirinos, Cesar Lopez, and sometimes Carlos Elizondo – he set about to temporarily hire former BISD Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas to come in with her sharpened hatchet and do the heavy hitting. Administrators were shuffled, some contracts weren't renewed, and some principals were gathered in meetings where they were read the riot act unless their schools' grades improved.
Suddenly, no one's position – except for the board's general counsel Baltazar Salzar and warehouse supervisor Kent Wittington – was secure. People walked looking over their shoulder, fearing that Zendeja's hatched would be cutting through the air in their direction.
A Powers relative in the rarefied air of the administration, was "investigated," noises were made about potential federal violations, and she got the hint and left. Mary Tolman, another Power's relative, was removed from her central office position and moved to exile in the wilds of the central building on Elizabeth and Palm Boulevard.
And Susan Powers, Otis' wife fer God's sake, learned from the local culture that "calladita te miras mas bonita" and hasn't made any noises.
Handing above Otis' head like the sword of Democles is her employment at the Aquatic Center.
Powers, meawhile, is biding his time. The Powers clan is a rather large voting block. And with elections for the board due next year, Otis might be licking his wounds and planning his revenge.
What's the word on Sylvia Atkinson? Her hearings are always being postponed or cancelled.
Is it true that Carlos Elizondo wife Cindy is gonna be the next AA. And Rita is gonna lose her job?
Is that Da Mayor doing a magic trick with a sword ?
Otis might be the next Mando?
well, no matter where the otis "family" ends up, they are still living it up. earning top dinero and still crying for more and higher positions. if otis family members were moved downtown, lucky, out of sight, more bs. they are not working the trenches at the Campuses. its all about the money for these folks and their compadre/compadres and .
by the way, has the moves happened yet? like always, the BISD is notorious for doing things last minute, they love the suspense, rumors, and chaos. other valley districts are already planning for parents night. in Brownsville, still rumors, rumors and more rumors of who is getting moved. folks, this is our Brownsville tax dollars going down the pipe. we expect more, and year after year tax payers and parent are less impressed because the BISD is just a tax-dollar pipeline for board member and associates!
Chirinos is a backstabbing individual with no heart. "El pollo" like he was known for from his ranch once he feels he did not get his way, "aggarate" no te suelta, he will try his best to get rid of you regardless of your family. He will remember to smile to your face but move the chess pieces to rid of you. He will never tell you up front. He is only loyal to the Ayslas, and to his secretaries. "Pollito Caliente copete blanco" a mi me sacaste nomas una cana. Karma will hunt u down Mr. You went against the Powers. Hope you did it face to face and not behind close doors with Pena, and Joe Rod.
Ms. Tolman wasn't removed from her position. She still holds the same position. Her offices were moved to the CAB to make room for the Insurance department. For all the people who hated driving to CAB from Personnel to get Insurance paper work, this is a good move.
They are all pathetic has been!!
1.Carlos Elizondo stabbed his life-long friends almost right after they helped him.
2. His wife Cindy git a raise right away (before anyone did)
3. He thinks he's God. ... Yikes!!!
4. Not even Cata can stand him, after learning of his dealings with Joe Rod, and Cesar Lopez.
5.He thinks he's getting Rene Oliveira seat
6. We need a new board!!!!
What Carlos needs is a good wig . We know from secret sources he was baptized with battery water.
REMEMBER WHEN "Pollito Caliente copete blanco" WAS AT VETERANS.
Some people need to educate themselves on what type of degree and experience is needed to become an AA.
12:33am- was Pollito caliente copete blanco moved from VMHS por la misma razón that he was moved from Porter (por caliente con sus Babies), y por la misma razón que lo movieron de Transportation (por compadrismo con sus compadres de la bus Unión)???
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