Whether it's the takeover of local government by his creation called United Brownsville, the grooming of small-time sycophants to his coterie of admirers, or the sale of the Port of Brownsville Railroad to corporate raiders, the power behind the takeovers has always been IBC President Fred Rusteberg.
Rusteberg was the friendly banker that loaned former UTB President Julieta Garcai the $150,000 to buy the old PanAm president's house after the boys in the legislature passed a bill to allow the state to sell it to her, an unheard occurrence in Texas.
He is also – along with his former school mate Julieta – one of the three members of the United Brownsville Coordinating Board.

These entities – as we have pointed out before – are: the City of Brownsville, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC), the Brownsville Independent School District, the Brownsville Navigation District, the Brownsville Public Utilities Board, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) and the University of Texas-Brownsville/Texas Southmost College."
Since 2009, this group and their willingly co-opted public officials have gone to the public-treasury well to strong-arm eight public entities for their $25,000 "annual membership" payment.
From 2009 to 2012 the public had shelled out $810,000. That doesn't include the $200,00 from 2013 and the $200,000 to be collected for 2014. All told, the taxpayers of Brownsville will have shelled out more than $1,210,000 to United Brownsville for the privilege of having a troika accountable to no one "implement" their dubious "plan.
Rusteberg was also on the board of the Brownsville Rio Grande Railroad who signed off on the 30-year franchise agreement that virtually gave the Broe Group's OmniTrax control of a profitable working railroad before it is required to plunk down any money on a promised Industrial Park and "small-business incubator." The company wanted – and got – lease to 1,200 acres from the port and use 227 acres for the incubator.
But none of this will happen until the company finalizes its Master Plan a year after the agreement was signed.
Additionally, OmniTrax promises in the proposed agreement to "contribute and attract franchise consideration of not less than $8.5 million (Franchise Consideration) of direct capital investment in the common elements in the Industrial Park area. (OmniTrax) will provide Franchise Consideration during the period of five years following acceptance of the Master plan."
Until then, the only thing the port can expect from the Colorado-based railroad is:
– $3,693 a month for the (1,200 acres) of real estate

It also got to buy the railroad's capital assets (machinery and equipment, tools, etc.) for $2.5 million with $500,000 30 days after the agreement is signed and the rest ($2 million) to be paid over seven years.
At first the negotiations for the railroad were done in secret, going as far as denying a public information request of any dealings between the BRG and the Broe Group. When the details of the dealings finally came to light, the vote was set and the taxpayers of the port woke up to a done deal.
The aim is for this cadre of players to decide how they want the
area to develop and to move the public assets to achieve their goals.
Being astute (and scheming) business types, it is not surprising that
the direction the area's assets are being moved will ultimately profit
them and their friends.
The Long and Chilton audit of United Brownsville indicates that United Brownsville has done very well indeed living off the public's largess.
audit listed their cash and money market "value" at at the end of 2014 at $102,610. That's a
nice little nest egg compliments of the poorest community in the United
States.Their "accounts receivable" consists of the $200,000 in annual
memberships they collect on their annual trek for alms from the various
We were taught in school that the people elected public officials to act on their behalf in the various levels of government. These officials, in turn, were held accountable for their acts.
You cannot fire Rusteberg, Garcia or Downing. Ultimately, this trio and their supportive players on the board of United Brownsville that includes a select number of hand-picked, like-minded social climbers who are members of the city commission, the port, PUB, the university and college, and the economic development entities shuffle the cards and deal themselves a wining hand every time.
There's Carlos Marin's VIDA, Oscar Garcia Jr.'s Jacobs Management Group, Marin's Ambiotec, and, of course, the UT System and Julieta Garcia's new University of the America's. One could also mention the Mexican component which is seeking to divert the region's economic development toward the disastrous maquiladora industry.
These raiders of the public treasury have found a pot of gold at the end of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation and Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, using the $4.5 million each get from their share of a half-penny in sales taxes as their personal ATM machine. Garcia Jr., for example, already got two shots of $185,000 and is seeking another $407,000 for his company to perform yet another study of a study of a study.
The nonprofit shadow government of United Brownsville has as its purpose "to provide a forum for local governmental officials to communicate regarding public projects, and public-private partnerships in the greater Brownsville area, thereby promoting the effectiveness of said projects and thereby lessening the burdens of government..."
The last time we looked, there had been no government officials asking to be unburdened of their governmental duties and seeking succor from the likes of Rusteberg, Garcia and Downing. This invention of theirs to hijack the assets of local governments and their publicly-funded entities so they can "seat at the table" amounts to nothing more than strong-arm extortion and a protection racket worthy of the Cosa Nostra. But at least the Cosa Nostra provided some service in return.
The Long and Chilton audit of United Brownsville indicates that United Brownsville has done very well indeed living off the public's largess.

We were taught in school that the people elected public officials to act on their behalf in the various levels of government. These officials, in turn, were held accountable for their acts.
You cannot fire Rusteberg, Garcia or Downing. Ultimately, this trio and their supportive players on the board of United Brownsville that includes a select number of hand-picked, like-minded social climbers who are members of the city commission, the port, PUB, the university and college, and the economic development entities shuffle the cards and deal themselves a wining hand every time.
There's Carlos Marin's VIDA, Oscar Garcia Jr.'s Jacobs Management Group, Marin's Ambiotec, and, of course, the UT System and Julieta Garcia's new University of the America's. One could also mention the Mexican component which is seeking to divert the region's economic development toward the disastrous maquiladora industry.
These raiders of the public treasury have found a pot of gold at the end of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation and Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, using the $4.5 million each get from their share of a half-penny in sales taxes as their personal ATM machine. Garcia Jr., for example, already got two shots of $185,000 and is seeking another $407,000 for his company to perform yet another study of a study of a study.
The nonprofit shadow government of United Brownsville has as its purpose "to provide a forum for local governmental officials to communicate regarding public projects, and public-private partnerships in the greater Brownsville area, thereby promoting the effectiveness of said projects and thereby lessening the burdens of government..."
The last time we looked, there had been no government officials asking to be unburdened of their governmental duties and seeking succor from the likes of Rusteberg, Garcia and Downing. This invention of theirs to hijack the assets of local governments and their publicly-funded entities so they can "seat at the table" amounts to nothing more than strong-arm extortion and a protection racket worthy of the Cosa Nostra. But at least the Cosa Nostra provided some service in return.
For all the money these few elitists pocket, in one of the poorest communities in the state, they can pick one of many banks on Ruben Torres Blvd. How many? I lost count.... So many banks on that strip!!!!! Street should be renamed "ChaChing Blvd "..."Bank It Blvd".....
not bad for 2 former bankers rustyburger and irv downing, great scheme and then add some icing to the cake with julietta at utb/tsc or whatever they might call it these days, but then we had other edc's city projects that come to mind, like that huge titan tire deal and lots of jobs, t mobile deal and lots of jobs opps, didn't happen either oh well its only taxpayers money and by the way who cares? who keeps an eye on it? even if we try juan where do we start? esta carbon brother.
What's Sadamn doing in the back of the pic with Rustenburger ?
What he's been doing every time you ask the stupid annoying question . ...laughing at your dumb , lame ass!
Sadamn is telling Rusty how he is chuckling at your lame Derrièr mon ami.
El Rútico de Rustenburguer. es el que les pica ó el que les mete el dedo pa' que aflojen los centavos la gente pendeja de Bro. El dedo mágico se los mete en el chiquito sin petróleo . Sadamm responde: " sí, sí "
Hey you dumb shit, Sadamn was killed in Iraq !
Hey you dumb shit, Sadamn was killed in Iran. So get off this Sadamn idiocy you idiot Naco. !
You idiot Naco, El Chapo is going to get you .
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