Political pundits are talking of the pachanga held this weekend at Ramiro Sanchez's Los Fresnos impoundment lot for the reelection of Cameron County Luis V. Sanez, Constable Meced Burnias and Sheriff Omar Lucio.
The turnout was, to say the least, underwhelming.
"There were free BBQ chicken plates and draft beer for sale at $3 a glass," said a pachanga attendee. "That didn't go over very well with some of the people who went there and many ended up leaving.

To say that things were awkward between Saenz and Lucio is also an understatement. Sanez's former head investigator and chief of the Public Integrity Unit Victor Cortez has already announced against Lucio and held an announcement get together at a local watering hole. Cortez was employed as a DEA agent and later worked with U.S. Customs before hooking up with Sanez.
The fact that Cortez resigned from the DA's office has some thinking that he enjoys the support of his former boss. The office's Public Information Officer Melissa Landin (formerly Zamora) is said to be managing Cortez's Internet website, as she is Saenz's.
"There weren't that many people there and most of them were corrections officers at Carrizales," said our source. "Most of them were there with Lucio and Saenz didn't seem to have too many of his supporters there. It didn't look too good for him."
Also in the wings with his "Team Trejo" is Justice of the Peace 5-3 Mike Trejo, who his supporters vow will run in 2016 for sheriff. How he will fare against the always-popular Lucio and his challenger Cortez is yet to be seen. He might hope that his functions are better attended than was the Lucio-Sanez-Burnias pachanaga this weekend.
On the other hand, it could also men that voters a fatigued after the marathon primary process last year that had candidates running for almost a year and kept getting extended.
"People are tired of politics and elections in genedral," said a man who attended the Los Fresnos event. "This just shows that."
The Democratic primary is tentatively scheduled for March 1, Super Tuesday. The fact that it's a presidential year might help to energize the base and increase participation, party loyalists hope.
Luis Saenz is worst than having STD because he has PTD (Political Transmitted Disease). No one wants to be with him or affiliated by him. He has back stabbed everyone that helped him get into office but because he aligned himself with Mellissa Zamora and George Delaunay they decided to betray everyone thinking people don't forget.
Because of his broken promises, grand standing, taking credit for the sun, the moon, the stars, the ocean and even the capture of Bin Laden, people don't want to step near his shadow. Even his shadow has a picturette of a hand with a knife for when you turn on your back it will go in quickly.
When you can't even trust the DA Luis Saenz shadow then you know it is time to replace him.
And you say Burnias was there, I suspose acting like a Democrat. I recall when the elected Democrats were grouped together with Joe Rivera for a picture in support of joe's candidacy for County Judge, Brunias squeezed (he really did not have to do much squeezing) in behind Joe so only his ears appeared in the picture. I think some people thought Joe had two sets of ears! LOL
Politics Politics, Burnias, stand up and tell everybody you are a Republican, or start supporting your Democratic party candidates.
Ramiro SAnchez is scum that's why it was not a well attended function
El Culo, Vendido, Nunca Sera Unido.
Maybe the folks are waiting for other better quailfied candidates to come forward in the democrat line up or like in the case of the last election vote REPUBLICAN right? Cca
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