Monday, August 10, 2015


By Juan Montoya
No sooner did the cell doors clank shut on Amit Livingston and the photo ops of 8-Liner raids go down in the ratings, than the Spin Factory at the Cameron County District Attorney's Office pull out Luis V. Saenz's next reelection cause celebre: abused women.
Yeah, we know. We've heard this song and seen the blazing billboards warning would-be physical offenders of their mates that there would be no mercy or tolerance for them at the DA's Office. But now, with a Sunday newspaper story featuring Saenz trying to explain his Sisyphean task of prosecuting domestic violence offenders, it's beginning to smell like a preemptive action to blunt challenges to his promises to stamp out the domestic violence in the county.
In Greek legend, Sisyphus was the cruel king of Corinth condemned forever to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top.
If one reads the article published in today's Brownsville Herald, one can imagine Luis struggling against his office prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and just about everyone in defense of the victims, to no avail.
"I have been struggling, fighting to change the courthouse culture as to how these cases are looked at."
"Believe me, even within the office and defense attorneys and also judges. I've gotten pushed back on what I want to do on these cases."
Saenz says that the problem is that often the victims themselves refuse to testify against the defendants, often their husbands or boyfriends. Many times they claim that it was a heated argument that escalated into a situation where someone called the police. Take, for example, the case of the Harlingen city manager who is accused of slapping is wife.
Of course, Saenz knows that legislation was passed for this very reason that allows him to prosecute with or without the victims' cooperation.
"The ultimate decision on whether to prosecute is the prosecutor's, but we try to honor the request of the victims," he said.
So, if a challenger to the DA's office such as Carlos Masso brings out documentation showing that the Saenz administration has failed in the prosecution in the majority of domestic abuse cases, Saenz can point the finger at the victims for not allowing him to deliver on his promise.
Saenz is, in effect, blaming the victim for not allowing him to do his job. When they say they do not want to prosecute, he makes them stand before a judge and tell them they don't want to proceed.
I know that makes it cumbersome for them, but that's my way of kind of slowing down the culture," he told the newspaper.
After all, the domestic abuse plank was one of two on his election platform. The other was the 8-Liner crusade that has fizzled as the finicky public's attention span declined for the sight of old men and ladies being led away to jail for playing la maquinitas. Anyway, it's a vote loser because old people are like elephants, they never forget.
But until then, county residents will see the billboards, the banners and the nifty Ford Flex sedan sporting a photo of a bruised up woman and a half dozen DA office seals bearing Saenz's name to remind them he is a champion of domestic abuse victims, prosecutions or not.
The car was seized in a forfeiture case and given to the DA's Office. It bears four DA's Office seals with Saenz's name on it. Additionally, Saenz's name is emblazoned on both sides in large letters. It is, in effect, a rolling billboard compliments of the county taxpayers.


Anonymous said...

You left out the principal at Perkins middle school who resigned from BISD rather than being moved to another lower level position. He is now head principal at another school away from the valley.
Some of the people mentioned are ready to GET OUT of the system, but others are still milking the system: Hernandez, Chavez, Lieck. Some of these people are way past retirement age and are still there even if they don't do anything positive for the children.

Anonymous said...

No more of Luis Saenz, Unfortunately, he is his worst enemy.

Anonymous said...

Juanito i noticed a Lamar billboard sign on the side of the expressway between luke fruia dealership and tony romas stating about the no refusal on d.w.i's and with a big emblem of this DA's name, those lease contracts are expensive, i feel bad for those poor taxpayers having to pay the price for this pathetic DA that just wants his name out there to get re-elected.....

Anonymous said...

To the Winners go the Spoils.
You still haven't learned the game, Juan.

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz is a DICK! His trademark unkempt mustache, his starched white shirt with red tie and hiring Melissa Zamora-Landin are all public relations failures and Luis will lose to Carlos Masso in 2016. Luis hasn't transformed a corrupt DA's office he has just thrown up a fog of bullshit and little has changed. And the taxpayers paid for his 3-ring PR bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Not related to this post: Check out Cameron County decision last CC meeting to fire Nick Long and Gallagher Benefit Group - look at the executive session agenda of August 8 - there is a good story here, and it travels north to San Benito ISD and their recent RFP for insurance

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso, the projected winner. Remember those words.

Anonymous said...

The D.A. Will use the van for the Congo Safaris in search for King Cong who hasn't paid his child support. The D.A. Also has warrants for non-payment for parking overdue tickets. The DA will thank Emit for his contribution for this kind gesture.

Anonymous said...

Poor Luis, he just doesn't see the writing in the wall. He just doesn't get it "We don't want him anymore". He is a lost soul. Pobrecito.....

Anonymous said...

I see Masso signs sprouting all over, wow
