Thursday, September 17, 2015


By Juan Montoya
One was the former chief of staff for Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.
Another was a Talking Head for a local television station who went off to make his name (or not) in the state capital and then, once the charm resulted in lower ratings, opened his own public relations firm in Big Bad Austin.
And still another was a former newspaper gal in Brownsville who sought her calling as a public relations shilling goods and services in Austin.
All three – Buddy Garcia, Ronnie Oliveira and Lisa Marie Gomez – have latched on to the Liquefied Natural Gas industry and have descended upon us bearing "gifts" such as jobs, clean industry, and future nirvana using their ties to Brownsville as their hook.
Oliveira is a double dipper. Leaning heavily (and melodramatically) on his Brownsville roots (father a cop, mother a teacher) and his cousin the Texas State Rep. for the area (get it?), he was able to wrest a lucrative $140,000 public relations "branding" contract over other firms which were ranked above his proposal.
When the online poll on his design turned out 80 percent against, he nonetheless convinced our city commissioners (Mayor Tony Martinez, Rose Gowen, Deborah Portillo, and John Villarreal) to approve giving him the gig. Oliveira said he was well worth it because he was not only going to provide the city with his lackluster logo, but also sacrifice himself to be the cheerleader for the city in the branding campaign.
We are not worthy.
LMG, in the other hand, is shilling for Annova LNG using the fact that she was raised in Brownsville and worked for the newspaper there as the sentimental umbilical cord.
"Job! Jobs! Jobs! is her mantra. She knows hunger when she sees it.
And Buddy, what can we say about Buddy, is adept at using the political influence of Lucio's senate position to twist arms as his boss taught him in the years they spent together giving away the South Texas farm in Austin (for a slight fee, of course).
As far as we know, neither of the three have won any Pulitzers, although reading their glowing resumes in their websites, they make themselves out to be mavens of the highest order.
All they want is for us to believe them that – since they spent time in Brownsville stepping on the lowest rung of the professional ladder – this entitles them to come bearing dubious gifts upon the skeptical peasants. They are asking the people here to accept the potential of environmental disaster, unsightly gas flare towers, possible groundwater contamination and the threat of natural gas explosions a scant few miles from populated areas.
Why should the people take their spiel at face value?
"Because we're from Brownsville," they shout in unison even though the last time any of these snake oil salesmen lived down here was decades ago.
The ringmaster is Garcia, of course. He is the pivotal money man hired to line up the proverbial ducks in the water for the LNG billionaire corporations to set up shop on the Brownsville Ship Channel in return for their 30 pieces of silver.
So far the Trojans have not been as pliable as those of yore. Laguna Vista, Port Isabel and South Padre Island have said "nyet." An the Cameron County commissioners tabled Annova's $25 million tax break request as did the P.I. ISD on Annova's $195 million tax abatement application.
Maybe they like their water and air clean so that their children and their children can enjoy them without looking over their shoulder at the belching flames from the smokestacks or the chemicals leeching into the waters that provide the habitat for fish and fowl.
What price tag can you put on those "gifts"? 


Anonymous said...

The city commissioners have to know that logo is overpriced.
Is it a way to launder money to themselves for supporting LNG? It's just the kind of thing an oil executive would suggest to them.

Anonymous said...

Jerry McHale says it often, no one treats a Mexican worse than another Mexican. These people know our Mexicans can be fooled. Over and over and over.

Anonymous said...

You got it right on, Juanito. These three are grifters who still think they are with the in crowd because they report to those grown fat on corruption. FCK LNG and FCK these three.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but you have to wake up pretty early in the morning to convince me Ronnie has talent worth more than $5. So he's a channel 4 celebrity? Is Ryan "roaches" Wolf the next vendor up?

Anonymous said...

Well said Juan...we three of your readers that reside up the Valley are also worried of the LNG.
Thanks for speaking out porque el Brownsville Herald se hacen pendejos.

Anonymous said...

LNG companies are coming for sure! That's why they still voted for the new Igniting logo, and decided to go against the 500 citizens, or 80% of the people that decided to say no to the new logo. They are getting ready to Ignite, and welcome the BIG polluters! Ediot leaders! They don't care! They have the money to move away once our home is a wasteland.

Anonymous said...

that nobody but their shills have anything good to say about that worthless turd expense. In a large sample poll, 80% were not hot on it so you fuck-tards are not representativd of anyone but yourselves. Sorry Dickhead, nice try though.

Anonymous said...

that nobody but their shills have anything good to say about that worthless turd expense. In a large sample poll, 80% were not hot on it so you fuck-tards are not representativd of anyone but yourselves. Sorry Dickhead, nice try though.

I'm not a robot! said...

The Leaders of the Pack sucking up to the LNG teat!

Eddie Lucio III comment to FERC re Texas LNG 20150908-5053.pdf

Eddie Lucio, Jr comment to FERC re Texas LNG 20150824-0013.pdf

Anonymous said...

Ediot leaders!!! Laughing my ass off!!! Typical brownsville. Can't spell in English or Spanish. Yes, your EDIOT leaders are as stupid as you! Thanks 2:07 AM . You made my day and my point.

Anonymous said...

I really hope people will stand up and run for Office against any politician who supports sacrificing our community for a few hundred jobs.

Anonymous said...

hey, at least Eddie Lucio III had balls enough to not support the LNGs. That is more of cautious letter than a support letter.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, and,your"point" pendejo ! What do you know about "typical Brownsville ". Work on your trolling skills.........just because you're a pendejo doesn't mean you always have to post pendejadas.

Anonymous said...

This is father and son decision. The Lucio's rat. Nepotism at its best, both father and son. Remember the Private Prisons? Who were the leaders in getting the creation of this monster. The Lucio's

Me No Robot........ said...

To "Anonymous post September 19, 2015 at 7:51 AM":

Seriuosly, all you retained from reading Anonymous post @ 2:07 AM was the phonetically spelling "EDIOT" of the word "IDIOT".

As Forest Gump would SAY:.

Here is a phonetically spelled WORD for you!


Anonymous said...

The Eddie Lucio III letter re LNG is a "SUPPORT LETTER" written in a "CAUTIOUS MANNER" to "HEDGE HIS BETS". You don't fool anybody.

frank said...

You forgot to include Jessica Tetreau and Ricardo Longoria also voted for this $140K payout.

Anonymous said...

"Et tu Brute"

Anonymous said...

Get your facts right . ...Jessica voted against and Ricardo wasn't even in the meeting .

Anonymous said...

My pee pee is so small that sometimes I piss on my balls.
