Sunday, September 13, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: While the City of Brownsville Public Health Director frets over implanting microchips in loose dogs and cats running wild through the city, and commissioners worry about citizens' use of plastic bags, bike trials, etc., other less sexy tasks of the municipality are left behind. Never mind the chronic street flooding, either. How about basic plumbing in some establishments located less than two city blocks from the city offices on Levee and Elizabeth streets? This photo was sent to us by one of our three readers who said he went to use the bathroom facilities of a popular business downtown and found a Styrofoam cup being used as a retaining pond to prevent the water from dripping all over the floor. Notice the clear plastic tape used over aluminum foil to stanch the leaking pipe. That's a urinal on the right bottom of the picture. While creative, we aren't convinced that it stops potentially contagious contact with dirty sewer water by the patrons. Leave Fido and Puss alone for a while guys. How about protecting the people?)


Anonymous said...

This is nothing compared to the restrooms at the Brownsville Public Library on Central.

Anonymous said...

And while Mayor Tony Martinez performs at the Camille Playhouse, the infrastructure of Brownsville continues to erode. This morning's Herald had an item about how Larry Brown, as a city intern in 1973, was tasked with county "outhouses" in Brownsville. I was amazed that he counted several thousand "privys". We can only wonder how many of those still exist today. Mayor Tony Martinez manages in the same style as his good friend Queen Julieta Garcia...who believed that if things look good it will give the perception that everything is good. Tony Martinez's administration has obviously adopted Queen Juleta's management if the citizens are riding around on bikes...things must be good. If the Mayor has time to perform in a community theater presentation.....things must be going well. Guess what....the city is falling down and Tony, like Nero, is oblivious.

Anonymous said...

We should be embarrassed to put a fat Public Health Director on TV promoting good health and biking. The city officials should be setting the example. Most BPD officers are too fat to catch anyone...maybe a reason to shoot them. Same with the fire department....we have to reinforce ladders to facilitate fat firemen. County Commissioner Dan Sanchez is the ultimate example of obesity and an unhealthy public official. His belt is longer than hoses on the fire trucks.

Anonymous said...

The Blimp is shadowing your stories, Juan. What a copycat! And, was that his mother at HEB yesterday? Playing with the sausages! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

The Native American's opposed illegal immigration too. So we KILLED them and stole their land. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas looked nice so we stole them and magically transformed the original inhabitants, Mexicans, into illegal aliens. Because we, are the always exceptional gringos.


Anonymous said...

The "gringos" are the descendents of the English criminal element that the king sent to Georgia to settle the area.
