Thursday, September 3, 2015


Special to El Rrun-rrun
Cameron County commissioners – under pressure by workers who have seen them give raises out of budget – broke down and gave them a four percent raise.
Workers, who had not seen raises for almost a decade during the Carlos Cascos era, said they wanted more, but had to settle for the raises approved by the commissioners, sans Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez.
Sanchez left the meeting to make his way to Austin for Saturday's game between the Texas Longhorns and the Irish of Notre Dame.
Sanchez had advocated that the workers be given a bonus, or stipend, as they had the year before,
Before the JP and magistrate staff had been given a five percent raise by the commissioners.
Some workers were thankful for the small increase and said it was better than nothing. They said that Human Resources personnel had already told them the insurance co-pay for doctors' visits would increase from $25 to $30 and that the annual deductible would increase from 400 to 500.


Anonymous said...

Was Commissioner Sanchez planning on biking to Austin, because I know it does not take 2 days to drive by car or even motorcycle to get to Austin. Maybe he was really going off to sign some other documents on behalf of the County that he had no authority to sign. Baboso !

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez is going to the game in the styl of "BEVO", in a trailer that hauls beef. Dan is "beef". or Dan is "Pork"...but I have never seen a pig as obese as Dan Sanchez.

Anonymous said...

Longhorn fans should be aware....Dan Sanchez loves steak and can easily pork away "BEVO". Dan Sanchez is a fat, obese, excessively large man who obviously has no respect for himself.

Dags said...

The Mexican is strapped-down by fatalism. Mexicans believe they are here to suffer. They are Easy Culos to our politicians, Juan. No one else bitches in Browntown more than our Mexicans!


Anonymous said...

MEXICANS DESERVE only minimum wage! Not one penny more. Lazy people!!!!

Anonymous said...

All county employees let's show Dan Sanchez the door in January when he announces for county judge.
