Friday, September 11, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: We came across this group photo taken during the mandatory
 staff meeting at the Cameron County District Attorney's Office taken last Friday. 
At this meeting, D.A. Saenz took the opportunity to mention the fact that Ass.  
D.A. Matthew Kendall had tied the knot with Ms. Elizabeth Correa. Ms. Correa does not appear in the DA's salary schedule so apparently, she joins the happy DA family though marriage.
We don't know what the color scheme was for the wedding ceremony  of the happy couple, but the dou on the far right (DA PIO Melissa Landin and Saenz) matched with complementary her brown outfit and his brown tie, a rare occurrence for Luis since he has always worn his trademark red tie.
It's good to see that love still blooms in the salt mines of justice. As a former Asst. D.A. used to say: "We don't just work here, we're pushing back the frontiers of ignorance and injustice."
And if there's a chance to sidle next to a decent looking babe, so much the better.



Anonymous said...

That's true Luis Saenz is ALWAYS wearing a red tie. No pow WOW not Mellissa is dressing Luis to match her outfits. I wonder if Cornudo Landin knows about this?

Anonymous said...

This is not respectable journalism, this is chisme...Ya parece lavadero de vecindad aqui. Her blazer is brown and his tie is golden brown...ya ni la chingan ustedes!

Anonymous said...

There is ALOT of MIERDA in that picture

Anonymous said...

No it wasn't a mandatory staff meeting Bozo. If this is all you got, scraping the barrel aintcha? Masso must be proud.

Dags said...

Even in the DA's office, we are EASY CULOS, bro! Our women are the easiest!!


Anonymous said...

Matt is heterosexual?

Anonymous said...

Just another "press" piece for Luis produced by Melissa Zamora Landin. We don't care about this "family bullshit", its all about putting bad people in jail....not an ADA getting some tail.

Anonymous said...

The van a meter la VERGA luis.....bien FEO. You and Melissa will be out in the real world....bunch of buenos para nada.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you Dags and your "easy culos" annoying asshole !

Anonymous said...

so, why don't you write about all the illegal activities under Villalobos that Masso and Abel"the Rat" Gomez were involved in?

Anonymous said...

Masso has very good people backing him.

Anonymous said...

Saenz was part of Villalobos tenure also, but he would like people to forget that. He is a PENDEJO...and so are you.

Anonymous said...

The bride uses too much sun block. Hard to tell where the dress ends and her legs begin.

Anonymous said...

(Fuck you Dags and your "easy culos" annoying asshole_

It's duardo paz martinez doing that. Just so you know.

Anonymous said...

No, pendejo . ..I'm not Duardo . Tired of your constant "culos "comments . ..please drop dead quick.

Anonymous said...

I would live to see how many of those pictured would be able to comply with the new random urinalysis requirements arbitrarily instituted by Luis Saenz upon first time offenders. You cannot wear deodorant, use mouthwash, take Medication when sick, eat certain foods, etc.. Did anyone read the contract these people are being given by this Avertest company before instituting this policy? That DA's office would be one stinky place if no deodorant were allowed. Someone is really trying hard to not get re-elected. Nice way to kick the poorest people in the nation when they are down. No other county in Texas does business with this company. What gives$
