Thursday, September 3, 2015


By Juan Montoya
A furtive meeting between a justice of the peace and a middle woman on the second-floor corridor of the judiciary wing of the Cameron County Courthouse between the bathroom and the court to "fix" a case.
A wink and a nod for the payments to be hidden as campaign contributions.
A staff that had made an industry of fixing citations, and keeping official documents and official stationery in the homes of relatives, and fixed cases for a price.
Tape recordings between a plaintiff and court staff discussing bribes.
A bribe for a favorable decision in a case that went wrong and the outrage of the woman who paid calling the judge out on it in open court with witnesses watching.
And a justice of the peace who could not explain why she acted righteous in one case of corruption but let the one that was meant to help her campaign slide.
Those and many other details of how the sausage was made in former Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2 Erin Garcia Hernandez's court are contained in the investigative report put together by FBI, county DA and Brownsville Police Department investigators.
Instead of having us print the entire sordid investigative report which recommended Garcia be indicted that was declined by DA Luis V. Saenz, we'll allow you to read the report yourself and let you decide. Here it is below. Click on the link below the graphic below for your reading displeasure.


Anonymous said...

And Luis Saenz refused to indict when the investigation indicated wrong doing and abuse of office. Looks to me like DA Saenz proved, by his decision not to indict, that he remains a loyal Cameron County Dumbokrat. Here in Cameron County we don't just accept corruption, we demand corruption; and our elected officials continue give it to us. Luis Saenz will not be re-elected DA because local voters know that Carlos Masso can give us more corruption than Saenz.

Anonymous said...

Luis didn't indict because Erin didn't know anything or do anything. The three girls who were involved got indicted and fucking got slaps on the wrist. Lily in her own fucking statements confesses to having taken money from other people. Vieja pendeja.

Anonymous said...

Your right..Erin is as sharp as a dull butter knife..She's more crooked than a mesquite tree.. Her and her father both should have been indicted..Cameron County needs a lot of changes in the coming elections

Anonymous said...

Masso is friends with Erin. If he wins he'll be worse! I got a ticket and was able to bribe Erin with a #7 from whataburger whatasized with an apple pie. I didn't even have to do defensive driving!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Then maybe you should be indicted for bribery too.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the investigator RHINEHART, who spent months working on this; even recommended charging with Organized Crime, thought when the DA said "nah, wont prosecute this one "

Anonymous said...

You too, Norma!

Anonymous said...

Masso is hanging around too much with the Hernandez pendejos. I wouldn't trust anyone close to them.
