Thursday, September 17, 2015


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Annova:
"CESWG does not concur with the Project Purpose and Need Statement, as currently written. CESWG will coordinate with the applicant and FERC to formulate appropriate Basic and Overall Project Purpose statements for the proposed project, to be incorporated into project documents."

EPA on Texas LNG:
"In the discussion of Alternatives, we recommend the EIS describe how each alternative was developed, how it addresses each project objective, and how it will be implemented.We also recommend the EIS clearly describe the rationale used to determine whether impacts of an alternative are significant or not. Finally, we recommend the EIS describe the methodology and criteria used for determining project siting."

By Juan Montoya
Fresh from a rejection by the Cameron County Commissioners Court on a request to grant it a $25 million tax break over 10 years, Annova LNG has also received a no-vote from the port Isabel Independent School District for their request for an additional $195 million in tax abatements.
 The generalized negative reaction to both these multi-billion dollar Liquefied Natural Gas export terminal facilities has resounded across the political landscape and has shown that politicians like Tex. Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., State Reps. Rene Oliveira and Eddie Lucio III, Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez and the trustees and administration at the Port of Brownsville are way out of touch with an alarmed constituency.
 But lest they think that the people are off the mark, all the have to look at is the comments by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the case of Texas LNG and the U.S. Corps of Engineers in the case of Annova to see that the hurdles facing these two proposals have many hurdles to go.
The Port Isabel ISD trustees on Tuesday voted not to grant Annova the abatements. This followed the Cameron County Commissioners Court tabling their request for similar considerations.
Meanwhile, the charge dto force the companies down the throats of the people of Cameron County, Port Isabel, South Padre Island and Laguna Vista have met with determined resistance from residents alarmed that their delicate environmental features that lure fishermen and tourists will be tarnished by industrial smokestacks and pollution.
These are the identical concerns addressed by the federal regulatory entities. To see the full documents on the applications, click on links below.

CORPS Comments on Annova:

EPA comments on Texas LNG:


Unknown said...

LNGs are Not Acceptable in the Laguna Madre! These toxic-waste, brown-cloud producing Cancers on the landscape will Destroy thousands of existing tax-paying Green Jobs which depend on the healthy ecosystems which sustain our fishing and birding and wildlife experiences. South Padre Island, Port Isabel, and Laguna Vista are being offered as Sacrifices to the Lies N Greed of the LNGs. We are only 1% of the RGV population, But we are being asked to accept 100% of the Destruction of our Way of Life! Keep our Laguna Madre ecosystems and local populace Healthy! Say NO to LNGs!
Rick & Diane Teter, Laguna Vista, TX

Anonymous said...

The politicians already accepted their 30 pieces of Silver.

Anonymous said...

The Lucios and Rene Oliviera are trying to "manipulate" the local citizens and are surely "in bed" with the LNG companies. The companies donate to their political campaigns or "pay another mordida" and our elected officials will roll over for the LNG folks. They don't listen to the citizens, they attempt to use their positions to sway public opinion in a way to benefit themselves. They make their money by selling their votes in the legislature to the highest bidder. They have gotten rich making fools out of the citizens of Cameron County.
