Wednesday, September 16, 2015


By Jim Barton
Commissioner John Villarreal
Logogate, as one local quipster referred to the City Commission/Hahn Communications fiasco, took an odd turn Tuesday night when timid City Commissioner John Villarreal actually spoke at a city commission meeting.

"I have an MBA. I know marketing. This is good," testified Commissioner John Villarreal during consideration of Agenda Item #10, a Public Hearing for "Possible Action" on approval of a new logo for the City of Brownsville.
Snake Oil Salesman Ron Oliveira

What John was referring to as "good" was the new city logo created by Hahn Communications for $90,000. Former Harlingen news anchor Ron Oliveira had just spent 30 minutes vociferously selling the logo, implying that for the money the city not only gets a new, "modern" logo, but his services as town cheerleader. Yes, folks, snake oil and magic elixir is still being sold, marketed.

Marketing involves research. What do customers want? What do they need? Hahn Communications was on the right track when they conducted an online survey with Brownsville citizens asking for input on the proposed new city logo. But, then, they proceeded to ignore their own research as if it was irrelevant. They had created a new logo, albeit a mediocre one, not well received and they were going ahead with it come Hell or high water.

Here is the complete online survey about the new logo included in the City Commissioner's information packet for the 9/15/15 City Commission meeting:
 First, the numbers:
 "I love it" 15.36% (104)
"I like it" 5.91% (40)
"I'm not sure" 6.50% (44)
"I don't like it" 72.23% (489)
Now, the online comments:
"It reflects Brownsville's new position."
"'By the sea' is a slogan that attracts tourists. Due to the violence, "on the border' repels tourists. What about a slogan that reflects the city's past, present and future?"

"I'm concerned it is too much like ignite energy corp, which is currently being sued as being a pyramid scheme. I don't want the city involved in law suits."

"It does not mention the JEWELS the city has to offer. We are focusing on one item only."
(Click on graphic to enlarge.)
"90K for that from an out of town company? My child came up with something better for the price of chicken nuggets."

"This does not represent our community or city in any way."

"It depicts nothing of what Brownsville is. And in all truth looks simple and plain."

"It is way overpriced and generic."

"The design is not coherent. It is ugly and weak."

"Too busy. Colors are awful."

"Not unique. Pretty average."

"Just look at it."

"Use the $90,000 to fix our drainage, potholes and beautify our city. Let the people of Brownsville, Tx vote if our logo should be changed. Mr. Hahn is not even from here. He is from Austin, Tx and he wants change for our city that is ridiculous. The only thing he wants from our city is the money. Please don't change our logo and use the money wisely. Thanks! 'By the border by the sea should stay!' "Our present logo is great!"

Why do market research if you ignore the results? 80% of those responding to the online survey said they didn't like or weren't sure of the new logo. Typically, that should mean "back to the drawing board."

Please know that all of the commissioners received the results of this survey the Friday BEFORE voting on the item at the City Commission meeting. What does that say about their actual desire to represent the people?


Anonymous said...

Teh results of this study and the Logo were ready and turned over to the city in January, but kept under wraps till after the mayoral election. For fear of backlash against our spendthrift Mayor?

Anonymous said...

The Mexican psyche is such that anything anyone else does is worthy of putting down. They are the worst people in the world!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He had to throw the degree card out to make him feel better about the condition his district lives in. Tires dead animals graffiti abandon buildings and the failed downtown revitalization plan will be this idiots legacy.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of how local leaders take care of their friends. Hiring Rene Oliviera's relative is this example. Again, the city hired an incompetent to design a logo for Brownsville. And, after all this time, we get a "crap" not representative of this city. "Ignite" what....our tons of marijuana. Another reflection of our elected officials..."shit in, shit out"

chief cool arrow said...

Sounds like another wonderful deal for state rep Rene Oliviera hiring his cousin, que bonito rene, puro chorizo san manuel, oink oink oink. Money is in the bank baby and screw the city. So is the city going to ask for a refund? of course not, I am outta here. cca

NUCLEAR said...

George W. Bush has a Bachelors degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard University!

Enough said!

Anonymous said...

A BHS art class could have done better; and for FREE !!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:23....use comas, they are free. FYI.

Anonymous said...

The name of the game in Cameron county is "NEPOTISM".

Anonymous said...

John is a total prick. People are not going to forget this John. Don't even THINK of running for Precinct 2 commish. Even if you are appointed, you will be voted OUT. Activists are already having meetings about you and Portillo. You're both done.

Anonymous said...

Simply put, people in brownsville are complete idiots led by corrupt idiots.

Anonymous said...

John is commissioner for District 4

Anonymous said...

I consider this guy one of the worst city commissioners Brownsville ever had.its amazing after several years he has to be led by the hand ,he can barely complete full sentences when he speaks his mind.Time to go buddy you were just way over your head .

Anonymous said...

Compadrismo, but for "Ronnie", it is nepotism

Anonymous said...

Where can I sign a recall?

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone with an MBA is proof reading these blogs.. Ha! Get to work Villreal!

Anonymous said...

Calm down Erin. Your father is the only one drooling over pct 2.

Anonymous said...

Yes! And Tetreau always says Very, Very, Very. Limited vocabulary fit for a 3rd grader.

Anonymous said...

But Bush was a dumb pres.

Anonymous said...

Well john, first of all im not Erin. 2nd of all i am an idiot that lives in your district and actually voted for your sorry ass. 3rd, if i recall Ernie and company did support you. Do they know the shit you and your scum girlfriend speak of them? Didnt take you long to turn traitor. Finally, ernie doesnt want precinct 2 commish, he wants the port. All it took was a quick phone call to ernie to ask him.

Anonymous said...

So having an education is a bad thing now? What education does Tetreau have, Hanna High School? She's always throwing out the pregnancy card like she's proud of getting pregnant by an old fart she beats up in front of her children. Nobody cares that you're pregnant. Pay your employees you dumb hoe.

Nora said...

They should have had a contest for students to come up with winning logo. $90,000 could have paid for college!

Anonymous said...

Aye John, Tetreau has nothing to do with this. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

It seems that John threw the degree card in order to justify that he is qualified to do as he pleases with our resources. Any person with or without an MBA, can see that this logo is a waste of taxpayers' money.

Anonymous said...

You're being too generous crediting her with a HS degree. She has one from Oliveria Middle School, max. Go Dolphins! Narizones y dientudos como la Tetreau.

Anonymous said...

Having an MBA in marketing then he should know better paying $90,000 is a ripoff.

Stop spending our tax dollars on crap, fix our streets and roads idiots! Where's the safety for the citizens of Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

The logo did not cost $90,000, pendejo. Get your facts straight then open your mouth.
