Thursday, September 3, 2015


"In her right hand she held a scale; 
Into the scale pieces of gold were tossed 
By those who dodged the strokes of the sword.
Then a youth wearing a red cap 
Leaped to her side and snatched away the bandage. 
And lo, the lashes had been eaten away 
From the oozy eye-lids; 
The eye-balls were seared with a milky mucus; 
The madness of a dying soul 
Was written on her face-- 
But the multitude saw why she wore the bandage."
Carl Hamlin 
From The Spoon River Anthology
By Edgar Lee Masters 

By Juan Montoya
Under the watchful (and approving) eyes of two rinches, a somber Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz stood next to Brownsville Police Chief Orlando Rodriguez and asserted that the shooting of an unarmed man by an obviously unstable Brownsville cop was justifiable.
The choreographed conference came more than a month after 24-year-old Roman Rodriguez was shot twice in the left side of his chest by policeman Rolando Trujillo, a seven-year veteran of the force. The DA's Office and the police gave media reps hand-picked evidence that they recorded on a disk that included the video from the camera on the cop's car, a photograph of the tattoo of a star on the victim's right hand, and Trujillos' tearful statement to Texas Rangers.
Saenz would not answer any questions on what evidence he presented to the garnd jury, other than to refer to the cherry-picked evidence handed the media.
Many questions arise. The shooting resulted from a "beer run" at a local convenience store and nothing suggests that anyone was assaulted or threatened. Yet, the passenger in the SUV Rodriguez was driving and who fled the scene is charged with aggravated robbery. Why?
And where is the "long gray" object that led Trujillo to believe that Rodriguez had a "deadly weapon?" It turns out it was a screwdriver found in the cab of the SUV.
When was Trujillo's statement taken by the Rangers? Was it after he had consulted with police officials and his attorneys so that he could pull off all the right "buzz" words that justify deadly force on the part of a policeman?
The fact that Trujillo admitted that he had fired four shots at very close range and missed two indicates that the officer was not emotionally stable. And the crocodile tears in his taped statement reek of his rehearsed performance seemd aimed at eliciting sympathy for his plight.
Anyone who sees the video will see that at one point Trujillo has the door to Rodriguez's SUV open and that the cab light is on and the inside is open to view. If there was a "deadly" weapon in the cab (and no on has proven that yet), it would have been plainly visible.
Sanez fairly bristled when he was asked what evidence was presented to the grand jury to lead to the no-bill.
"Why am I going to stand her and give you a synopsis when you are gonna see it? That's why I'm going to give you the video," he snarled at the reporters.
Since Saenz is asking that the "evidence"in the disk should be taken at face value by the public and he refuses to show the media what and how the "evidence" was presented to the grand jury, we are asked to imagine what it was. An imagined scenario of the presentation follows follows below:

DA; Ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury, we are here for you to determine whether this fine public servant and keeper of law and order who shot an alcohol-crazed aggravated barrio thief in self defense was guilty of anything else but of defending his life and the safety of the public. The name of this fine officer is Rolando Trujillo Jr. and I will ask him the questions.

DA: Officer Trujillo, how are you today:
TRUJILLO: Fine, sir. I feel safe now.

DA: Why is that fine officer?
TRUJILLO: Because at the time when I stopped that alcohol-crazed barrio thief I was IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE!

DA: Tell us about the events, officer.
TRUJILLO: I was on patrol and got a call about a beer run at a convenience store and rushed over to follow the suspect's SUV and eventually stopped him. I then walked over and opened his door. He looked at me and I could sense that my life was in danger and I FEARED FOR MY LIFE!

DA: What do you remember most of all as you focused on the suspect's hands?
TRUJILLO: The tattoo of the star. I didn't know if it was the tattoo that corresponded to Los Vallucos, La Eme, El Syndicato, or any of those prison gangs. At the very moment I saw the tattoo, I FEARED FOR MY LIFE!

DA: What led you to believe that officer?
TRUJILLO: I saw him with a long gray object that I took to be a deadly weapon and I FEARED FOR MY LIFE!

DA: At what time did you feel justified in shooting the alcohol-crazed barrio suspect?
TRUJILLO: When I saw him look at me with those shifty eyes. I've seen that look before and my dad Rolando Trujillo Sr. who used to patrol 14th Street bars and keep those punks in line told me not to trust those shifty barrio types. He shot one, too. Now every time I see one I FEAR FOR MY LIFE!

DA: When you searched the car and looked for a deadly weapon, what did you find?
TRUJILLO: We found a screwdriver, a weapon of choice against a regulation 9 mm handgun by alcohol-crazed barrio thieves. One look at the screwdriver and I FEARED FOR MY LIFE!


Anonymous said...

Tattoo on hand fear,shifty eyes feared for my life dam dude you should not be cop.I no the job is not easy SOMETIMES BUT dam killed a guy for that tonto,wouldn't want my son to run into you on a traffic stop his sunglasses might scare you

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. The DA presented evidence to the grand jury. The evidence was ---- for the purpose of an indictment? But he didn't think an indictment was needed? It's not hard to imagine him sanitizing the evidence so the jury would no bill.

Anonymous said...

What's Masso going to make of this? Nada?

Anonymous said...

What a pair of ostrich-sized eggs you have Juan to call out the DA and the whole investigation for what it is. The DA is right, the video says it all and what it says is COLD BLOODED MURDER. What did the DA tell the grand jury for them to NOT SEE the obvious. The cop could have backed off and call for backup before taking out his gun. That is so sad. Look at DA and chief faces: they cant even lie with a straight face. The family will get tons of money when they sue while Trigger Trujillo will be out on the streets of Brownsville once again itching to take that bullet out of his shirt pocket.

Anonymous said...

Voluntary statement of Brownsville police officer Rolando Trujillo Jr

Anonymous said...

a body camera would show what happened in the car

Anonymous said...

Screw drivers are standard in cars. I carry a Philips .and two assorted ones that I use off and on.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Sgt. Joe Alvarado. He worked for DA Saenz during his first DA term. Joe was a good guy, who took his own life. Go back and read about it!

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story......make sure you keep your shit stick son at home!

Anonymous said...

The next time you or your family are victims of a crime......make sure to tell the police to wait for their back up. If its too dark or the conditions are not perfect, tell the cops to walk away or while they are at it, to run! Before you say "it's just beer", I'm sure that you would be the first to call if they stole a freaking flower pot from your house!

Autopsy results reflect that the guy was drunk, on cocaine and on pills! His stupid actions contributed to his demise. The video can only show you what a camera captured. Neither you or I were there to see or feel what this officer did. Once again, this guy would not be dead if he was at home, being an outstanding citizen and father. By all accounts, the driver was a CONVICTED CRIMINAL!

Anonymous said...

No way this cop shot that person in cold blood. Trujillo states, "...And then I ordered Rodriguez to get out of the car in Spanish. Rodriguez then looked directly at me and looked directly at my duty weapon. Rodriguez refused and said ‘Pues nombre.’ Rodriguez with his right hand opened the center consul. Rodriguez placed his hand inside the center consul; my line of sight was completely blocked of Rodriguez’s right hand. I immediately unholstered my duty issued 6R P226, and as I was in the process of actively targeting the suspect, Rodriguez then began to pull out an object that was long and dull gray colored."
On the video at 1:28 he gestures Rodriguez to get out then from 1:31 to 1:33 he is not facing Rodriguez he is looking away from him at 1:33 Rodriguez closes the door and Trujillo faces Rodriguez and begins reaching and unholstering his weapon as Trujillo's hand is on the door of the vehicle. At 1:34, Trujillo starts firing at Rodriguez at the same time Rodriguez changes gear to drive and tries to flee. So tell me this, in one second, Rodriguez said "Pues hombre" saying that phrase takes one second, at the same time he is opening the center console then puts his hand inside the center console closes the door puts the vehicle into drive??? all of that in one second as you can see from the video??!! WTF? This guys is lying and thinks because he wears a badge he is above the law??! Looks like his daddy pulled some strings somewhere since daddy is a veteran cop. Pathetic of BPD and Luis Saenz. What pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

Cold Blooded Murder!!! Impunity and Corruption has crossed the line in this murder by a trigger happy cop, a picture says more than a 1000 words just looking at Trujillo's face you can see his arrogance and superiority attitude, after this Brownsville's Citizens will never feel safe when pulled over by a BPD officer.

Anonymous said...

I will be honest in the past i have encountered this fellow officer and with all honesty both times i encountered him he has always been very profesional toward citizens i trully believe he did fear his safety and the safety of others all i can say is people will judge always but when you have to make the decision people don't see that now the mother wants answers what answers your son was commiting a CRIME lady.....

Anonymous said...

I would not pick over the details to much. Even though his Mother loved him, he was a young thug, who would be a pimple on the ass of Brownsville, until he was taken out by somebody. The Cop did the community a service, whether he was within the law or not.

chief cool arrow said...

Da has got to go, very arrogant at the conference, couldn't even answer the questions es puro cabrito, the tv reporter was pushing the right buttons cuz what I saw was luis the da and rollie the police chief could not handle the questions, a good pair of liars both of these dudes. Cameron County voters needs to retire this PVC next election time.

Anonymous said...

Don't be critical of the comments remember cops also have to abide by the law,have you read the statements made by the officer its weak as seems he overreacted, not everybody is cut out to be policeman period.ask yourself if it were your son or daughter

Anonymous said...

You ignoramus pendejo ,the moral of the story is don't panic and always have self control

Anonymous said...

Of course he was emotionally unstable....his adrenaline is already high, there is another guy on the loose and he has to concentrate and make a split decision. Dead guy should have stepped out like he was ordered and he'd still be around. None of you are officers and therefore have never been in the position. God help all of us that we are never in that position! roben y si los cachan, salganse del pinche carro si la policia Te esta apuntando con una pistola en mano!

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan,

What happened to my "BIASED" comment? Did the shoe fit?

Anonymous said...

"A society that makes war against its police had better learn to make friends with criminals." 

Anonymous said...

I concur with anonymous sept 4 @9:58pm

Anonymous said...

Overreacted? Action is faster than reaction.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

By far, THE best video:

Anonymous said...

Truenohere is a lying pork officer how sad his life now he migth as well go live on the moon with his family let us pray for this poor pitifull pork officer may god forgive him and if not may he rot in hell slowly good riddance

Unknown said...

Trujillo crying like a little bitch to get off easily making a show feared for his life dam liar you are a dirty cop by the way you represent your team you are corrupted will be and always has been how many more people have to die by this corrupted cop he deserves to be put in prison to see how tough he really is without a badge and see what fear is really about nothing abusing authority again and again
